Like the first time I was putting a lot of cable
A couple of years ago, the company that administers, expanded and moved to a new, more extensive room. The landlord has handed us a bare area in which the builders to build the walls, electrical wiring pulled, well, I, first for himself, traveled as a fitter SCS. This post is a photo report can somebody be interesting to see, and people who have installation work - bread, will give out some comments and derision for the curvature of the work. I ask a cat (careful, a lot of photos).
Summary of the cabinet to the magic room (server) was stretched 4, 5km wires. There were about 70 cables for internet, telephony by ~ 60 ~ 50 and 16 under the CDS analog video surveillance. The work is done alone, except for a couple of days he took an assistant to lay cable in the tray and hold on to all the wealth of the server.
Once everything was in my "office", this orgy looked like this:
First of all, engaged in sorting out the cable for its intended purpose. We start with the phone:
Next, begin to unravel the network cable:
After proceed to the easiest, video:
And it remains the case for small cable ACS:
General view of the collage:
Few are sorted out and the exit from the tray:
Next we need a wire tray for laying into him (or it) cable:
With a wire tray left a small incident.
In the store where the assembly was bought things to the tray was not fixing rather was the only fixture in the catalog with an unclear picture, the manager himself could not understand that this is nonsense. In the end, it turned out that the ceiling mount hardware, and I need something for the wall. Well, there was nothing, came out of the situation because - went to the construction market, acquired a metal strip with a thickness of 5 mm, a Batey in the garage drilled holes along the edges of the bolt, bent strip in a vise, turned figure in the form of P acquired bolts + large washers and there you are:
Below the floor just for the ceiling mount, even for something amiss:
Then I begin to lay cable. First, the gasket in the farthest corner - cable under the CDS:
Then, under surveillance:
I looked at this thing, not like me, I decided to remake:
Further, the cable laid ostvshiysya:
After the tedious work with a wire tray, proceed to the drudgery of a switching bar. In it, I started cable telephony and network and started to embroider patch panel under the Network:
Once engaged ATS Coy:
Rang embroidered rosettes, undertake the ACS:
Pay-Per-stage connection:
Thus here is located on the wall bespereboynik:
Usually kontsetratory doors and UPS hang directly above the cabinet doors, but the office design intent was that hang them over the door was unreal. All ACS decided to place in the corner, with the time it was very comfortable and did not regret that chose this approach to implementation.
End the connection boards and run. Diodes lit, all launched successfully:
Well, under the end- control cabinet assembly:
And the overall picture:
In conclusion, the work was about 3 months. Everything is done for the first time and the experience was only 2 months of work by the installer of the local area network, so five years ago. Somewhere might have done something wrong, somewhere not on the standards (if so, specify pliz knowledge all are the force), cabling, and the structure itself was taken from the head, in the hope that it will be convenient to work in future. More pictures can be found here.
Thank you.
Posted in [mergetime] 1365684720 [/ mergetime]
From: habrahabr.ru/post/175949/

Summary of the cabinet to the magic room (server) was stretched 4, 5km wires. There were about 70 cables for internet, telephony by ~ 60 ~ 50 and 16 under the CDS analog video surveillance. The work is done alone, except for a couple of days he took an assistant to lay cable in the tray and hold on to all the wealth of the server.
Once everything was in my "office", this orgy looked like this:


First of all, engaged in sorting out the cable for its intended purpose. We start with the phone:

Next, begin to unravel the network cable:


After proceed to the easiest, video:


And it remains the case for small cable ACS:


General view of the collage:

Few are sorted out and the exit from the tray:

Next we need a wire tray for laying into him (or it) cable:


With a wire tray left a small incident.
In the store where the assembly was bought things to the tray was not fixing rather was the only fixture in the catalog with an unclear picture, the manager himself could not understand that this is nonsense. In the end, it turned out that the ceiling mount hardware, and I need something for the wall. Well, there was nothing, came out of the situation because - went to the construction market, acquired a metal strip with a thickness of 5 mm, a Batey in the garage drilled holes along the edges of the bolt, bent strip in a vise, turned figure in the form of P acquired bolts + large washers and there you are:

Below the floor just for the ceiling mount, even for something amiss:

Then I begin to lay cable. First, the gasket in the farthest corner - cable under the CDS:

Then, under surveillance:

I looked at this thing, not like me, I decided to remake:



Further, the cable laid ostvshiysya:



After the tedious work with a wire tray, proceed to the drudgery of a switching bar. In it, I started cable telephony and network and started to embroider patch panel under the Network:



Once engaged ATS Coy:


Rang embroidered rosettes, undertake the ACS:

Pay-Per-stage connection:

Thus here is located on the wall bespereboynik:

Usually kontsetratory doors and UPS hang directly above the cabinet doors, but the office design intent was that hang them over the door was unreal. All ACS decided to place in the corner, with the time it was very comfortable and did not regret that chose this approach to implementation.
End the connection boards and run. Diodes lit, all launched successfully:

Well, under the end- control cabinet assembly:


And the overall picture:

In conclusion, the work was about 3 months. Everything is done for the first time and the experience was only 2 months of work by the installer of the local area network, so five years ago. Somewhere might have done something wrong, somewhere not on the standards (if so, specify pliz knowledge all are the force), cabling, and the structure itself was taken from the head, in the hope that it will be convenient to work in future. More pictures can be found here.
Thank you.
Posted in [mergetime] 1365684720 [/ mergetime]
From: habrahabr.ru/post/175949/
