New for the new Russian AK
Post taken from blogger beloenebo.
In the post 13 pictures.
Even in 1979, Vanga predicted the revival of Russia. According to her, about 2040 of the superiority of our country no one will doubt, and before that happens rapprochement between Russia, China and India. The funny thing is that this convergence has already started - as part of the BRICS. In general, to see positive signs of a slow but steady recovery of Russia can be everywhere: for example, the first time in 20 years, we create a truly new Kalashnikov rifle. And what is the Kalashnikov, but a symbol of military power?
AK-74M with bodywork
In February, the Central Research Institute of precision engineering the first stage of testing the AK-12 - one of the most promising samples of the newest Russian weapons. Over the course of the development of this machine closely monitor high-ranking officials. Poobnimatsya small arms have particularly fond Dmitry Rogozin. Well, yes it is forgivable: supervised branch official should know how to close.
Testing of a new AK weapons included health check in a frost, heat, dusty, humidity, and after falling from a height of 1, 5 meters. After the address the identified gaps and finalize design machine will focus on state tests - they have to be held later this year.
The emergence of a new modern small arms is important not only to equip the Russian army, but also to strengthen our position on the world arms market. After the Arab Spring, some countries of the North Africa ceased active cooperation with Russia, but it is true says the head of "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov, it is temporary, "Countries in the region have historically been buyers of our arms. And get used to it. For example, in Libya we renew relations. Already visited their representatives, the new government offers to resume cooperation on deliveries, which were interrupted. " In addition, the gradually improving cooperation with Iraq, as well as the more promising market, due to the weakening of US influence in the region, becoming Afghanistan. Gradually, Russia strengthens its influence in Latin America: Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Peru - we have to sell not only helicopters and tanks, but also cars.
The expansion of the Russian military-industrial complex in all these areas must wear a total character. That is why the creation of modern samples of small arms - an important stage in the approval of Russia as a full-fledged military power.
So what is the long-awaited new AK?
"Since the last upgrade of AK-74 at the NGO" Izhmash "held in 1991, the need for the new machine was long overdue: the past 20 years, the same US have succeeded in developing its small arms," - says the chief designer of concern "Izhmash "Vladimir Zlobin. According to him, at the beginning of the two thousandth to "Izhmash" lay a draft of a new model Kalashnikov, but because of the difficult financial situation it was not even finalized. However, until recently, the plant was clearly not up to it, because even at the end of 2010, he had a debt of $ 13, 7 billion rubles. "Izhmash" was more like a pyramid scheme, rather than an industrial enterprise. Only after Rostec launched in 2010. The recovery process entered its members "Izhmash", the company resumed construction work.
Three-dimensional layout of the AK-12
AK-12 in its current modification was created under the leadership of the enterprise Vladimir Zlobin, a guest on the "Izhmash" in May 2011. "Records" in a decent designer: 2004 eleven of his designs accepted for service in the special units of the Russian Federation, and the six - recommended for adoption.
Zlobin with team "Izhmash" took five months to develop the machine and release the first prototypes.
According to the designer, the AK-12 is very different from its predecessors. One of the main innovations was the versatile modular design of the machine. On this basis it is planned to create about 20 types of weapons as a combined arms and special and civil purposes. So, based on the AK-12 will release a sub-machine gun, small automatic, automatic shotgun, assault rifle, machine gun and a semi-automatic rifle.
"We are faced with the need to not only tighten the requirements for ergonomic machine, but also to reduce its weight and increase the combat characteristics. In previous models AK-12 is more convenient to use. Folding telescopic buttstock reduces recoil and facilitate carrying of weapons. Because the machine can only shoot with one hand, and priladit it easy for both the left and below right, "- said Zlobin.
Thanks to the new technology of the barrel, modified automation and increase in the distance between the eye and the front sight, greatly improve the accuracy and accuracy.
In AK-12 mounted Picatinny rail for mounting additional equipment: grenade launchers, sights, target designators and lanterns. Due to this, the machine has gained flexibility and become more attractive for export. "This weapon has caused interest in all law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Defence. Automatic and waiting for us, and abroad ", - concludes Zlobin.
It is worth noting that our weapons are in stable demand, even in a high-tech country like the United States. For example, in 2012 the United States purchased the police party carbines "Saiga" developed "Izhmash" based on the "Kalashnikov". But in general, for the year 2012 exports of "Izhmash" to the US market increased by 15%: Izhevsk, the company sold a total of 16 weapons, 2 million dollars.
AK against M16
Some critics believe that the AK-12 loses the characteristics of the AKM, but Zlobin recalls that the comparison of the two machines is incorrect - the first was made under the cartridge 5, 45 × 39, the second - at 7, 62 × 39. In tests AK-12 showed the majority of parameters better performance than the AK-74M.
In a recent interview with the head of "Rostec" Chemezov specifically notes that the reliability and simplicity are the priority in the development of new Russian weapons: "I (the designer Michael) Kalashnikov told why we are better shooting and less whimsical. We have more than tolerance. When we bought a new, modern machines and began to do everything exactly millimeter per millimeter, there are the same problems as the Americans. Then we began to make a special allowance planned to keep the distance. "
Final design of the machine can still change
Reliability and operational safety - that's what has always distinguished Kalashnikov rifle from foreign competitors: dirt, dust, water, heat and cold - our machine keeps working in all conditions. And demand is the key, not only domestically but also in the international market.
In the post 13 pictures.
Even in 1979, Vanga predicted the revival of Russia. According to her, about 2040 of the superiority of our country no one will doubt, and before that happens rapprochement between Russia, China and India. The funny thing is that this convergence has already started - as part of the BRICS. In general, to see positive signs of a slow but steady recovery of Russia can be everywhere: for example, the first time in 20 years, we create a truly new Kalashnikov rifle. And what is the Kalashnikov, but a symbol of military power?
AK-74M with bodywork

In February, the Central Research Institute of precision engineering the first stage of testing the AK-12 - one of the most promising samples of the newest Russian weapons. Over the course of the development of this machine closely monitor high-ranking officials. Poobnimatsya small arms have particularly fond Dmitry Rogozin. Well, yes it is forgivable: supervised branch official should know how to close.

Testing of a new AK weapons included health check in a frost, heat, dusty, humidity, and after falling from a height of 1, 5 meters. After the address the identified gaps and finalize design machine will focus on state tests - they have to be held later this year.

The emergence of a new modern small arms is important not only to equip the Russian army, but also to strengthen our position on the world arms market. After the Arab Spring, some countries of the North Africa ceased active cooperation with Russia, but it is true says the head of "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov, it is temporary, "Countries in the region have historically been buyers of our arms. And get used to it. For example, in Libya we renew relations. Already visited their representatives, the new government offers to resume cooperation on deliveries, which were interrupted. " In addition, the gradually improving cooperation with Iraq, as well as the more promising market, due to the weakening of US influence in the region, becoming Afghanistan. Gradually, Russia strengthens its influence in Latin America: Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Peru - we have to sell not only helicopters and tanks, but also cars.
The expansion of the Russian military-industrial complex in all these areas must wear a total character. That is why the creation of modern samples of small arms - an important stage in the approval of Russia as a full-fledged military power.
So what is the long-awaited new AK?

"Since the last upgrade of AK-74 at the NGO" Izhmash "held in 1991, the need for the new machine was long overdue: the past 20 years, the same US have succeeded in developing its small arms," - says the chief designer of concern "Izhmash "Vladimir Zlobin. According to him, at the beginning of the two thousandth to "Izhmash" lay a draft of a new model Kalashnikov, but because of the difficult financial situation it was not even finalized. However, until recently, the plant was clearly not up to it, because even at the end of 2010, he had a debt of $ 13, 7 billion rubles. "Izhmash" was more like a pyramid scheme, rather than an industrial enterprise. Only after Rostec launched in 2010. The recovery process entered its members "Izhmash", the company resumed construction work.
Three-dimensional layout of the AK-12

AK-12 in its current modification was created under the leadership of the enterprise Vladimir Zlobin, a guest on the "Izhmash" in May 2011. "Records" in a decent designer: 2004 eleven of his designs accepted for service in the special units of the Russian Federation, and the six - recommended for adoption.
Zlobin with team "Izhmash" took five months to develop the machine and release the first prototypes.

According to the designer, the AK-12 is very different from its predecessors. One of the main innovations was the versatile modular design of the machine. On this basis it is planned to create about 20 types of weapons as a combined arms and special and civil purposes. So, based on the AK-12 will release a sub-machine gun, small automatic, automatic shotgun, assault rifle, machine gun and a semi-automatic rifle.

"We are faced with the need to not only tighten the requirements for ergonomic machine, but also to reduce its weight and increase the combat characteristics. In previous models AK-12 is more convenient to use. Folding telescopic buttstock reduces recoil and facilitate carrying of weapons. Because the machine can only shoot with one hand, and priladit it easy for both the left and below right, "- said Zlobin.

Thanks to the new technology of the barrel, modified automation and increase in the distance between the eye and the front sight, greatly improve the accuracy and accuracy.

In AK-12 mounted Picatinny rail for mounting additional equipment: grenade launchers, sights, target designators and lanterns. Due to this, the machine has gained flexibility and become more attractive for export. "This weapon has caused interest in all law enforcement agencies, including the Ministry of Defence. Automatic and waiting for us, and abroad ", - concludes Zlobin.

It is worth noting that our weapons are in stable demand, even in a high-tech country like the United States. For example, in 2012 the United States purchased the police party carbines "Saiga" developed "Izhmash" based on the "Kalashnikov". But in general, for the year 2012 exports of "Izhmash" to the US market increased by 15%: Izhevsk, the company sold a total of 16 weapons, 2 million dollars.
AK against M16

Some critics believe that the AK-12 loses the characteristics of the AKM, but Zlobin recalls that the comparison of the two machines is incorrect - the first was made under the cartridge 5, 45 × 39, the second - at 7, 62 × 39. In tests AK-12 showed the majority of parameters better performance than the AK-74M.

In a recent interview with the head of "Rostec" Chemezov specifically notes that the reliability and simplicity are the priority in the development of new Russian weapons: "I (the designer Michael) Kalashnikov told why we are better shooting and less whimsical. We have more than tolerance. When we bought a new, modern machines and began to do everything exactly millimeter per millimeter, there are the same problems as the Americans. Then we began to make a special allowance planned to keep the distance. "
Final design of the machine can still change
Reliability and operational safety - that's what has always distinguished Kalashnikov rifle from foreign competitors: dirt, dust, water, heat and cold - our machine keeps working in all conditions. And demand is the key, not only domestically but also in the international market.
