"Boeing 737"
Our main character, "737", working around the clock and not delayed at the airport more than a couple hours. Therefore, the "one day" we assume a flight to the destination and back.
We arrive at the National Airport around 7 am flight to 9. The aircraft already on the platform, before the departure of his visiting the art, season, clear of snow and pour a special compound - liquid, prevent icing and corrosion.
"737" - one of the most mass-produced passenger aircraft. At any point in the air is about 1200 such aircraft.
54 photos
Meanwhile we go to the rest room stewards. For half an hour before the flight briefings, "foreman" flight attendants check the readiness of all to fly, holds quiz, check the documents for the flight, which will be given to the pilot.
Marina, flight attendant №1: «I - the first number, it means the foreman is responsible for all in-flight. All aboard four conductors, each with its own number and their responsibilities. We all clearly know who is responsible for what, in an emergency, and just in time. Constantly attending classes, we go on training, seminars. Briefing end - call the bus and go to the plane. We decide to call the bus or not. If the aircraft is worth far - can drive if close - just walk we reach ».
To fly somewhere, except Russia, flight attendants must undergo border and customs control with the passengers. But we will fly to Moscow, so we can do without it.
At the same time the conductor a briefing conducted and pilots - flight instructor first squadron Victor Bronovitskaya and co-pilot Mikhail Goncharik. For them, the main thing - to discuss the flight plan and see the weather. By the way, all the pilots are with you to work with collections of detailed aeronautical information, flight maps, diagrams approach and takeoff. Each airport has only a few approach procedures, pilots know all of them, even pass tests on new routes. A specific scheme for planting asks the dispatcher. Collections strongly reminiscent of the "Bible", weigh very much. For a flight to Moscow, taking with them three collections in Amsterdam they need seven.
"It would certainly be nice if we were given the tablets, some are pilots, it is incredibly convenient - says Michael. - It is much easier to open the desired scheme in the plate than to look at the page thick book ».
And here, by the way, looks like scheme National Airport.
After the briefing, go to the Met Office: pilots should take the latest weather data. The monitor can be clearly seen, where snow pours on us, but the red numbers do not confuse Victor.
"There is a flight rules, and the weather conditions are not very good, but still within the normal range - he says. - It's just now. When was Javier, monitors look quite different. But definitely can not fly, perhaps, only if the stones fall from the sky. By the way, I take the weather report right now, but I listen more recent data directly into the cockpit and then make the final decision about the departure. If the conditions are completely non-flying, I have the right to cancel the flight. "
"In flight, it is important to know, for example, wind - continues to Viktor. - So we adjust the flight plan. May be quicker and easier to go below, but the wind than the above, but the wind. Fuel consumption is also affected. On the flight from Moscow takes about 3 tons of fuel, we have filled 9 that was enough for the trip, with a margin. Still, we have cheaper fuel. "
It's time for the aircraft. His last inspected equipment, check the readiness for departure. Passengers climb aboard. By the way, switch off your phone when you sit down in the plane. So make even pilots. Gadgets can still give a tip to the device plane if working on adjacent frequencies.
Pilots get the dispatcher permission to take off, the last time you listened to the weather, make the decision to fly. All negotiations with the dispatcher and almost all go together in English: so familiar. Communicate mostly succinct phrase: «Pins on board?» - «Shecked!»
"About two years as Manager Communication is in English - smiles Michael. - While we can and in French, for example, if we fly to Paris and talk with local managers. And in Moscow, if very heavy workload airport manager sometimes asks to go to Russian - to speed up communication. "
"We have a map of inspections, several times during the flight, we take this printout and a passage, check if all is in the right position, turn off the fact that you forgot to turn off and turn on the non-inclusion - continues Michael. - A man's not the car may forget something, here and come up with this card. "
The pilots not only to control the aircraft, but also filled with a huge amount of papers. It is necessary to fix the parameters of the engine, to celebrate the weather and much more.
"I do not have time to handle change, I had Parker - could not resist loads - complains copilot. - It's too much paperwork. But now I fix the parameters of the engine, and then check their technical staff, and a decision on the future operation of the airplane. Old engine or old, if he flies - then admitted, passed all the tests. Fault plane will not fly. "
Salary pilot - is not only a salary, it is the sum of the complexity of flights and flight time. There are three groups of complexity, yet accounted for, day or night flight. Premium pay, and for communication with the controller in English.
"I get something as an instructor, because I train other pilots - says Victor. - There is little understanding of the injustice of the day and night. Previously, it was from sunset to sunrise, and now - from 22.00 to 06.00 a night. Sometimes you fly at 19.00 from the same Moscow - and quite dark, and the documents for a day ».
Approach procedure, do a few laps of the airport. If the aircraft does not sit down for a long time, it does not mean that something is wrong. Just a waiting list.
Michael: "We did not say we have to land, just waiting for the manager will give OK. But, in general, in Moscow, we can be the fifteenth or seventeenth. Here every minute sets or the plane takes off. And in London or Paris - every 15 seconds. "
"These short flights as to Moscow, the most difficult - says Victor. - In Novosibirsk, for example, 4:00 to fly and then landing. A landing - this is the hardest part of the job. It turns out that to Moscow and back sometimes for a day, you can fly twice, the same 4 hour flight, but 4 landing, and in the evening has barely alive. On short flights is best to learn to get used to "see the ground." Stupidity, when militants show that anyone can land the plane. This is one of the most complex procedures. Need to compare a lot of parameters: distance, altitude, speed, approach to the earth. "
At the airport, the aircraft meets the little white machine. Her giant should be to a parking lot. After you stop and exit of passengers pilot task - to go out and check the status of the aircraft, brake pads, hydraulic, rack chassis. At this time in the cabin is quick cleaning, and one of the flight attendants controls the loading of baggage and mail.
Less than half an hour - and from the airport comes next batch of passengers.
"Those who fly to Moscow and from Moscow, we have seen, at least in the face, - says Olga flight attendant. - The heaviest flights - travel. There, people need sometimes strange things. For example, a person does not like the place, and it requires him to transplant. And how can I transplant it if all the seats are occupied? Begins to explain what you just steward. I can bring some water and not buy aircraft with seating comfortably. "
"In the tail has a telephone for internal communication, but this is not always the passengers know must call - continues to Olga. - One girl so persistently gave 10 thousand, said she was sure to call and she knows that we have a phone. And all the ads in the cabin in two languages: Belarusian and English. Used to be Russian, but has recently been replaced. "
"Turnover is very large, - catches №2, Natalia. - Members think that all the work here - to parade through the cabin in a beautiful form. And in fact, it's hard, a lot of men's work: to help raise bags, shabby containers in the kitchen, even to stand for 40 minutes in loading luggage is not so easy. "
"As for food, we have a clear regulation - continues to Natalia. - Those chocolates, for example, only 2 per person: one for takeoff and one landing. We certainly do not deny, if a person takes more because someone takes three, and someone did not take it. But often, until the last series was nothing left. It's the same with food: on flights to Moscow, for example, is very popular tomato juice. And he, of course, before the end, because you can not just buy it. And the passengers begin to resent ».
Salary of flight attendants is not much, a lot goes on gasoline: get off the airport needed in different time, there are departures early in the morning and at night, and the service bus runs only twice a day.
Marina: "We have two jump seats in the tail and the beginning of the plane, sitting there during takeoff and landing. In general, to safety on board is very strict. It is difficult to ensure that the emergency exits were free: people hide bags wherever possible: under the seats, between the seats behind him. And it is necessary to remove them on the luggage racks. "
And here again, Minsk. Approach at this time flight attendants still have time to tell you what is usually applauded for tourist flights, but for some reason when the chassis touch the runway, not when the plane stopped and all the dangers behind. Pilots applause did not hear because of the noise of the engine, but the flight attendants still nice. After stopping over interior cleaning, equipment check all systems. The plane is here, on the platform, waiting for the next flight.
And we are in the company of Victor look into pilot training room. Here are regularly held classes, even for experienced pilots. Who wishes to have to deal with on their own.
Our plane was on the platform, but we know that somewhere in the airport has hangars. I'd like to find out what the planes are there. Therefore, we look in the aviation and technical base, ATB.
"There are certain rules of aircraft maintenance, - says Maxim Zaretsky, head of production ATB. - After arrival and prior to departure is a simple inspection, the transmission of airborne equipment, flushing the water system, refueling and special liquids. Every 24 hours - daily check, verification of airworthiness of the aircraft, avionics and engine. All this is carried out directly on the platform. Maintenance hangar - a rare, more in-depth inspection and replacement of some parts. Now, for example, in our hangar is "Boeing", which has just replaced the engine. "
"We ourselves can carry out maintenance and repair of certain components, composite repair, - continues Maxim. - All aircraft in our lease, so more serious repairs or replacement of parts we refer to the lessor. There are problems with household equipment: break out, for example, the armrest, which even an adult man to break hard, there are puncture and other minor injuries. This, of course, we remove ourselves. For western aircraft, according to the documents, there is no limit as such service. A resource for the chassis and the engine, but they can be replaced, and the plane is again ready for operation. "
Our "Boeing" soon a new mission, this time somewhere in Europe. Will have a new crew and new passengers, and so on without end. But we are now a little less afraid of heights.
We arrive at the National Airport around 7 am flight to 9. The aircraft already on the platform, before the departure of his visiting the art, season, clear of snow and pour a special compound - liquid, prevent icing and corrosion.
"737" - one of the most mass-produced passenger aircraft. At any point in the air is about 1200 such aircraft.
54 photos


Meanwhile we go to the rest room stewards. For half an hour before the flight briefings, "foreman" flight attendants check the readiness of all to fly, holds quiz, check the documents for the flight, which will be given to the pilot.
Marina, flight attendant №1: «I - the first number, it means the foreman is responsible for all in-flight. All aboard four conductors, each with its own number and their responsibilities. We all clearly know who is responsible for what, in an emergency, and just in time. Constantly attending classes, we go on training, seminars. Briefing end - call the bus and go to the plane. We decide to call the bus or not. If the aircraft is worth far - can drive if close - just walk we reach ».
To fly somewhere, except Russia, flight attendants must undergo border and customs control with the passengers. But we will fly to Moscow, so we can do without it.


At the same time the conductor a briefing conducted and pilots - flight instructor first squadron Victor Bronovitskaya and co-pilot Mikhail Goncharik. For them, the main thing - to discuss the flight plan and see the weather. By the way, all the pilots are with you to work with collections of detailed aeronautical information, flight maps, diagrams approach and takeoff. Each airport has only a few approach procedures, pilots know all of them, even pass tests on new routes. A specific scheme for planting asks the dispatcher. Collections strongly reminiscent of the "Bible", weigh very much. For a flight to Moscow, taking with them three collections in Amsterdam they need seven.


"It would certainly be nice if we were given the tablets, some are pilots, it is incredibly convenient - says Michael. - It is much easier to open the desired scheme in the plate than to look at the page thick book ».
And here, by the way, looks like scheme National Airport.

After the briefing, go to the Met Office: pilots should take the latest weather data. The monitor can be clearly seen, where snow pours on us, but the red numbers do not confuse Victor.
"There is a flight rules, and the weather conditions are not very good, but still within the normal range - he says. - It's just now. When was Javier, monitors look quite different. But definitely can not fly, perhaps, only if the stones fall from the sky. By the way, I take the weather report right now, but I listen more recent data directly into the cockpit and then make the final decision about the departure. If the conditions are completely non-flying, I have the right to cancel the flight. "



"In flight, it is important to know, for example, wind - continues to Viktor. - So we adjust the flight plan. May be quicker and easier to go below, but the wind than the above, but the wind. Fuel consumption is also affected. On the flight from Moscow takes about 3 tons of fuel, we have filled 9 that was enough for the trip, with a margin. Still, we have cheaper fuel. "


It's time for the aircraft. His last inspected equipment, check the readiness for departure. Passengers climb aboard. By the way, switch off your phone when you sit down in the plane. So make even pilots. Gadgets can still give a tip to the device plane if working on adjacent frequencies.



Pilots get the dispatcher permission to take off, the last time you listened to the weather, make the decision to fly. All negotiations with the dispatcher and almost all go together in English: so familiar. Communicate mostly succinct phrase: «Pins on board?» - «Shecked!»
"About two years as Manager Communication is in English - smiles Michael. - While we can and in French, for example, if we fly to Paris and talk with local managers. And in Moscow, if very heavy workload airport manager sometimes asks to go to Russian - to speed up communication. "



"We have a map of inspections, several times during the flight, we take this printout and a passage, check if all is in the right position, turn off the fact that you forgot to turn off and turn on the non-inclusion - continues Michael. - A man's not the car may forget something, here and come up with this card. "

The pilots not only to control the aircraft, but also filled with a huge amount of papers. It is necessary to fix the parameters of the engine, to celebrate the weather and much more.
"I do not have time to handle change, I had Parker - could not resist loads - complains copilot. - It's too much paperwork. But now I fix the parameters of the engine, and then check their technical staff, and a decision on the future operation of the airplane. Old engine or old, if he flies - then admitted, passed all the tests. Fault plane will not fly. "



Salary pilot - is not only a salary, it is the sum of the complexity of flights and flight time. There are three groups of complexity, yet accounted for, day or night flight. Premium pay, and for communication with the controller in English.
"I get something as an instructor, because I train other pilots - says Victor. - There is little understanding of the injustice of the day and night. Previously, it was from sunset to sunrise, and now - from 22.00 to 06.00 a night. Sometimes you fly at 19.00 from the same Moscow - and quite dark, and the documents for a day ».
Approach procedure, do a few laps of the airport. If the aircraft does not sit down for a long time, it does not mean that something is wrong. Just a waiting list.
Michael: "We did not say we have to land, just waiting for the manager will give OK. But, in general, in Moscow, we can be the fifteenth or seventeenth. Here every minute sets or the plane takes off. And in London or Paris - every 15 seconds. "




"These short flights as to Moscow, the most difficult - says Victor. - In Novosibirsk, for example, 4:00 to fly and then landing. A landing - this is the hardest part of the job. It turns out that to Moscow and back sometimes for a day, you can fly twice, the same 4 hour flight, but 4 landing, and in the evening has barely alive. On short flights is best to learn to get used to "see the ground." Stupidity, when militants show that anyone can land the plane. This is one of the most complex procedures. Need to compare a lot of parameters: distance, altitude, speed, approach to the earth. "



At the airport, the aircraft meets the little white machine. Her giant should be to a parking lot. After you stop and exit of passengers pilot task - to go out and check the status of the aircraft, brake pads, hydraulic, rack chassis. At this time in the cabin is quick cleaning, and one of the flight attendants controls the loading of baggage and mail.






Less than half an hour - and from the airport comes next batch of passengers.
"Those who fly to Moscow and from Moscow, we have seen, at least in the face, - says Olga flight attendant. - The heaviest flights - travel. There, people need sometimes strange things. For example, a person does not like the place, and it requires him to transplant. And how can I transplant it if all the seats are occupied? Begins to explain what you just steward. I can bring some water and not buy aircraft with seating comfortably. "

"In the tail has a telephone for internal communication, but this is not always the passengers know must call - continues to Olga. - One girl so persistently gave 10 thousand, said she was sure to call and she knows that we have a phone. And all the ads in the cabin in two languages: Belarusian and English. Used to be Russian, but has recently been replaced. "

"Turnover is very large, - catches №2, Natalia. - Members think that all the work here - to parade through the cabin in a beautiful form. And in fact, it's hard, a lot of men's work: to help raise bags, shabby containers in the kitchen, even to stand for 40 minutes in loading luggage is not so easy. "


"As for food, we have a clear regulation - continues to Natalia. - Those chocolates, for example, only 2 per person: one for takeoff and one landing. We certainly do not deny, if a person takes more because someone takes three, and someone did not take it. But often, until the last series was nothing left. It's the same with food: on flights to Moscow, for example, is very popular tomato juice. And he, of course, before the end, because you can not just buy it. And the passengers begin to resent ».
Salary of flight attendants is not much, a lot goes on gasoline: get off the airport needed in different time, there are departures early in the morning and at night, and the service bus runs only twice a day.



Marina: "We have two jump seats in the tail and the beginning of the plane, sitting there during takeoff and landing. In general, to safety on board is very strict. It is difficult to ensure that the emergency exits were free: people hide bags wherever possible: under the seats, between the seats behind him. And it is necessary to remove them on the luggage racks. "


And here again, Minsk. Approach at this time flight attendants still have time to tell you what is usually applauded for tourist flights, but for some reason when the chassis touch the runway, not when the plane stopped and all the dangers behind. Pilots applause did not hear because of the noise of the engine, but the flight attendants still nice. After stopping over interior cleaning, equipment check all systems. The plane is here, on the platform, waiting for the next flight.

And we are in the company of Victor look into pilot training room. Here are regularly held classes, even for experienced pilots. Who wishes to have to deal with on their own.



Our plane was on the platform, but we know that somewhere in the airport has hangars. I'd like to find out what the planes are there. Therefore, we look in the aviation and technical base, ATB.
"There are certain rules of aircraft maintenance, - says Maxim Zaretsky, head of production ATB. - After arrival and prior to departure is a simple inspection, the transmission of airborne equipment, flushing the water system, refueling and special liquids. Every 24 hours - daily check, verification of airworthiness of the aircraft, avionics and engine. All this is carried out directly on the platform. Maintenance hangar - a rare, more in-depth inspection and replacement of some parts. Now, for example, in our hangar is "Boeing", which has just replaced the engine. "



"We ourselves can carry out maintenance and repair of certain components, composite repair, - continues Maxim. - All aircraft in our lease, so more serious repairs or replacement of parts we refer to the lessor. There are problems with household equipment: break out, for example, the armrest, which even an adult man to break hard, there are puncture and other minor injuries. This, of course, we remove ourselves. For western aircraft, according to the documents, there is no limit as such service. A resource for the chassis and the engine, but they can be replaced, and the plane is again ready for operation. "


Our "Boeing" soon a new mission, this time somewhere in Europe. Will have a new crew and new passengers, and so on without end. But we are now a little less afraid of heights.
