Uzhastno road to riches, 16 photos
I found some interesting facts, I share with everyone, not to follow, but incrimination Devil's antics on the vine.
Some people for the money ready to go on anything. Able to commit the most heinous crime just to reach the goal.
Bell Ganness way to riches "paved the fire»
The key to a good life - to profit from their "losses." It followed this rule Ganness Belle (Belle Gunness), which succeeded, despite, or rather because of a series of devastating fires.
In 1881, Bell Ganness emigrated from Norway to the United States, quickly marries and opens the sweet shop. But this is not the case brings her profit. A year later, the store burned to the ground, fortunately, he was insured. On received the insurance money Bell buys a house in Austin. In 1898, the house also burned to the ground. He, fortunately, was insured. In 1900, her husband Max Sorenson, burns ... no, kind of like dying. By the way, not long before it just insures your life.
Ganness the money gets to the farm in La Porte, Indiana. And what do you think, shortly after moving to the farm shed for storage of boats and crews burned to ashes. Do not you find it strange?
In 1902, as a result of a rather strange accident killed second husband Peter Bell Ganness: it "accidentally" drops a big chopper. As a result, Bell, which she was insured and prudently insured all close, and in the most reliable insurance company in the world, receives insurance in the amount of $ 3,000.
Bell Ganness starts looking for a new life partner who would help her carry all the "hardships of life." It locates in a Norwegian newspaper announcement of acquaintance. Over the next few years, the fans who came to the Bell farm, after a while insuring their lives and then mysteriously disappeared.
In April 1908 after a fire at the farm police found in the basement 4 charred bodies: one adult and three children. Believing that the body belonged to an adult Ganness Bell. Identification hampered that the body was decapitated.
Police in the investigation of the case in the backyard farm unearthed the remains of 12 more bodies and a large number of different parts of the body. However, the head of the Bell Ganness and could not find, despite the best efforts of its insurance company, which, for obvious reasons, wanted to be sure of the death of Bell hundred percent.
American of Norwegian origin became the most famous woman-killer in US history. For several decades Ganness killed more than 30 people, and all in order to receive payments for life insurance.
What she earned on this?
Only fans klyunuvshih on its announcement of acquaintance, Bell earned $ 30,000, the total was about $ 250 000. Impressive! However, taking into account the number of corpses that it paved the way to wealth is obtained somewhere in the $ 6 per victim.
Burke and Hare sold the body to provide a decent life
William Burke (William Burke) and William Hare (William Hare), like the majority of British young people of the 19th century, decided to organize its work in order to earn money. However, the case have been somewhat unusual: they stole the bodies and sold them to medical schools for dissection (they practiced medical students). In those days it was quite common crimes, and the authorities often turned a blind eye to them, as the victim were still dead.
His first income Burke and Hare received from the sale of the corpse of the owner of the house, which they rented a room. They sold it to the body of the Edinburgh Medical College for seven pounds.
After that young people are thinking, how they make their business profitable. At first, these enterprising young men simply dug out the bodies of the dead and wounded, and then began to kill people themselves.
For eighteen months of its business activity, the pair had killed 16 people, along with their wives. First they killed the owners who rented housing, and then, when the "owners of the rooms" are over, young people began to lure other tenants.
To expose the "businessmen" one of the owners of rooms, which once discovered the corpse under the bed of one of the young men, and immediately reported it to the police. William Hare escaped punishment in exchange for testimony against his "companion." As a result, in 1829, William Burke was hanged, and his body was handed over for dissection in one of the medical colleges.
How much do they earn on it?
Apparently, these guys were ready to cut the entire city, if only to secure a comfortable life. Burke kept a diary in which he took notes of each murder. One of the entries was as follows: "July 1st. Englishman sold for £ 10 ... »
It is known that they had killed 16 people, and how much is still left unsolved murders and how many corpses were dug up dead ... We can only guess how much they were able to earn some money.
Marcus Licinius Crassus for profit bought the house last
Marcus Licinius Crassus (Marcus Licinius Crassus) - Roman general and politician who lived in the years 115-53 BC. He is known that suppressed a revolt of Spartacus. He made a fortune thanks to the profitable sale of houses and property of victims commander Sulla, the slave trade, silver mining and real estate. It is believed that Crassus organized the first fire brigade. But he did it not with a noble purpose, but only to make money from the owners of houses and further multiply their wealth.
It all started with the fact that in Rome, the cases of major fires. The buildings were built very close to each other, and they were very high, and they support beams were made of wood. So the building burned almost to the ground. Enterprising Crassus quickly realized how to make money on this. He bought 500 slaves and formed them into the fire brigade. As soon as somewhere flashed fire, Crassus immediately appeared there with their fire and the owners offered to buy them at a low price is insignificant burning houses, or they will be burned to the ground along with the entire property. Then these same slaves skilfully restored bought the building. And the property was sold the previous owners, but for a very good amount.
What he earned it?
Eventually Marcus Crassus managed to save the state an annual income equal to the Roman Empire. In today's on-year it equals 169, 8 billion dollars. Marcus Licinius Crassus is on the list of 10 richest people of all time.
At some point, began to feel that Crassus owns all of Rome (some felt that they themselves were the fires of his arms business). Marcus Crassus was so greedy for wealth, that after his death the enemy cut off his head and poured molten silver into his mouth - a sign of his greed.
Residents Vernon maimed themselves for money
In the late 50's and early 60-ies of the last century two-thirds of all US accidents that result in people losing their limbs and maimed occurred for some reason in the western Florida. According to John Healy (John J. Healy), is investigating insurance fraud, the residents of Vernon really deliberately mutilated themselves to receive insurance payments for the lost limb. About 50 residents (total number of residents of Vernon at the time was 780 people) affected by the sudden horrible "accident."
One of the insurance agents at the time said that the list of his clients were men who allegedly took a sip while working his left hand, and a man who accidentally shot in the leg while protecting chickens, as a man, like how to lose arm, hunting hawk. And one queer ran to him less than 12 hours after the purchase of an insurance policy with prostrelyanny foot, which he allegedly injured while aiming at a squirrel.
However, insurance agents, apparently having learned a loud affair Bell Ganness, wary of all these strange cases. Snapped his fingers at work, it seems to be true. Sawed off the entire palm to itself, not everyone is capable of. However, residents of this small town, and distinguished by the fact that if it was necessary, could make really desperate acts and sacrifices.
How much do they earn on it?
None of the residents had not been charged with fraud, but also to find out how much they were able to "earn" in such a way is not so easy. We only know that one farmer was able to protect yourself in 38 different insurance companies before he "lost" his left leg.
He concluded as insurance contracts, the size of them received premiums exceeded all of his annual income. Thus he was able to capitalize on this $ 1 000 000.
"Pretty hard to convince a jury that a person is able to shoot himself deliberately foot," - said representatives of insurance companies. Another proof of the fact that at times be a little "crazy" can be quite profitable.
Dr. Holmes earned on the sale of skeletons
Medical education and mania in the killings do not make the best combination.
That man was Dr. HH Holmes (HH Holmes), who in 1884 graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Michigan. In the late 80s, he went to Chicago to build a career pharmacist. It was flexible, friendly, charming and agreeable man. But only at first glance.
To build his career, he began by saying that he had killed the mistress of the pharmacy where he worked, and became the owner of the establishment. Friends, he said that the landlady went to California. Recognizing that in order to build a successful business, you have to capture the territory, he bought sold to a pharmacy opposite the building and make it a hotel.
In fact, the hotel called this place was difficult. The basement was equipped machines, on which the doctor was checking how the human body can be stretched.
On special order within the premises it was done so that the people who visited it could get lost in a matter of seconds. Dr. catch their victims, dragged them into the basement, there flay their skin from the rest of the fabric, and the skeletons sold to medical institutions.
In 1893, Holmes left the hotel due to lack of customers (apparently he killed all in Chicago), and went to seek his fortune in Philadelphia. There he earned a further 10 000 for insurance, killing his business partner Pittselya. Although manslaughter is difficult to call. He poured petrol on it and looked like he agonized in agony.
After Holmes went into hiding, taking the three children of the deceased partner. Guess what happened to them.
As a result, the police caught the doctor on charges of murder Pittselya and his offspring. The doctor was hanged. The official number of victims of a maniac - 27, but in reality there were many more.
What he earned it?
Calculate how much Holmes bailed out the sale of skeletons, is quite difficult. Therefore, the only known remains the insurance sum for the death of his partner Pittselya - $ 10 000.
Dr. Marcel Petiau earned immigrants
In January 1942 the Nazis occupied France, and then broke the hunt for Jews. Human life is no longer worth anything, then something on the horizon and Petiau povilsya Dr. Petiau. In France, full of people who are being persecuted by the Nazis. Faced with such people, the doctor gently at first hinted it on its capabilities, and then promised illegally, but safely smuggle them into the United States for only 25 000 francs per person.
The doctor was a house with an adjacent plot of land, where at one time he opened his medical practice. It was from there begins the "crossing". There it ends. That there with poison curare, or choking gases Petiau kill people to trust him, and threw the body in quicklime. At the door of the office of the doctor-killer was embedded peephole through which he watched the agony of their victims.
Since Petiau engaged "smuggled" fugitives from the Nazis, in the end, it "snitched" one of the informants, and the German police became interested in him, suspecting a doctor member of the Resistance. In 1943, it had sent a few provocateurs, but they disappeared as completely as refugees.
Understanding what is happening there is something wrong, the Germans arrested Petiau, but a search of his house revealed nothing, but the doctor had behaved surprisingly calmly and coolly.
In the end the Gestapo believed the doctor and released. He immediately rushed to his death factory. One only goal guided them as soon as possible to get rid of the bodies. Petiau had to hurry. Dr. toiled all night, got the bodies out of the pit with lime, dismembering and burning them. So it is going to that same Saturday when Petiau rolled on a bicycle on Rue Leser and found on his site hosted by the police. The neighbors could not stand the hideous offspring coming out of the chimney Petiau home and complained to the police station.
Shaken to the core, the Commissioner examined the ILSA stokehold sinister house. Next to the furnace were neatly stacked sorted "according to the nomenclature 'arms and legs, ribs and hair. On the grate dotlevali still some shapeless pieces, and before the furnace stood a big pile of charred bones.
In the 27 killings Petiau accused at the trial, and it was only those cases where traces of the victim clearly led to it. The very same offender, apparently realizing that nothing to lose, told about 63!
Investigators were able to find 80 witnesses who reported various suspicious facts, though, of course, no one saw the murder of the procedure, so well-established that she never gave a failure.
Journalists present at the trial, the doctor's office called triangular limbo.
Two years later, after the discovery of the death of the house on the Rue Leser March 28, 1946, a jury sentenced to death by one of the most cynical murderers who knows the history of criminology.
Marseille Petiau was executed on the guillotine.
What he earned it?
The doctor not only get the promised money, but all the good that people brought with them to go to the United States. According to conservative estimates, the doctor has earned 200 million francs.
Some people for the money ready to go on anything. Able to commit the most heinous crime just to reach the goal.
Bell Ganness way to riches "paved the fire»
The key to a good life - to profit from their "losses." It followed this rule Ganness Belle (Belle Gunness), which succeeded, despite, or rather because of a series of devastating fires.
In 1881, Bell Ganness emigrated from Norway to the United States, quickly marries and opens the sweet shop. But this is not the case brings her profit. A year later, the store burned to the ground, fortunately, he was insured. On received the insurance money Bell buys a house in Austin. In 1898, the house also burned to the ground. He, fortunately, was insured. In 1900, her husband Max Sorenson, burns ... no, kind of like dying. By the way, not long before it just insures your life.
Ganness the money gets to the farm in La Porte, Indiana. And what do you think, shortly after moving to the farm shed for storage of boats and crews burned to ashes. Do not you find it strange?

In 1902, as a result of a rather strange accident killed second husband Peter Bell Ganness: it "accidentally" drops a big chopper. As a result, Bell, which she was insured and prudently insured all close, and in the most reliable insurance company in the world, receives insurance in the amount of $ 3,000.
Bell Ganness starts looking for a new life partner who would help her carry all the "hardships of life." It locates in a Norwegian newspaper announcement of acquaintance. Over the next few years, the fans who came to the Bell farm, after a while insuring their lives and then mysteriously disappeared.
In April 1908 after a fire at the farm police found in the basement 4 charred bodies: one adult and three children. Believing that the body belonged to an adult Ganness Bell. Identification hampered that the body was decapitated.

Police in the investigation of the case in the backyard farm unearthed the remains of 12 more bodies and a large number of different parts of the body. However, the head of the Bell Ganness and could not find, despite the best efforts of its insurance company, which, for obvious reasons, wanted to be sure of the death of Bell hundred percent.
American of Norwegian origin became the most famous woman-killer in US history. For several decades Ganness killed more than 30 people, and all in order to receive payments for life insurance.
What she earned on this?
Only fans klyunuvshih on its announcement of acquaintance, Bell earned $ 30,000, the total was about $ 250 000. Impressive! However, taking into account the number of corpses that it paved the way to wealth is obtained somewhere in the $ 6 per victim.

Burke and Hare sold the body to provide a decent life
William Burke (William Burke) and William Hare (William Hare), like the majority of British young people of the 19th century, decided to organize its work in order to earn money. However, the case have been somewhat unusual: they stole the bodies and sold them to medical schools for dissection (they practiced medical students). In those days it was quite common crimes, and the authorities often turned a blind eye to them, as the victim were still dead.
His first income Burke and Hare received from the sale of the corpse of the owner of the house, which they rented a room. They sold it to the body of the Edinburgh Medical College for seven pounds.
After that young people are thinking, how they make their business profitable. At first, these enterprising young men simply dug out the bodies of the dead and wounded, and then began to kill people themselves.

For eighteen months of its business activity, the pair had killed 16 people, along with their wives. First they killed the owners who rented housing, and then, when the "owners of the rooms" are over, young people began to lure other tenants.
To expose the "businessmen" one of the owners of rooms, which once discovered the corpse under the bed of one of the young men, and immediately reported it to the police. William Hare escaped punishment in exchange for testimony against his "companion." As a result, in 1829, William Burke was hanged, and his body was handed over for dissection in one of the medical colleges.
How much do they earn on it?
Apparently, these guys were ready to cut the entire city, if only to secure a comfortable life. Burke kept a diary in which he took notes of each murder. One of the entries was as follows: "July 1st. Englishman sold for £ 10 ... »
It is known that they had killed 16 people, and how much is still left unsolved murders and how many corpses were dug up dead ... We can only guess how much they were able to earn some money.

Marcus Licinius Crassus for profit bought the house last
Marcus Licinius Crassus (Marcus Licinius Crassus) - Roman general and politician who lived in the years 115-53 BC. He is known that suppressed a revolt of Spartacus. He made a fortune thanks to the profitable sale of houses and property of victims commander Sulla, the slave trade, silver mining and real estate. It is believed that Crassus organized the first fire brigade. But he did it not with a noble purpose, but only to make money from the owners of houses and further multiply their wealth.
It all started with the fact that in Rome, the cases of major fires. The buildings were built very close to each other, and they were very high, and they support beams were made of wood. So the building burned almost to the ground. Enterprising Crassus quickly realized how to make money on this. He bought 500 slaves and formed them into the fire brigade. As soon as somewhere flashed fire, Crassus immediately appeared there with their fire and the owners offered to buy them at a low price is insignificant burning houses, or they will be burned to the ground along with the entire property. Then these same slaves skilfully restored bought the building. And the property was sold the previous owners, but for a very good amount.

What he earned it?
Eventually Marcus Crassus managed to save the state an annual income equal to the Roman Empire. In today's on-year it equals 169, 8 billion dollars. Marcus Licinius Crassus is on the list of 10 richest people of all time.
At some point, began to feel that Crassus owns all of Rome (some felt that they themselves were the fires of his arms business). Marcus Crassus was so greedy for wealth, that after his death the enemy cut off his head and poured molten silver into his mouth - a sign of his greed.

Residents Vernon maimed themselves for money
In the late 50's and early 60-ies of the last century two-thirds of all US accidents that result in people losing their limbs and maimed occurred for some reason in the western Florida. According to John Healy (John J. Healy), is investigating insurance fraud, the residents of Vernon really deliberately mutilated themselves to receive insurance payments for the lost limb. About 50 residents (total number of residents of Vernon at the time was 780 people) affected by the sudden horrible "accident."
One of the insurance agents at the time said that the list of his clients were men who allegedly took a sip while working his left hand, and a man who accidentally shot in the leg while protecting chickens, as a man, like how to lose arm, hunting hawk. And one queer ran to him less than 12 hours after the purchase of an insurance policy with prostrelyanny foot, which he allegedly injured while aiming at a squirrel.
However, insurance agents, apparently having learned a loud affair Bell Ganness, wary of all these strange cases. Snapped his fingers at work, it seems to be true. Sawed off the entire palm to itself, not everyone is capable of. However, residents of this small town, and distinguished by the fact that if it was necessary, could make really desperate acts and sacrifices.

How much do they earn on it?
None of the residents had not been charged with fraud, but also to find out how much they were able to "earn" in such a way is not so easy. We only know that one farmer was able to protect yourself in 38 different insurance companies before he "lost" his left leg.
He concluded as insurance contracts, the size of them received premiums exceeded all of his annual income. Thus he was able to capitalize on this $ 1 000 000.
"Pretty hard to convince a jury that a person is able to shoot himself deliberately foot," - said representatives of insurance companies. Another proof of the fact that at times be a little "crazy" can be quite profitable.

Dr. Holmes earned on the sale of skeletons
Medical education and mania in the killings do not make the best combination.
That man was Dr. HH Holmes (HH Holmes), who in 1884 graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Michigan. In the late 80s, he went to Chicago to build a career pharmacist. It was flexible, friendly, charming and agreeable man. But only at first glance.
To build his career, he began by saying that he had killed the mistress of the pharmacy where he worked, and became the owner of the establishment. Friends, he said that the landlady went to California. Recognizing that in order to build a successful business, you have to capture the territory, he bought sold to a pharmacy opposite the building and make it a hotel.

In fact, the hotel called this place was difficult. The basement was equipped machines, on which the doctor was checking how the human body can be stretched.

On special order within the premises it was done so that the people who visited it could get lost in a matter of seconds. Dr. catch their victims, dragged them into the basement, there flay their skin from the rest of the fabric, and the skeletons sold to medical institutions.
In 1893, Holmes left the hotel due to lack of customers (apparently he killed all in Chicago), and went to seek his fortune in Philadelphia. There he earned a further 10 000 for insurance, killing his business partner Pittselya. Although manslaughter is difficult to call. He poured petrol on it and looked like he agonized in agony.
After Holmes went into hiding, taking the three children of the deceased partner. Guess what happened to them.

As a result, the police caught the doctor on charges of murder Pittselya and his offspring. The doctor was hanged. The official number of victims of a maniac - 27, but in reality there were many more.
What he earned it?
Calculate how much Holmes bailed out the sale of skeletons, is quite difficult. Therefore, the only known remains the insurance sum for the death of his partner Pittselya - $ 10 000.

Dr. Marcel Petiau earned immigrants
In January 1942 the Nazis occupied France, and then broke the hunt for Jews. Human life is no longer worth anything, then something on the horizon and Petiau povilsya Dr. Petiau. In France, full of people who are being persecuted by the Nazis. Faced with such people, the doctor gently at first hinted it on its capabilities, and then promised illegally, but safely smuggle them into the United States for only 25 000 francs per person.

The doctor was a house with an adjacent plot of land, where at one time he opened his medical practice. It was from there begins the "crossing". There it ends. That there with poison curare, or choking gases Petiau kill people to trust him, and threw the body in quicklime. At the door of the office of the doctor-killer was embedded peephole through which he watched the agony of their victims.
Since Petiau engaged "smuggled" fugitives from the Nazis, in the end, it "snitched" one of the informants, and the German police became interested in him, suspecting a doctor member of the Resistance. In 1943, it had sent a few provocateurs, but they disappeared as completely as refugees.
Understanding what is happening there is something wrong, the Germans arrested Petiau, but a search of his house revealed nothing, but the doctor had behaved surprisingly calmly and coolly.
In the end the Gestapo believed the doctor and released. He immediately rushed to his death factory. One only goal guided them as soon as possible to get rid of the bodies. Petiau had to hurry. Dr. toiled all night, got the bodies out of the pit with lime, dismembering and burning them. So it is going to that same Saturday when Petiau rolled on a bicycle on Rue Leser and found on his site hosted by the police. The neighbors could not stand the hideous offspring coming out of the chimney Petiau home and complained to the police station.
Shaken to the core, the Commissioner examined the ILSA stokehold sinister house. Next to the furnace were neatly stacked sorted "according to the nomenclature 'arms and legs, ribs and hair. On the grate dotlevali still some shapeless pieces, and before the furnace stood a big pile of charred bones.
In the 27 killings Petiau accused at the trial, and it was only those cases where traces of the victim clearly led to it. The very same offender, apparently realizing that nothing to lose, told about 63!
Investigators were able to find 80 witnesses who reported various suspicious facts, though, of course, no one saw the murder of the procedure, so well-established that she never gave a failure.
Journalists present at the trial, the doctor's office called triangular limbo.

Two years later, after the discovery of the death of the house on the Rue Leser March 28, 1946, a jury sentenced to death by one of the most cynical murderers who knows the history of criminology.
Marseille Petiau was executed on the guillotine.
What he earned it?
The doctor not only get the promised money, but all the good that people brought with them to go to the United States. According to conservative estimates, the doctor has earned 200 million francs.
