Inconspicuous habits that are best left in the past, they have nothing to do with hygiene
We do some things every day without even thinking about it. All of this forms our habits. But did you know that not all of them are right? Today we want to tell you about habits that are far from the rules of hygiene.
Editorial "Site" It tells you what habits are best to give up once and for all. Check if you have any habits on the list.
Various everyday habits are formed in us unconsciously. We’ve been doing this since childhood, so we don’t do it otherwise. To be honest, we were a bit shocked by some of the things on the list. We did a lot of things wrong, too.
Let’s start with the most amazing thing. Turns out you don't have to rinse your mouth with water after brushing your teeth. Fluoride, which is found in toothpaste, protects teeth from tooth decay. But if after cleaning you rinse your mouth with water, then all the fluoride is washed away. Therefore, dentists recommend just spit foam and do not rinse your mouth with water. Admit it, you didn't know that, did you?
The bathroom is very humid environment, which is excellent for the reproduction of bacteria. That's why you can't keep the towels you want to use. You risk transferring these bacteria to your body. Especially be careful with face towels. After all, this can cause rashes. It is best to store towels in a closed cabinet in a room with normal humidity. After use, the towel should be sent to the wash immediately.
Usually we have one comb at our disposal, which we use several times a day. Our hair remains on it, as well as skin cells and fat from this hair. Because of this, the comb turns into a breeding ground for microbes. Therefore, it is important to clean the comb regularly and thoroughly. Dermatologists recommend doing this at least once every two weeks. First, you need to remove all your hair. And secondly, soak in a soapy solution for several hours, and then clean and dry.
We all learned during the pandemic how important it is to wash our hands thoroughly. However, not everyone has learned to do it correctly. Some people mistakenly believe that you need to wash your hands in hot water to get rid of bacteria. But it's not. Water becomes dangerous to bacteria only when it is heated to 60 degrees. You will not wash your hands with this water, because the maximum temperature for this is 40 degrees.
It is much more important to soap your hands, distribute soap all over the surface, hold it a little, and only then wash it off. That way, all the bacteria will disappear. But too hot water will only dry your skin.
Our clothes for sleep - this is perhaps the most cozy thing. It may seem like clothes you don’t need to change too often. In fact, we only wear it at home. On average, pyjamas are changed every two weeks, but this is a real unsanitary condition. Doctors say that you need to change clothes for sleep at least once every four days.
Who would have thought that such ordinary things could be a real danger to us? We need to learn more about habits and their impact on our lives. We hope this article will help you get rid of bad habits and make your life safer.
Admit it, what habits on the list do you sin?

Editorial "Site" It tells you what habits are best to give up once and for all. Check if you have any habits on the list.
Various everyday habits are formed in us unconsciously. We’ve been doing this since childhood, so we don’t do it otherwise. To be honest, we were a bit shocked by some of the things on the list. We did a lot of things wrong, too.
Let’s start with the most amazing thing. Turns out you don't have to rinse your mouth with water after brushing your teeth. Fluoride, which is found in toothpaste, protects teeth from tooth decay. But if after cleaning you rinse your mouth with water, then all the fluoride is washed away. Therefore, dentists recommend just spit foam and do not rinse your mouth with water. Admit it, you didn't know that, did you?

The bathroom is very humid environment, which is excellent for the reproduction of bacteria. That's why you can't keep the towels you want to use. You risk transferring these bacteria to your body. Especially be careful with face towels. After all, this can cause rashes. It is best to store towels in a closed cabinet in a room with normal humidity. After use, the towel should be sent to the wash immediately.

Usually we have one comb at our disposal, which we use several times a day. Our hair remains on it, as well as skin cells and fat from this hair. Because of this, the comb turns into a breeding ground for microbes. Therefore, it is important to clean the comb regularly and thoroughly. Dermatologists recommend doing this at least once every two weeks. First, you need to remove all your hair. And secondly, soak in a soapy solution for several hours, and then clean and dry.

We all learned during the pandemic how important it is to wash our hands thoroughly. However, not everyone has learned to do it correctly. Some people mistakenly believe that you need to wash your hands in hot water to get rid of bacteria. But it's not. Water becomes dangerous to bacteria only when it is heated to 60 degrees. You will not wash your hands with this water, because the maximum temperature for this is 40 degrees.
It is much more important to soap your hands, distribute soap all over the surface, hold it a little, and only then wash it off. That way, all the bacteria will disappear. But too hot water will only dry your skin.
Our clothes for sleep - this is perhaps the most cozy thing. It may seem like clothes you don’t need to change too often. In fact, we only wear it at home. On average, pyjamas are changed every two weeks, but this is a real unsanitary condition. Doctors say that you need to change clothes for sleep at least once every four days.

Who would have thought that such ordinary things could be a real danger to us? We need to learn more about habits and their impact on our lives. We hope this article will help you get rid of bad habits and make your life safer.
Admit it, what habits on the list do you sin?
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