The cabin Boeing 737

Writes blogger letchikleha:

I never thought not wondered what happen to work hard and rarities! Now I am proud to say that on the whole family flying B-737. And while the aircraft is still "Slassic» (B-737/300), but his cabin and equipment from the earlier series "Original (B-737/100/200) yesterday flew to this miracle in Gelendzhik, a breath of fresh sea air. Flight - or anything special. all the humdrum and mundane, but the plane! Full-time on an airplane equipped with "alarms" I flew in 2006 and was this the Tu-154 (not counting any of the Yak-18, AN-2 and other small-sized vehicles) What can I say? Again felt the pilots! A couple of hours flight fly on "one, two, three." On this plane have to work the entire flight, as a miner in the mine! That's where all those float chests knowledge gained in the "Flight seminary." With the habit was difficult, but how interesting and nastolgichno!

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