Another home surveillance
Total 11 pictures
One fine day the idea to put on a staircase and a small camera to monitor the door apartment.
The main requirement for the system is a budget solution. The final version was not exactly what wanted, due to certain errors committed and implementation of the idea.
• Camera.
After reviewing the market supply, the choice was made in favor of analog CCTV cameras. Unlike digital cameras ip, analog at the price tag starts at $ 10, if the vandals will tear off a camera, the loss will be small. You can just buy a couple of pieces in reserve, and especially do not worry about the safety.
In kitayshope $ 12 was acquired color camera, 420 TVL resolution miniature design.
The shape of the camera offers a variety of performance, this about the size of a matchbox. Now I stopped at the camera with a protective dome, simply because of simple maintenance, wipe with a cloth dome is more convenient and faster.
Board1 not take it, I color camera, take b / w. The lighting in the stairwell is poor color reproduction in the end, no, but the sensitivity is lower than that ch.b. Color for access conditions - a useless feature.
Sovet2: just take the camera with infrared illumination, entrance often just bad lighting, lamps burn out frequently and sometimes break. Illumination increases the efficiency of the entire system.
Testing the camera, slightly disappointed. The real solution in terms of the figure was slightly more than 320x240. Confident identification of facial features with the normal camera lens with a viewing angle of 90 degrees was 2 meters. Beyond this distance facial features blurred, and can be judged only on the general physical characteristics of the subject (growth, gait, clothing, etc.).
But to control one particular door, these parameters enough.
Sovet3: If you want to uniquely identify people throughout the area of the staircase, take the camera higher resolution 600-700 TVL.
Few of the inner chamber.
• The lens and camera location.
The camera was ordered on trial lens with a viewing angle of 170 degrees. In the photo above, "Shirikov" below standard lens with a viewing angle of 90 degrees.
However, further Shirikov not useful. My staircase shape - narrow elongated rectangle, installation Shirikov only lead to greater seizure dead useless space in the form of the side walls of the ladder corridor, plus the distance facial recognition down to 1 meter (the wider capture images, the less "pixel" gets objects in the frame at the same distance).
In the end, I left the standard lens, the camera turned by 90 degrees and received a portrait image of my narrow corridor, capturing a large area of informative space corridor floor and side walls of the compartment of the dead.
Board1: See immediately which lens you need to wind the camera, do not be afraid to experiment with a portrait layout. As a guide handy with a bar of soap to use any zoom, lean it to the point of potential attachment camera and play zoom lens and positioned parallel to taking pictures. Choose the most informative version, with a minimum of "dead" space. The resulting zoom can be converted to the desired focal length of the lens specification in the soap dish.
The primary options for installing, was first selected plane wall opposite the door, the camera hung near the ceiling. However, this had to be abandoned due to the fact that there is a large dead zone that the camera could not see, could quietly come and break the camera, recording then nothing would be left. Plus watch the heads of people it is uninformative. In the end, the camera was outweighed the corner side of the door and lowered below.
Sovet2. Hang the camera so that it was impossible to get close quietly. If you tear off the camera, though we will see who. Do not chase the high location of the camera, but it is more vandal-proof, but less informative. You will only see the tops and caps.
Example with Yutuba with not informative image.
• The communication link.
The camera requires 3 power wires, 1 common, 2 - 12 volts, 3 - video. In the case of a microphone used 4 wire - sound.
To connect convenient to use ordinary twisted pair, there is enough number of wires, even with the stock. For lines long in a couple of tens of meters, this option is acceptable.
I have already been laid twisted shield under the corridor to the Internet. And as for the 100 m / W is only 4 wires left was enough for my needs.
No mutual negative influence of Ethernet in the video and on the contrary has not been noticed.
From the panel to point the camera installation was built a separate twisted pair, the total length of the entire line was about 30 meters.
• Recorder.
Just chamber of little use without the possibility of fixing what she sees. So come to the rescue DVR recorders.
Of course the cheapest and most flexible option to purchase fee capture and plug into your computer. Then linux + such motion. However, like something small, budget and noiseless. I set and forget.
This is ideal if the recorder, would have the ability to connect to the Internet, to synchronize with an external video storage. If recorders that something happens, you can always access the data through the Internet.
With these thoughts was commissioned for $ 40 mini recorder with the ability to record to an SD card, a usb connector.
Site office.
One fine day the idea to put on a staircase and a small camera to monitor the door apartment.
The main requirement for the system is a budget solution. The final version was not exactly what wanted, due to certain errors committed and implementation of the idea.

• Camera.
After reviewing the market supply, the choice was made in favor of analog CCTV cameras. Unlike digital cameras ip, analog at the price tag starts at $ 10, if the vandals will tear off a camera, the loss will be small. You can just buy a couple of pieces in reserve, and especially do not worry about the safety.
In kitayshope $ 12 was acquired color camera, 420 TVL resolution miniature design.

The shape of the camera offers a variety of performance, this about the size of a matchbox. Now I stopped at the camera with a protective dome, simply because of simple maintenance, wipe with a cloth dome is more convenient and faster.
Board1 not take it, I color camera, take b / w. The lighting in the stairwell is poor color reproduction in the end, no, but the sensitivity is lower than that ch.b. Color for access conditions - a useless feature.
Sovet2: just take the camera with infrared illumination, entrance often just bad lighting, lamps burn out frequently and sometimes break. Illumination increases the efficiency of the entire system.
Testing the camera, slightly disappointed. The real solution in terms of the figure was slightly more than 320x240. Confident identification of facial features with the normal camera lens with a viewing angle of 90 degrees was 2 meters. Beyond this distance facial features blurred, and can be judged only on the general physical characteristics of the subject (growth, gait, clothing, etc.).
But to control one particular door, these parameters enough.
Sovet3: If you want to uniquely identify people throughout the area of the staircase, take the camera higher resolution 600-700 TVL.
Few of the inner chamber.

• The lens and camera location.
The camera was ordered on trial lens with a viewing angle of 170 degrees. In the photo above, "Shirikov" below standard lens with a viewing angle of 90 degrees.

However, further Shirikov not useful. My staircase shape - narrow elongated rectangle, installation Shirikov only lead to greater seizure dead useless space in the form of the side walls of the ladder corridor, plus the distance facial recognition down to 1 meter (the wider capture images, the less "pixel" gets objects in the frame at the same distance).
In the end, I left the standard lens, the camera turned by 90 degrees and received a portrait image of my narrow corridor, capturing a large area of informative space corridor floor and side walls of the compartment of the dead.
Board1: See immediately which lens you need to wind the camera, do not be afraid to experiment with a portrait layout. As a guide handy with a bar of soap to use any zoom, lean it to the point of potential attachment camera and play zoom lens and positioned parallel to taking pictures. Choose the most informative version, with a minimum of "dead" space. The resulting zoom can be converted to the desired focal length of the lens specification in the soap dish.
The primary options for installing, was first selected plane wall opposite the door, the camera hung near the ceiling. However, this had to be abandoned due to the fact that there is a large dead zone that the camera could not see, could quietly come and break the camera, recording then nothing would be left. Plus watch the heads of people it is uninformative. In the end, the camera was outweighed the corner side of the door and lowered below.
Sovet2. Hang the camera so that it was impossible to get close quietly. If you tear off the camera, though we will see who. Do not chase the high location of the camera, but it is more vandal-proof, but less informative. You will only see the tops and caps.
Example with Yutuba with not informative image.

• The communication link.
The camera requires 3 power wires, 1 common, 2 - 12 volts, 3 - video. In the case of a microphone used 4 wire - sound.
To connect convenient to use ordinary twisted pair, there is enough number of wires, even with the stock. For lines long in a couple of tens of meters, this option is acceptable.
I have already been laid twisted shield under the corridor to the Internet. And as for the 100 m / W is only 4 wires left was enough for my needs.
No mutual negative influence of Ethernet in the video and on the contrary has not been noticed.
From the panel to point the camera installation was built a separate twisted pair, the total length of the entire line was about 30 meters.
• Recorder.
Just chamber of little use without the possibility of fixing what she sees. So come to the rescue DVR recorders.
Of course the cheapest and most flexible option to purchase fee capture and plug into your computer. Then linux + such motion. However, like something small, budget and noiseless. I set and forget.
This is ideal if the recorder, would have the ability to connect to the Internet, to synchronize with an external video storage. If recorders that something happens, you can always access the data through the Internet.
With these thoughts was commissioned for $ 40 mini recorder with the ability to record to an SD card, a usb connector.

Site office.