One fight
Rybin was from the 1st Infantry Division of the NKVD, who parachuted from the Marine Corps in the fall. How he survived - I do not know. In the trenches he was called old man, this boy of nineteen, who managed to stay alive as much as 7 months, when the average life expectancy in the "patch" was three days. Now it is right on the beach, cut off his machine-gun fire.
Zhambalov was one of the Buryat steppes. Growing up in the boat father, a fisherman, floating like a fish, he dreamed of the sea. They never call their lake - Glorious Sea, Sacred Baikal. Now he did not say - in the eye sailor killed Finnish sniper.
Nikolavs - this has got to us from somewhere in the Kuban. Son of the Serbian teachers, who moved before the revolution.
Gavrilov - from Siberia. Tractor with the Yenisei, he easily endured one maxims from position to position and proud of it - a machine gunner. A week ago, I was a machine gunner Shmelev, 2 weeks ago - Mammadov.
Gavrilova and Nikolavsa covered mine.
Kravchenko and Luzhin had with Vladimir. Or as they said "we Volodymyr." The same age, both were a mechanic at the factory. Now they are silent - Kravchenko failed, but Luzhin still crawled and lay down under a tank. Near the tank cursing the German machinery.
Fascist patrol is not hiding, they are sure they killed all the defenders of the "Nevsky Piglet." They are laughing. They smoke. They gorge themselves on the go.
We are a party of four.
Rypanin to Vladivostok drinks water from his canteen, all to the bottom. He understands that end.
Botchuluun - Volunteer Mongolia praying, and said Komsomolets.
Aitzhanov from Kazakhstan. This - a seasoned campaigner, after injury has been attributed to the 330 Rifle Regiment.
And I, the last of the two hundred thousand soldiers and sailors.
In the seven months it does not anybody left. We're all here. A hand grenade. Easier ...
Soldiers and sailors who died in the "Nevsky patch" is dedicated.
Zhambalov was one of the Buryat steppes. Growing up in the boat father, a fisherman, floating like a fish, he dreamed of the sea. They never call their lake - Glorious Sea, Sacred Baikal. Now he did not say - in the eye sailor killed Finnish sniper.
Nikolavs - this has got to us from somewhere in the Kuban. Son of the Serbian teachers, who moved before the revolution.
Gavrilov - from Siberia. Tractor with the Yenisei, he easily endured one maxims from position to position and proud of it - a machine gunner. A week ago, I was a machine gunner Shmelev, 2 weeks ago - Mammadov.
Gavrilova and Nikolavsa covered mine.
Kravchenko and Luzhin had with Vladimir. Or as they said "we Volodymyr." The same age, both were a mechanic at the factory. Now they are silent - Kravchenko failed, but Luzhin still crawled and lay down under a tank. Near the tank cursing the German machinery.
Fascist patrol is not hiding, they are sure they killed all the defenders of the "Nevsky Piglet." They are laughing. They smoke. They gorge themselves on the go.
We are a party of four.
Rypanin to Vladivostok drinks water from his canteen, all to the bottom. He understands that end.
Botchuluun - Volunteer Mongolia praying, and said Komsomolets.
Aitzhanov from Kazakhstan. This - a seasoned campaigner, after injury has been attributed to the 330 Rifle Regiment.
And I, the last of the two hundred thousand soldiers and sailors.
In the seven months it does not anybody left. We're all here. A hand grenade. Easier ...
Soldiers and sailors who died in the "Nevsky patch" is dedicated.