GOP-SKOLKOVO, we came out of the corner!
I love my homeland, e-my!
And who else, if not her ...
Experience naive journey to innovation and barbed wire.
28 photos via Sergei Nidolov
Alexei Orlov aka Yosha O'Rlow
It's a journey we have conceived spontaneously. We discussed some regular news about Skolkovo on facebook and Seryoga take, suggest to go there. Just like that, without an invitation, and we see how to build our research center. No, I did, of course, we see that we did not see anything, and do not let us ... But Serge was not discouraged, and said that if not empty, then we write that it is not allowed. At that we decided to do. And went slightly Skolkovo explore the site and an article in Wikipedia. That is, until I learned, and Serge after ... well, more on that later.
Sergei Nidolov aka Baron Fly
I should add that we went not with the aim to expose and denounce. We are not politically biased. Personally, I judge by their actions. The government does the right thing - fine. Breeds government corruption and bureaucracy - bad. We are ordinary taxpayers, the government is working and living on our money. We are shareholders, and that the inspection of our investment in OAO "Russian", the Board of Directors, chaired by Vladimir Putin.
For example, I am impressed by Medvedev. Putin also reasonable, if it were not so licking and wadding not obkladyvali. So - zero policy !!! Two went to see the man in the street: what their taxes are spent. Everything!
The tours and conferences could go, but I'm interested to see from the street.
Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Skolkovo met us unfriendly. On the way, at first, was a building SKOLKOVO. I was there at the event, such as an open day. Then let me, once even in a car, the second time check was lost and I had left the car behind the fence, and I was booked in by scanning the bar code directly from the phone's screen.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
It was the idea to make an excursion. But showing off to me, and in the "Time" enough.
Personally, I do not understand the idea of Skolkovo, and what the hell in the field to build a science city with no economic prerequisites and demands from the industry? Do not we first decided to have a "silicon valley" Bangalore have experience in India and Cyberjaya in Malaysia. This experience makes it clear that to give birth without the act of conception is quite difficult: either a miracle or deception.
But bosses know better.
Alex "Yosha" Orlov
We parked across the street in the parking lot at the pile of snow where snow machine shed. Seeing is already outside the gate here is a check point we decided to just turn a sign of bricks and around it. But the vigilant guard jumped out and began to argue that nothing is impossible. Just nothing. Can not go, if not pass. The museum can not (about the museum later). Taking pictures is also impossible in general - everything is on the Internet. The children in the photo, too, was not allowed. And we turned and went to look for other buildings.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Museum! Interestingly, in Silicon Valley is a museum surrounded by a platoon of security and barbed wire?
BUT! Ladies and gentlemen-skeptics, the building is, that is something for our money built. The question is, what's going on inside and what it is, remains unanswered.
For me, in principle, do not understand the meaning of the construction of Skolkovo. Why such huge funds do not send in Akademgorodok, Dubna, Tomsk? There are people, there is a playground. Invest, develop. What stuck this building and surrounded by guards, I do not understand; inside were not allowed to see the process of taking photos - with cries rushed. Normal situation this research! Why this building and what is happening there remains unclear (about protection later).
But bosses know better.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
And this is the second building. Again, I went to Skolkovo absolutely no idea what's going on. But there are two big buildings, build something, that's good. Though not part of the money offshore. It inspired us ... or rather me Lesch knew a lot, but smiled and said nothing.
The fence around the school Skolkovo. Away housing Ural
Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Strictly speaking, the school is located outside the settlement Ckolkovo. A self Skolkovo - a village with luxury palaces of huge fences along the highway, and the old shack in the back of the village.
To get to the Skolkovo Technopark Skolkovo have to drive all through, to pass the next village, and already there, turn right and see another PPC.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
The village is very contrasting. The old hut-wreck and multi-storey cottages. A lot of property for sale. Simply put, the cunning people bought land, built up, and waiting for profitable customers, after all there blossom science.
But we were graciously allowed to walk half a kilometer, leaving the car there. For barrier we waited a bunch of wonderful promises.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Security and access control just infuriates. What the hell is adult, healthy men in the prime of sitting days, otraschivaya hemorrhoids and wondering crossword puzzles? It would be better allocated money to create jobs for these orphans. What are they guarding? Moreover, you'll be shocked, but in Russia there is even a factory guard posts. I have always believed that these booths do as we go on any wagon, and it is a factory!
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Naturally, a wise and understand all the Russian people beat a trail bypassing the celebration of idiocy, on which you can quickly and without delay to get to the desired point. And why? It's science city, hang the camera and record, invent a robot! Are you afraid of theft? Place a booth near the construction site or laboratory.
When I began to take off again and began to resent the ban. What were sent in plain text, the nerves could not stand.
That is the path to the hypercube. Guys, let's not report the heads of Skolkovo, and then pounce and close the path ... but there is a few kilometers to bypass the checkpoint to go, be reasonable!
But, in fact, there was again a check point and a long road along the fence with barbed wire.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
With regard to this building there was a version of the hyper in subspace. However, security!
Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Behind the fence were seen vast wasteland, some dumps. But we lured only known building - Hypercube.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Quite often fences and barbed wire. Everywhere guard posts ... and tablets with the plans. We sighed and went to the hypercube! Beauty and pride of Skolkovo. I'm looking forward to stylish unusual building full of nerds to the eyeballs. Lesch cleverly silent.
So we went to him, casting long shadows on the yellow brick road
Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Shadows recorded a bunch of cameras along the road. And we have it a little embarrassed, because immediately going for the first check point we started clicking cameras, and immediately got a commanding shout. And we realized that we are waiting for the Hypercube.
But we walked and walked. They passed another internal PPC, completely empty, and finally, there is the distance across the river zasvekali lights glasses Hypercube.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
OH YEAH! Sparkled! It is likely that a six-story barn looks spectacular at night, and the main production and scientific part is hidden in the bowels of the earth. But outside, in the afternoon - a barn in a field.
There was a bus and went to the people. From the site it became clear that held some conference. We are not allowed, although Leschi a scientific and intelligent face. What's happening, what's inside, for us remains a mystery.
Conference there permanently. Cube built in the conference? It is this humor?
Alex "Yosha" Orlov
At Hypercube was another check point at which we have been waiting three policemen. Inside, they have not allowed. Taking pictures is not allowed. They said that this is full of the Internet and recommended to photograph the golf club Abramovich over the fence.
Golf Club where here
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
He waited for us security, and a pair of police officers and men in civilian clothes. Here's to him no complaints. Guys, smiling, asked not to take pictures. In their eyes, we read: "Guys, you are going to *** out of here, and then, God forbid, that is not so - we zadolbali bosses".
Their eyes were full of wisdom and tired of all this circus with horses, but at home waiting for a legal beer and warm friend. We understand each other and began to take pictures from the location where the camera is not in sight.
Hypercube behind and ahead, in the distance, like the Institute of Agriculture. Nothing else
Alex "Yosha" Orlov
We stomped on to the cranes above the mountain, which is something built.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
How is the "what to build?" "Business Center", and Th Well, all right! Those guys do not, then it is necessary to build a business center. However, another guard told a secret that it is Putin's Palace. I do not believe, in my version with the palace Putin across the country - shaky. Rather, members of the government are building cottages and all say to Putin. What? A strong move, all of the claims to the Pope)
"Putin's Palace»
And then it dawned on us ... - this tower mages !!! In strategic games such ziggurats put to stake territory. Well, territory captured and staked hypercube ... there are raising magicians, to expand the impact of building a Business Centre, and just below the pond Fey. Who plays Hiroshi, will understand)
Cranes Business Centre building.
Guys take a camera and go in Skolkovo, without public control, they do not build! 3 years building. Palaces and houses around have grown and grown only in the case of a hypercube, or rather GiperkLub for conferences and trainings.
That growth projects engaged in socializing children in orphanages and boarding through online education. Why not help people who zanimayutsya complicated problem in Russia, the socialization of orphans. For graduates of children's homes are mostly to 30 years stanovjatsja outcasts, convicts, drug addicts, alcoholics ... vykarabkivayutsya unit.
Give the project at least 1% of the invested money in the suburban dirt. A little help, and here's the students, graduate students, researchers and simply educated people. A little bit ... but we are building SKOLKOVO!
Guys go to the link above, look ... there's growth projects need support.
Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Then, at the turn to the tap Skolkovo ended. In the distance were the Minsk highway, far were already building houses and Agricultural Institute, who seized the land under of construction.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
So, that was here before the Research Institute of Agriculture of the central areas of non-chernozem zone, quiet and peaceful agriculturists in experimental fields cultivated valuable cereals. But hard times have come! For agronomists came and explained that they are engaged in nonsense and hinder development of Russian science. They say they even tried to protest, but to hear the friendly laughter officials withdrew.
Something tells me that it would be better there agronomists continue to work, it would be good for the country longer.
But we will build Skolkovo "with blackjack and hookers."
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Actually, in this photo, I am standing in the place where it will be Science City.
Impressions are very strange. Huge fields, among which are Giperkubik, colorful terminal and there is a building of the Business Center. I have no idea how to look naukogrady ... but something tells me that is not so.
Alex "Yosha" Orlov
I do not know how successful Skolkovo will. until I find it strange that in the middle of the field (law) which are erected strange design. Innovation, by definition, live where there are entrepreneurs. The fact that a number of employers still found it rather in spite of, not because of the current environment. The future development of these very vague.
The steam engine was invented in Russia, but he was thrown in the trash, because he was not given any public benefits. But the invention of the engine in England (earlier invention of a new wind turbine in the Netherlands) has turned the entire way of the industry for the same 40 years.
Inventions in Russia do not give advantages. Because, and this is built cargo inotsentr traditional methods. On the whim of the authorities, with the saw cut money. That is - a real advantage.
But I know that some entrepreneurs find the money to Skolkovo. God forbid that they would have all turned out, despite the heavy swamp around.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Here is Skolkovo. One is not clear why it is. Well, Hypercube and built two institutes. But that prevent direct these funds for expansion and development of ready space?
One question ... WHY?
He just does not give me rest.
Why build the Olympics when the Belgorod hospital not promoted repair?
Why organize the World Cup, when the claim. Rakhmanov chapters. doctor dreams of an ambulance?
Why an empty field fence science city, which is not in demand economy, rather than to give a 60 000 Pushchino Winter School, a project organized by young scientists, students, post-graduate students?
Why raise taxes for individual entrepreneurs doubled, while prescribing benefits for the industry of petroleum?
I understand that people will come and adequate water poured that money over 3 years invested in infrostruktura that have large projects and almost realizovanna I provocateur and not looking back, it is necessary to go on the tour and all I see. But I believe it, and that's this story about an underground power station.
Such kolosallnye money ... how nice it would be possible to do. It could be ...
Security and empty fields. Many wanted to write, but sadly it all. Guys ponazhimayte links but no one will help us. Everything will be fine.
And who else, if not her ...
Experience naive journey to innovation and barbed wire.
28 photos via Sergei Nidolov

Alexei Orlov aka Yosha O'Rlow
It's a journey we have conceived spontaneously. We discussed some regular news about Skolkovo on facebook and Seryoga take, suggest to go there. Just like that, without an invitation, and we see how to build our research center. No, I did, of course, we see that we did not see anything, and do not let us ... But Serge was not discouraged, and said that if not empty, then we write that it is not allowed. At that we decided to do. And went slightly Skolkovo explore the site and an article in Wikipedia. That is, until I learned, and Serge after ... well, more on that later.

Sergei Nidolov aka Baron Fly
I should add that we went not with the aim to expose and denounce. We are not politically biased. Personally, I judge by their actions. The government does the right thing - fine. Breeds government corruption and bureaucracy - bad. We are ordinary taxpayers, the government is working and living on our money. We are shareholders, and that the inspection of our investment in OAO "Russian", the Board of Directors, chaired by Vladimir Putin.
For example, I am impressed by Medvedev. Putin also reasonable, if it were not so licking and wadding not obkladyvali. So - zero policy !!! Two went to see the man in the street: what their taxes are spent. Everything!
The tours and conferences could go, but I'm interested to see from the street.

Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Skolkovo met us unfriendly. On the way, at first, was a building SKOLKOVO. I was there at the event, such as an open day. Then let me, once even in a car, the second time check was lost and I had left the car behind the fence, and I was booked in by scanning the bar code directly from the phone's screen.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
It was the idea to make an excursion. But showing off to me, and in the "Time" enough.
Personally, I do not understand the idea of Skolkovo, and what the hell in the field to build a science city with no economic prerequisites and demands from the industry? Do not we first decided to have a "silicon valley" Bangalore have experience in India and Cyberjaya in Malaysia. This experience makes it clear that to give birth without the act of conception is quite difficult: either a miracle or deception.
But bosses know better.

Alex "Yosha" Orlov
We parked across the street in the parking lot at the pile of snow where snow machine shed. Seeing is already outside the gate here is a check point we decided to just turn a sign of bricks and around it. But the vigilant guard jumped out and began to argue that nothing is impossible. Just nothing. Can not go, if not pass. The museum can not (about the museum later). Taking pictures is also impossible in general - everything is on the Internet. The children in the photo, too, was not allowed. And we turned and went to look for other buildings.

* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Museum! Interestingly, in Silicon Valley is a museum surrounded by a platoon of security and barbed wire?
BUT! Ladies and gentlemen-skeptics, the building is, that is something for our money built. The question is, what's going on inside and what it is, remains unanswered.
For me, in principle, do not understand the meaning of the construction of Skolkovo. Why such huge funds do not send in Akademgorodok, Dubna, Tomsk? There are people, there is a playground. Invest, develop. What stuck this building and surrounded by guards, I do not understand; inside were not allowed to see the process of taking photos - with cries rushed. Normal situation this research! Why this building and what is happening there remains unclear (about protection later).
But bosses know better.

* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
And this is the second building. Again, I went to Skolkovo absolutely no idea what's going on. But there are two big buildings, build something, that's good. Though not part of the money offshore. It inspired us ... or rather me Lesch knew a lot, but smiled and said nothing.
The fence around the school Skolkovo. Away housing Ural

Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Strictly speaking, the school is located outside the settlement Ckolkovo. A self Skolkovo - a village with luxury palaces of huge fences along the highway, and the old shack in the back of the village.


To get to the Skolkovo Technopark Skolkovo have to drive all through, to pass the next village, and already there, turn right and see another PPC.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
The village is very contrasting. The old hut-wreck and multi-storey cottages. A lot of property for sale. Simply put, the cunning people bought land, built up, and waiting for profitable customers, after all there blossom science.

But we were graciously allowed to walk half a kilometer, leaving the car there. For barrier we waited a bunch of wonderful promises.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Security and access control just infuriates. What the hell is adult, healthy men in the prime of sitting days, otraschivaya hemorrhoids and wondering crossword puzzles? It would be better allocated money to create jobs for these orphans. What are they guarding? Moreover, you'll be shocked, but in Russia there is even a factory guard posts. I have always believed that these booths do as we go on any wagon, and it is a factory!

* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Naturally, a wise and understand all the Russian people beat a trail bypassing the celebration of idiocy, on which you can quickly and without delay to get to the desired point. And why? It's science city, hang the camera and record, invent a robot! Are you afraid of theft? Place a booth near the construction site or laboratory.
When I began to take off again and began to resent the ban. What were sent in plain text, the nerves could not stand.
That is the path to the hypercube. Guys, let's not report the heads of Skolkovo, and then pounce and close the path ... but there is a few kilometers to bypass the checkpoint to go, be reasonable!

But, in fact, there was again a check point and a long road along the fence with barbed wire.

* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
With regard to this building there was a version of the hyper in subspace. However, security!

Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Behind the fence were seen vast wasteland, some dumps. But we lured only known building - Hypercube.

* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Quite often fences and barbed wire. Everywhere guard posts ... and tablets with the plans. We sighed and went to the hypercube! Beauty and pride of Skolkovo. I'm looking forward to stylish unusual building full of nerds to the eyeballs. Lesch cleverly silent.

So we went to him, casting long shadows on the yellow brick road

Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Shadows recorded a bunch of cameras along the road. And we have it a little embarrassed, because immediately going for the first check point we started clicking cameras, and immediately got a commanding shout. And we realized that we are waiting for the Hypercube.

But we walked and walked. They passed another internal PPC, completely empty, and finally, there is the distance across the river zasvekali lights glasses Hypercube.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
OH YEAH! Sparkled! It is likely that a six-story barn looks spectacular at night, and the main production and scientific part is hidden in the bowels of the earth. But outside, in the afternoon - a barn in a field.
There was a bus and went to the people. From the site it became clear that held some conference. We are not allowed, although Leschi a scientific and intelligent face. What's happening, what's inside, for us remains a mystery.
Conference there permanently. Cube built in the conference? It is this humor?

Alex "Yosha" Orlov
At Hypercube was another check point at which we have been waiting three policemen. Inside, they have not allowed. Taking pictures is not allowed. They said that this is full of the Internet and recommended to photograph the golf club Abramovich over the fence.
Golf Club where here

* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
He waited for us security, and a pair of police officers and men in civilian clothes. Here's to him no complaints. Guys, smiling, asked not to take pictures. In their eyes, we read: "Guys, you are going to *** out of here, and then, God forbid, that is not so - we zadolbali bosses".
Their eyes were full of wisdom and tired of all this circus with horses, but at home waiting for a legal beer and warm friend. We understand each other and began to take pictures from the location where the camera is not in sight.
Hypercube behind and ahead, in the distance, like the Institute of Agriculture. Nothing else

Alex "Yosha" Orlov
We stomped on to the cranes above the mountain, which is something built.

* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
How is the "what to build?" "Business Center", and Th Well, all right! Those guys do not, then it is necessary to build a business center. However, another guard told a secret that it is Putin's Palace. I do not believe, in my version with the palace Putin across the country - shaky. Rather, members of the government are building cottages and all say to Putin. What? A strong move, all of the claims to the Pope)
"Putin's Palace»

And then it dawned on us ... - this tower mages !!! In strategic games such ziggurats put to stake territory. Well, territory captured and staked hypercube ... there are raising magicians, to expand the impact of building a Business Centre, and just below the pond Fey. Who plays Hiroshi, will understand)

Cranes Business Centre building.
Guys take a camera and go in Skolkovo, without public control, they do not build! 3 years building. Palaces and houses around have grown and grown only in the case of a hypercube, or rather GiperkLub for conferences and trainings.
That growth projects engaged in socializing children in orphanages and boarding through online education. Why not help people who zanimayutsya complicated problem in Russia, the socialization of orphans. For graduates of children's homes are mostly to 30 years stanovjatsja outcasts, convicts, drug addicts, alcoholics ... vykarabkivayutsya unit.
Give the project at least 1% of the invested money in the suburban dirt. A little help, and here's the students, graduate students, researchers and simply educated people. A little bit ... but we are building SKOLKOVO!
Guys go to the link above, look ... there's growth projects need support.

Alex "Yosha" Orlov
Then, at the turn to the tap Skolkovo ended. In the distance were the Minsk highway, far were already building houses and Agricultural Institute, who seized the land under of construction.

* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
So, that was here before the Research Institute of Agriculture of the central areas of non-chernozem zone, quiet and peaceful agriculturists in experimental fields cultivated valuable cereals. But hard times have come! For agronomists came and explained that they are engaged in nonsense and hinder development of Russian science. They say they even tried to protest, but to hear the friendly laughter officials withdrew.
Something tells me that it would be better there agronomists continue to work, it would be good for the country longer.
But we will build Skolkovo "with blackjack and hookers."

* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Actually, in this photo, I am standing in the place where it will be Science City.
Impressions are very strange. Huge fields, among which are Giperkubik, colorful terminal and there is a building of the Business Center. I have no idea how to look naukogrady ... but something tells me that is not so.

Alex "Yosha" Orlov
I do not know how successful Skolkovo will. until I find it strange that in the middle of the field (law) which are erected strange design. Innovation, by definition, live where there are entrepreneurs. The fact that a number of employers still found it rather in spite of, not because of the current environment. The future development of these very vague.
The steam engine was invented in Russia, but he was thrown in the trash, because he was not given any public benefits. But the invention of the engine in England (earlier invention of a new wind turbine in the Netherlands) has turned the entire way of the industry for the same 40 years.
Inventions in Russia do not give advantages. Because, and this is built cargo inotsentr traditional methods. On the whim of the authorities, with the saw cut money. That is - a real advantage.
But I know that some entrepreneurs find the money to Skolkovo. God forbid that they would have all turned out, despite the heavy swamp around.
* Sergei * Fly * Baron Nidolov
Here is Skolkovo. One is not clear why it is. Well, Hypercube and built two institutes. But that prevent direct these funds for expansion and development of ready space?
One question ... WHY?
He just does not give me rest.
Why build the Olympics when the Belgorod hospital not promoted repair?
Why organize the World Cup, when the claim. Rakhmanov chapters. doctor dreams of an ambulance?
Why an empty field fence science city, which is not in demand economy, rather than to give a 60 000 Pushchino Winter School, a project organized by young scientists, students, post-graduate students?
Why raise taxes for individual entrepreneurs doubled, while prescribing benefits for the industry of petroleum?
I understand that people will come and adequate water poured that money over 3 years invested in infrostruktura that have large projects and almost realizovanna I provocateur and not looking back, it is necessary to go on the tour and all I see. But I believe it, and that's this story about an underground power station.
Such kolosallnye money ... how nice it would be possible to do. It could be ...
Security and empty fields. Many wanted to write, but sadly it all. Guys ponazhimayte links but no one will help us. Everything will be fine.
