Monologue of Andrei Mironov from the film “Faryatyev’s Fantasia” about the need to look at the sky more often
I love movies with Andrey Mironov! What's worth it? miracle Smuggler Gesha Kozodoev in the Diamond Hand. I love how he sang the song “Island of Bad Luck.”
Or the role of police captain Andrei Vasiliev in “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia”. The actor himself performed complex tricks - jumped from a divorced bridge, descended from the sixth floor along the carpet. He starred without doubles and in episodes with a lion! A delightful actor: talented, beautiful and intelligent.
Films with Andrei Mironov
Today's edition. "Site" I want to remember with you, dear reader. monologue by Andrei Mironov from the movie "Faryatev's Fantasies". This is a real message, you just have to hear it!
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Andrey Mironov’s monologue “We suffer from small, unnecessary problems, we waste our thoughts and feelings in vain, we are born looking at our feet, only under our feet.” Remember how from childhood we are taught: “Look at your feet...” Don't fall down..." We go into another world without knowing who we are or why we are here.
But somewhere deep in us lives one desire: there, up, home! To the distant world where we came from. And where people like us live. Only they're home and happy. I even think they think about us sometimes. They feel sorry for us. Don't you feel that? Have you ever felt like someone was waiting for you?
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Why do lovers look at the stars? Why are they so attracted to the sky? And it opens before them like doors into an infinite, familiar world. Why do we dream of flying since childhood?
And then, in old age, we dream that we fall down, fall rapidly. Oh, it feels terrible! But you obviously haven't dreamed of it yet.
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Why in our dreams do we speak in languages unknown to us, quite freely? Why do we see clearly amazing landscapes and buildings that are familiar to us and that we have never seen in reality? Why? And the feelings, extraordinary, bright, hot, that we forget during the day!
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Have you ever recognized people you've never seen before? Knowing how old friends are, by movement, by smell? And the words to us that no one has said! Where are they from?
We are called, asked for help, warned of danger. Dozens, hundreds of votes. How? If all this had not happened... Oh, if it wasn't! Would it be worth living a life as short as a moment? But in one small life we are born and go to another world dozens of times for many other people. What is it? Tell me! Is that fantasy?
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Important words, but they are more than a lifetime. Why are we ignoring them? They live in us for something. Look at the people. Would they have hurt each other if they had known? What if they knew they were one? If only they remembered that they had such a short life, and if they had guessed their desire to see this distant world.
All our misfortunes are short-lived. Children, our children, or our grandchildren, or great-grandchildren, they will understand that. They'll throw away the small stuff. Believe me, they will love each other. All!
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
And they will say to their children, “Don’t look at your feet, raise your head.”
You notice that a person has ailments constantly, from birth to its end. Ailments alternate, come, go. But it's not natural. After all, some crocodile or ant lives here, nearby, but is not subject to such strange, endless ailments!
I have systematically observed and drawn conclusions. I'll tell you more... I think I've found the key to this most terrible ailment. I'm pretty sure I found it.”
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
In this video you can watch and listen to this. monologue performed by Andrei Alexandrovich himself. In my opinion, it's genius! Once again, I just love movies with Andrei Mironov.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=EKozcRHjLcM
I also suggest to get acquainted with a wonderful selection of films for soul rest. In this list you, our dear readers, will find beautiful Soviet films, watching which you can spend many pleasant minutes and hours.
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
And I want to end this article with the words from the same monologue: “Don’t look at your feet, raise your head!” Life is so beautiful, remember that. Do not dwell on problems, throw away fears and laziness that push you away from meeting your dreams, prevent you from realizing them. Be kind to those around you, be kind and considerate to yourself. And believe it will come true!
Inspired by this monologue, I think I’ll go see more movies. Andrey Mironov. I love “Heavenly Swallows” and “The Man from Capuchin Boulevard.” What is your favorite movie with him?
Thank you, dear reader, for staying with us. Have a good day!
Or the role of police captain Andrei Vasiliev in “The Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia”. The actor himself performed complex tricks - jumped from a divorced bridge, descended from the sixth floor along the carpet. He starred without doubles and in episodes with a lion! A delightful actor: talented, beautiful and intelligent.
Films with Andrei Mironov

Today's edition. "Site" I want to remember with you, dear reader. monologue by Andrei Mironov from the movie "Faryatev's Fantasies". This is a real message, you just have to hear it!
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Andrey Mironov’s monologue “We suffer from small, unnecessary problems, we waste our thoughts and feelings in vain, we are born looking at our feet, only under our feet.” Remember how from childhood we are taught: “Look at your feet...” Don't fall down..." We go into another world without knowing who we are or why we are here.
But somewhere deep in us lives one desire: there, up, home! To the distant world where we came from. And where people like us live. Only they're home and happy. I even think they think about us sometimes. They feel sorry for us. Don't you feel that? Have you ever felt like someone was waiting for you?
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Why do lovers look at the stars? Why are they so attracted to the sky? And it opens before them like doors into an infinite, familiar world. Why do we dream of flying since childhood?
And then, in old age, we dream that we fall down, fall rapidly. Oh, it feels terrible! But you obviously haven't dreamed of it yet.
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Why in our dreams do we speak in languages unknown to us, quite freely? Why do we see clearly amazing landscapes and buildings that are familiar to us and that we have never seen in reality? Why? And the feelings, extraordinary, bright, hot, that we forget during the day!
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Have you ever recognized people you've never seen before? Knowing how old friends are, by movement, by smell? And the words to us that no one has said! Where are they from?
We are called, asked for help, warned of danger. Dozens, hundreds of votes. How? If all this had not happened... Oh, if it wasn't! Would it be worth living a life as short as a moment? But in one small life we are born and go to another world dozens of times for many other people. What is it? Tell me! Is that fantasy?
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
Important words, but they are more than a lifetime. Why are we ignoring them? They live in us for something. Look at the people. Would they have hurt each other if they had known? What if they knew they were one? If only they remembered that they had such a short life, and if they had guessed their desire to see this distant world.
All our misfortunes are short-lived. Children, our children, or our grandchildren, or great-grandchildren, they will understand that. They'll throw away the small stuff. Believe me, they will love each other. All!
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
And they will say to their children, “Don’t look at your feet, raise your head.”
You notice that a person has ailments constantly, from birth to its end. Ailments alternate, come, go. But it's not natural. After all, some crocodile or ant lives here, nearby, but is not subject to such strange, endless ailments!
I have systematically observed and drawn conclusions. I'll tell you more... I think I've found the key to this most terrible ailment. I'm pretty sure I found it.”
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
In this video you can watch and listen to this. monologue performed by Andrei Alexandrovich himself. In my opinion, it's genius! Once again, I just love movies with Andrei Mironov.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=EKozcRHjLcM
I also suggest to get acquainted with a wonderful selection of films for soul rest. In this list you, our dear readers, will find beautiful Soviet films, watching which you can spend many pleasant minutes and hours.
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A post shared by Andrei Mironov (@_andrey_mironov___)
And I want to end this article with the words from the same monologue: “Don’t look at your feet, raise your head!” Life is so beautiful, remember that. Do not dwell on problems, throw away fears and laziness that push you away from meeting your dreams, prevent you from realizing them. Be kind to those around you, be kind and considerate to yourself. And believe it will come true!
Inspired by this monologue, I think I’ll go see more movies. Andrey Mironov. I love “Heavenly Swallows” and “The Man from Capuchin Boulevard.” What is your favorite movie with him?
Thank you, dear reader, for staying with us. Have a good day!
Memo for mistresses that will be interesting even to wives
Mom watched as marinating minced cutlets in the restaurant, while working there dishwasher.