30 facts about drunk driving

It belongs to the states, but important for any country
Drunk driving is responsible for about 1/3 of all traffic fatalities in the United States and around the world too
In 2007, drinking and driving caused the death of about 13,000 Americans.
On average, in the US every 40 minutes someone is killed by a drunk driver.
Roughly three out of ten Americans at some point in their lives, get into accidents because of drunkenness.
More than 1, 4 million drivers were arrested for managing transport in a state of alcohol or drugs in 2007.
In accordance with the law in all 50 states, the driver is considered drunk when the blood alcohol content is at or above 0, 08 grams per deciliter (g / dL).
To achieve a concentration of 0, 08 g / dL, a person weighing about 78 kilograms should consume 4 glasses of alcohol in one hour on an empty stomach. A woman weighing about 64 kilograms is enough for three glasses of an alcoholic beverage for the same period of time.
For a complete removal of alcohol from the body would take about six hours after consumption.
Since alcohol dissolves in water in large quantities, its maximum concentration achieved in the liver, kidney, and brain.
Even if the level of alcohol in the blood in such low volumes, as 0, 02 g / dL, it can significantly affect a person's reaction time to degrade the ability of driving. The probability of an accident is greatly increased after 0, 05 g / dl of alcohol in the blood, and even faster after 0, 08 g / dL.
The driver, with an alcohol content of 0, 08 g / dL, has 11 times more likely to cause an accident than someone who was completely sober.
In 2007, more than half of drunk drivers caught in fatal crashes had a blood alcohol level between 0 and 15 g / dl, which is almost twice the maximum permissible norms.
Accidents involving drunk drivers more likely to occur at night than during the day. In 2007, 36% of motorists caught in an accident at night, were drunk, compared with the fact that during the day, only 9%.
About 75% of fatal accidents take place due to the fault of alcohol from midnight to 3 am.
High scores stay behind the wheel while intoxicated found among drivers aged 21-24 years. This age group accounts for 35% of the total number of drunks behind the wheel.
Drivers of motorcycles are at greater risk for fatal outcome drunken accidents.
Nearly 75% of drunk motorists involved in fatal collisions were not fastened seat belts.
Accident caused by alcohol occur in 2 times more often on weekends than during the rest of the time.
The laws of two different states use abbreviations to describe the drunken man behind the wheel - a DWI and DUI. DWI is described as "driving under the influence," and usually only applies to alcohol, whereas DUI stands for "driving under the influence" and can refer to alcohol or drugs.
Beer is the most common type of alcoholic beverage drunk when identifying the type of DUI, if you believe data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA). In addition, this drink is the most used by minors and is an essential attribute of youth binge drinking.
Drugs (eg, marijuana and cocaine) are the cause of 18% of road accidents with fatalities, and are often used in combination with alcohol.
Men are about twice as likely than women to sit behind the wheel drunk and fall into a major accident.
All 50 states and the District of Columbia now have laws "zero tolerance" that make alcohol illegal for people under the age of 21, and prohibit to drive with an alcohol content in blood between 0 and 02 g / dl or higher.
"Mothers Against Drunk Driving» (Madd), one of the most active political groups in the fight against drinking and driving, formed in 1980 in Irving, Texas, a woman named Candace Lightner. She created a group after her teenage daughter was struck and killed by a drunk driver, but later withdrew from the organization felt that her attitude toward drunk drivers changed the whole to all people who use alcohol.
Wyoming has the status of the most dangerous in the number of accidents involving drunk drivers, 13 deaths per 100 000 people each year. Those figures in New York significantly below about 2, 06% to 100 thousand inhabitants.
A terrible accident caused by drunk drivers in the United States occurred in 1988 near the border states of Kentucky. The driver of a car with a blood alcohol level of 0, 24 g / dL, provoked a head-on collision with a school bus. Subsequently, due to the ensuing fire killed 27 people (most of them children) and injured 34 more person.
To determine the level of alcohol in the blood is easy enough. Police and doctors use breathalyser device that operates on the basis of the analysis of exhaled vapor from the lungs.
According to one study, mobile phones while driving may be as dangerous as driving under the influence. Chatters drivers simply fail to respond to the signs of the traffic lights and the surrounding traffic. Frighten the facts based on which NHTSA estimate that more than 100 million Americans use the phone while driving, of which 8% communicate through correspondence.
In 2006, at least 40% of drunk drivers involved in fatal accidents, speed is significantly higher than the norm in certain sections of the road.
Somewhere between 50% and 75% of drivers who lost their rights because of drinking and driving, continue to control the car without proper documents.