As I gash an apartment from scratch ...
Lots of photos, figures, and text.
All the "sensible" comments uchtu when future construction (20 years for the daughters and son might (wait for completion)). Please do not just see the pictures and look at used to run through the text.
Exposure: The action takes place in Moscow in 2013-2014. Most of the work is done one (occasionally assisted relatives). Money Order specialists (builders) were not provided, except for unloading materials, plumbing works. Part of the work performed is not photographed (when rugi in glue or plaster, on the pics did not think). All described in the construction materials and tools is available in all regions of the Russian Federation and cost not much different. Title companies, organizations not written for the purpose of advertising. Most of the material was bought from the online shop (one!) Due to low prices (even in comparison with the building hypermarkets). Considering the material needed, consider a margin (in other new neighbors "push" 4 bags of cement, you go after him in the same market).
The text is laid out a lot of useful information. Topic created to approximate understanding what will face, and how much it will cost Novoselov. Given solely for information and photos about the repair to the finishing, without the cost of buying wallpaper, tiles, sanitary ware and other things, as the tastes and possibilities are different. Currently the apartment is already possible to live. Photos of the finished repair is not available, because fine finish is not over (wallpaper, floor, kitchen, furniture, etc. will be purchased, glued or placed separately, upon receipt of the salary). Photos do that will get under a hand (trowel, level, dowel, chalk, a piece of cable, etc.). Cat and hasyu not brought by ideologically reasons, was just sorry for them)))
Prologue: It so happened that after 10 years of marriage, the family in the amount of 4, 5 people wanted to live separately from their moms and dads. Of all the options for the purchase of apartments has been chosen one - the mortgage. Given that all the banks, seeing my income and number of dependents at the time: I work, two children, his wife in the decree, the proposed amount of the mortgage in 800-1200k rubles, had to sell the family values as odnushki the west suburbs and invest in selling of shares (attic) housing. Sberbank, with my positive credit history and down payment of 49, 96%, went to the meeting.
Description: fenced, protected area along the perimeter of the quarter, 5th floor (top, attic), 94 m / sq. Inside: brick walls, a little uneven floor, ceiling, two riser drain. For 4200K was bought this miracle.
The door to the article before the importation of the first set of materials (!). 3 -4 mm steel, extra sound insulation (!!! Be sure not to hear and not to listen to), two castles: Cisa (Englishman armor) and mottura (butterfly with armor). Fun is not cheap, but worry about the material introduced into by and (later) my life (I will not I will) I think not. Very interesting, as I enjoying my skills open doors, I can break this crap in the apartment if the key is lost .... (Not the point) ...
After a long and tedious sitting in the program (5D planner - application GuglHrom), taking into account the wishes of his wife and I had, without the involvement of designers, was drafted
In this scheme, a guest room is partitioned off from the kitchen by a sliding glass (half) partition.
Because it is all the money went into the purchase of apartments, registration of contracts and other things, the first building materials (gypsum repellent cam boards Knauf 100mm, hereinafter referred to as GWP) were purchased only from the 13th salary.
Why GWP, not bricks, concrete blocks, gypsum board or other? Well, here I started from the following: - Foam from God knows what and where to do, afraid of water;
- With bricks (Betonobloki) much trouble, need additional finishing (plaster);
- Drywall, in fact, a weak structure (even soundproofed not the fact that the example of a new tie in the middle of the night, angry, kicking the wall (after breaking the judges) and not wake the children);
- GWP is strong enough not to require further plaster (however, contrary to the stories of the manufacturer, I plastering a wall (8 meters) on the one hand for greater strength), easily handled, is not difficult to stack (with the initial skills). He took all the (!) Plate moisture, on the advice of a friend. And I could save, but it is not known how much water the children in his room shed, and whether drops through the roof).
So: after drawing marks on the wall and the floor, according to the project, do a "foundation" for future walls of 3-5 cm. All strictly on the same level. Differential measurements at the floor up to 7 cm (within the normal range for a new home).
At the time of erection of walls (2 weeks) "moved" to live with his brother. The Internet was in aid. Videos about packing GWP revised several times, but in practice, without pulling the thread and plumb, 8 meters of the wall exactly put almost not real, even with a laser level. For big-eyed are labeled as the longest wall in the apartment 8 meters (maximum of Feng Shui company Knauf 6 meters), it is not permissible without extra support. Therefore, by nursery 4 meters was installed "nedostenka" (one plate over the entire height). In the future, a long room divided visually into two areas and at the same time serving as a support. It can be seen on the project (above)))
The hostess brought the bill for accommodation)))
All series GWP horizontally additional crosslinking between a plumb (like the so-called), through one (drilling, dowel-nails do not need a conventional wood screw keeps excellent). Plates to the ceiling and the walls are fastened 10h100 angles. After hardening the adhesive, the wall was as a monolith of concrete). Just one thing: in a few places profukannyh excess glue shrinkage of plates in place, then had to chisel dub (be careful, after drying, the adhesive has a strength greater than gypsum).
Damper (period) at the top of walls, filled with foam. Do not be afraid, "sagging" of the ceiling. Especially will the suspended ceiling - foam will not be seen.
Next on my plan plaster walls.
Some of today begin to write: "What the * ##? Where electrician, pipes and stuff? "The answer is: to plaster the walls in one person - the more fun. I was easier on plaster proshtrobit, cables and pipes laid and the same plaster to cover. (As a result, daubed Grooves were perfectly flat surface as compared to the places where pulled beacons).
Chose a dry mixture of a month (at least). On the Internet, compared KNAUF ROTBAND (used for display of lighthouses) with the other. But based on feedback and prices preferred Bergauf Bau Putz Gips. Clearly not the Germans, but the quality is good (take the color gray, the white was not available, and for gluing wallpaper does not matter). The walls were minor differences of 3-5 cm. (When the plaster layer at least 2 cm). Faced, of course, the place where it took 30 kg of the mixture on the square, but it was above the door ... All the walls are treated with 2 (!) Times a universal primer.
Tip: For a plaster wall in the bathroom, toilet and slopes of windows (!!!!!) use cement-based plaster (in my case was a mixture KNAUF UNTERPUTZ). Otherwise (using gypsum plaster) or tile in the bathroom on his head fall or soffits windows zaplesneveyut (checked on neighbors).
Here you can see how obscure beacons, and how to use the benefit (for posting nizkochastotki) their groove
Following my actions many consider a gross violation of utilities. Warn of action coordinated with the engineers of the management company, were not made by me (except for the done cutting grooves) !!! Concealed heating pipes leading to radiators in the walls. Observe the soldering process itself, all the pipes were insulated Energoflex further, that the expansion of the spike can "breathe."
With the necessary skills (changed outlet in the house, did extender) started posting ... Here it's worth noting that I am a qualified (which only rescuers are not taught), but with one of the lower (second) level of tolerance. All wiring (plan, the cable points, shield) did himself, BUT (!!!) in close consultation and frequent check other (5 th (!!! Mosenergo) Group admission of electrical safety). Without admission (general concepts about what speech) lower than the first, do not meddle in this matter !!! Your task is to remember (take a picture with a key from the apartment) as well as where your electrical lead cable.
Further describing:
Draft electrical, like a normal electrician I had in two versions) One paper, the other on the wall)
Note: the diagram shown below are mixed in the designation of color: Red - warm floor, TV - Green, on (fuck knows how to name the color) celadon - differential outlet. Recently installed on everything connected with water (PMM stiralka, water heater, bath, power outlet in the bathroom, CHILDREN !!!!!). For big-eyed electricians explain: in the stairwell already installed introductory RCD, so when you enter the apartment does not make sense to install.
In my case, the project was revised (supplemented) time. It changes not only the location of lighting fixtures, but also outlets for TV, Internet. In the scheme of electrification in the guest room is provided with cable TV is not, and home theater, so pre-laid cable for Home Theater 5.1 ...
... "More is better than less ...» ©. Do not forget about the code of practice for design and construction: SP31-110-2003 In the living room the apartments must have at least one outlet in the current 10 (16) And for every complete and incomplete 4 m perimeter of the room, in the hallway of the apartment - not less than one outlet for every complete and incomplete 10 m2 corridors. - The text, torn from the Internet is not simply this: all the construction (without permanent power supply scheme), you will pay a temporary scheme (3 to 5 rubles per kilowatt). When your electrician is ready, it will pay for the project and go through all the stages of testing and approval.
* Caution: Before planning the location of the outlets (and other things) in the kitchen, make a sketch of the proposed dishes (knowing the dimensions of the room, the location of the plate, household appliances, hoods and height countertop from the floor !!!) in the simplest programs (for example, download the online STOLPLIT ). I pre-plan "laid" in the kitchen set cabinet 30 cm, where the back wall in place, will be located three outlet (power on the board, the differential in the PMM, oven - a little trick - always have access, if necessary) sockets on .Vysota apron on the floor the other topic, you should know how much you rise floor ...
"The number of installed outlets shall exceed the number of connected devices ©» (here, of course, exaggerating), but did not do it where you have to double (triple, etc.) outlet, you will use extension cords or multiple plugs). All power sockets for TV has risen to the level of "where is" telly, otherwise, would like many: the cable to the floor)))
Tip: When designing, cutting through cutting grooves, laying cables - fotkat everything and everywhere! (On the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling). Primarily useful to you - will know where to hammer the nail, without loss of light in the toilet ...
Fill the floor occupation is not a funny ... do again with my brother. Briefly describe the meaning: there are minimum and maximum floor, defined by laser and tapes, found at least - from him and danced. Like no basement, but we decided (at the ceiling 310 cm) does not waste your time and do the maximum. Purchased the expanded clay, dry mixture and raced)
Expose beacons in each room on the level. The bottom line is that I know in advance what kind of material (a thickness) will be on this floor. Ie in a room where there will be an Italian laminated plywood 12mm + 8mm (minimum 2/3 of the coating thickness) against the tiles with underfloor heating .... The difference amounted to almost fill a centimeter to further floor was in one level.
In fact: set the beacons, a layer of expanded clay was scattered over the surface, spilled concrete grout, then thoroughly beacons have a mixture of normal ...
... "The cable gofre- not being reasonable, but obeying instincts, strives to unite with other Kabelkov closer to the shield)))» ©
When assembling the panel was generous, in fact, no matter what. All the machines of one firm ABB (for brand Legrang not want to overpay). The only thing - did, you may need to contribute - in place of the free 3-yoh modules, put the module voltage display. Many will say that crap, but to clarify: touch control instruments warm floors sensitive to voltage change them need not be if each floor heating supply machines with automatic shut-off when the voltage exceeds the specified frames (expensive). But if as a result of a power surge will burn unprotected (the old model) technology, and I have time to take a picture data on this, "voltmeter", I will be at least a precedent for going to court ...
Unde scriptum: The substation, which is connected to my quarter, further high-rise buildings near the construction site services. As long as they do not have their substation had to endure losses (I still do not care, I under construction).
Some e-mail. Drawer advance threw twisted pairs: 2 intercom (outside panel, hidden camera), 2 on the internet (router sistemnik)
Note: All sockets, switches (dimmer in the nursery) of the two companies (!) Legrand and Schneider Electric (last used on a kitchen apron and in the nursery, because they have a wide variety of frames on the color). And again, when installing switches with illumination of these firms (series of 2013, if I remember correctly) energy saving lamps do not blink !!!
We go further) Vodoprovod-
Here, not truthfully, to be honest - did my friend (10k for 12 points). From me it took only buy proshtrobit keep ... Polypropylene pipes.
I'll tell you the essence:
The water in the house lousy quality (of the results of a study made by a neighbor)
Total iron, mg / dmJ 0 47 (0, 3 MAC)
Nitrates mg / dmJ 52.7 (45, 0 MPC)
Total hardness, coolant 8.4 (7, 0 MPC)
You can drink, but not for long ... Technology also will not live long. There was a predisposition to install bulky equipment in the amount of 80k-128k rubles, but such is not the money, and I do not see sense. Therefore, it was done as follows: instead of the first backbone "bulb" installed washings strainers Honeywell ATOLL AFF-1 / 2CM (expensive, but it's better than once a month at our water to change the cartridge), after already "bulb" at the discretion of the cartridge (softening , removal of iron, tough cleaning, etc.). After all in the manifold (tee decided not to use it - too much water intake points). Do not unimportant point: after the collectors on the pipe to the dishwasher and stiralka installed additional filters for water softening.
Given the fact that the layout was clear where that will be - fit pipes towel warmer, washbasin, heating (in case of shutdown of hot water) and the other with a margin on the facing wall tiles.
And now the actual outcome:
1 Stove pazgor. Hydro 667h500h100 73 m2 0305 754 91 55 347 15
2 Mounting Adhesive Perlfiks 5 pcs 264 1320
3 Peskoboton m-150 (CSM) 10 pcs 150 1500
4 Universal Primer UNIS 4 pieces 241964
5 Corners, suspensions, trowel, level, buckets, screws, dowel-nail Betokontakt, foam brushes, rollers _ _ _ 4134
6 PM Profile Beacon 10 mm 158 m _ 1105 2
7 Plastering 'Rotband' White, 30 kg 16 pcs 6288 _ 64
8 gypsum plaster Bergauf Bau Putz Gips 30 kg 122 pieces 265 25 32 425 75
9 Plaster KNAUF UNTERPUTZ 20 pieces 200 1 4002
10 Radiator BM RIFAR FORZA 500 10 (installation. PC bracket) 3 pcs 4300 13632
11 Tube D50 PP 1 m tee _ _ _ 369
12 tank 50l PP 1 pc 500 500
13 Rule 1, 5m 2m 3 pieces _ 1300
14 crown for concrete 1 piece 655 655
15 pipe corrugations. D20 25m _ 302
16 pipe corrugations. D16 150 m _ 653
17 Clips for pipe corrugations. 260 pieces _ 321
18 Cable TV SAT-70 90 m _ 2025
19 cable NYM 3x1, 5100 m _ 2420
20 cable NYM 3x2, 5200 m _ 7102
21 cable NYM 3x6 20m _ 1500
22 podrozetnik Lexel 35 pcs 23 805
23 Shield camshaft. 24 mod. Volta IP30 1 piece 1519 1519
A mixture of 25 M-150 (Universal) 50 kg MASTER Harz 144 pcs 174 25056
27 M-450 Expanded clay fraction of 0.05 cubic meters 10-20 35 pcs 187 6545
A mixture of 28 M-150 75 pcs 120 9000
29 M-450 Expanded clay fraction 10-20 85 pcs 90 7650
30 cable NYM 3x2, 5 m 70 50 3500
31 Clips for pipe corrugations. 100 pcs. 3300
PP pipe 32 25 (28 m) angle of 25 (10 pieces) _ _ _ 2400
33 El. Breakers (Enter differential. Automatic block voltage) 22 pcs. 12000
34 Water supply (clutch, American, angles, clips, collector) _ _ _ 10050
36 filter housing Geyser 10 SL 1 pc. 485,485
37 Filter (bytov.tehnika) + filling (2 pieces) 2 pcs. 680 1360
40 Set strainers ATOLL AFF-1 / 2CM 2 pcs. 4768 9536
41 Waterproofing GLIMS GreenResin 2 pcs. 755 1510
42 Cartridge FA10-10SL 4,109,436
43 Primer GLIMS Prime 10L 1 pc. 525,525
45 filter housing 10 SL Geyser for hot water 1 pc. 1329 1329
46 Ladder 4 tbsp. 1 pc. 770,770
47 cable shielded twisted pair (FTP), Category 5e 70 m. 27, 1890
Posted in [mergetime] 1407076771 [/ mergetime]
Total content: 234531 71 rubles.
Delivery services: 33 077 rubles.
Unloading all materials (5th floor and a lot of tons) 38000 rubles.
Extras. services: 10,000 rubles.
Total for 94 kV / m for final finishing: 315,608, 71 rubles.
All the "sensible" comments uchtu when future construction (20 years for the daughters and son might (wait for completion)). Please do not just see the pictures and look at used to run through the text.

Exposure: The action takes place in Moscow in 2013-2014. Most of the work is done one (occasionally assisted relatives). Money Order specialists (builders) were not provided, except for unloading materials, plumbing works. Part of the work performed is not photographed (when rugi in glue or plaster, on the pics did not think). All described in the construction materials and tools is available in all regions of the Russian Federation and cost not much different. Title companies, organizations not written for the purpose of advertising. Most of the material was bought from the online shop (one!) Due to low prices (even in comparison with the building hypermarkets). Considering the material needed, consider a margin (in other new neighbors "push" 4 bags of cement, you go after him in the same market).
The text is laid out a lot of useful information. Topic created to approximate understanding what will face, and how much it will cost Novoselov. Given solely for information and photos about the repair to the finishing, without the cost of buying wallpaper, tiles, sanitary ware and other things, as the tastes and possibilities are different. Currently the apartment is already possible to live. Photos of the finished repair is not available, because fine finish is not over (wallpaper, floor, kitchen, furniture, etc. will be purchased, glued or placed separately, upon receipt of the salary). Photos do that will get under a hand (trowel, level, dowel, chalk, a piece of cable, etc.). Cat and hasyu not brought by ideologically reasons, was just sorry for them)))
Prologue: It so happened that after 10 years of marriage, the family in the amount of 4, 5 people wanted to live separately from their moms and dads. Of all the options for the purchase of apartments has been chosen one - the mortgage. Given that all the banks, seeing my income and number of dependents at the time: I work, two children, his wife in the decree, the proposed amount of the mortgage in 800-1200k rubles, had to sell the family values as odnushki the west suburbs and invest in selling of shares (attic) housing. Sberbank, with my positive credit history and down payment of 49, 96%, went to the meeting.
Description: fenced, protected area along the perimeter of the quarter, 5th floor (top, attic), 94 m / sq. Inside: brick walls, a little uneven floor, ceiling, two riser drain. For 4200K was bought this miracle.




The door to the article before the importation of the first set of materials (!). 3 -4 mm steel, extra sound insulation (!!! Be sure not to hear and not to listen to), two castles: Cisa (Englishman armor) and mottura (butterfly with armor). Fun is not cheap, but worry about the material introduced into by and (later) my life (I will not I will) I think not. Very interesting, as I enjoying my skills open doors, I can break this crap in the apartment if the key is lost .... (Not the point) ...
After a long and tedious sitting in the program (5D planner - application GuglHrom), taking into account the wishes of his wife and I had, without the involvement of designers, was drafted


In this scheme, a guest room is partitioned off from the kitchen by a sliding glass (half) partition.

Because it is all the money went into the purchase of apartments, registration of contracts and other things, the first building materials (gypsum repellent cam boards Knauf 100mm, hereinafter referred to as GWP) were purchased only from the 13th salary.

Why GWP, not bricks, concrete blocks, gypsum board or other? Well, here I started from the following: - Foam from God knows what and where to do, afraid of water;
- With bricks (Betonobloki) much trouble, need additional finishing (plaster);
- Drywall, in fact, a weak structure (even soundproofed not the fact that the example of a new tie in the middle of the night, angry, kicking the wall (after breaking the judges) and not wake the children);
- GWP is strong enough not to require further plaster (however, contrary to the stories of the manufacturer, I plastering a wall (8 meters) on the one hand for greater strength), easily handled, is not difficult to stack (with the initial skills). He took all the (!) Plate moisture, on the advice of a friend. And I could save, but it is not known how much water the children in his room shed, and whether drops through the roof).
So: after drawing marks on the wall and the floor, according to the project, do a "foundation" for future walls of 3-5 cm. All strictly on the same level. Differential measurements at the floor up to 7 cm (within the normal range for a new home).


At the time of erection of walls (2 weeks) "moved" to live with his brother. The Internet was in aid. Videos about packing GWP revised several times, but in practice, without pulling the thread and plumb, 8 meters of the wall exactly put almost not real, even with a laser level. For big-eyed are labeled as the longest wall in the apartment 8 meters (maximum of Feng Shui company Knauf 6 meters), it is not permissible without extra support. Therefore, by nursery 4 meters was installed "nedostenka" (one plate over the entire height). In the future, a long room divided visually into two areas and at the same time serving as a support. It can be seen on the project (above)))




The hostess brought the bill for accommodation)))

All series GWP horizontally additional crosslinking between a plumb (like the so-called), through one (drilling, dowel-nails do not need a conventional wood screw keeps excellent). Plates to the ceiling and the walls are fastened 10h100 angles. After hardening the adhesive, the wall was as a monolith of concrete). Just one thing: in a few places profukannyh excess glue shrinkage of plates in place, then had to chisel dub (be careful, after drying, the adhesive has a strength greater than gypsum).
Damper (period) at the top of walls, filled with foam. Do not be afraid, "sagging" of the ceiling. Especially will the suspended ceiling - foam will not be seen.



Next on my plan plaster walls.
Some of today begin to write: "What the * ##? Where electrician, pipes and stuff? "The answer is: to plaster the walls in one person - the more fun. I was easier on plaster proshtrobit, cables and pipes laid and the same plaster to cover. (As a result, daubed Grooves were perfectly flat surface as compared to the places where pulled beacons).
Chose a dry mixture of a month (at least). On the Internet, compared KNAUF ROTBAND (used for display of lighthouses) with the other. But based on feedback and prices preferred Bergauf Bau Putz Gips. Clearly not the Germans, but the quality is good (take the color gray, the white was not available, and for gluing wallpaper does not matter). The walls were minor differences of 3-5 cm. (When the plaster layer at least 2 cm). Faced, of course, the place where it took 30 kg of the mixture on the square, but it was above the door ... All the walls are treated with 2 (!) Times a universal primer.
Tip: For a plaster wall in the bathroom, toilet and slopes of windows (!!!!!) use cement-based plaster (in my case was a mixture KNAUF UNTERPUTZ). Otherwise (using gypsum plaster) or tile in the bathroom on his head fall or soffits windows zaplesneveyut (checked on neighbors).







Here you can see how obscure beacons, and how to use the benefit (for posting nizkochastotki) their groove

Following my actions many consider a gross violation of utilities. Warn of action coordinated with the engineers of the management company, were not made by me (except for the done cutting grooves) !!! Concealed heating pipes leading to radiators in the walls. Observe the soldering process itself, all the pipes were insulated Energoflex further, that the expansion of the spike can "breathe."


With the necessary skills (changed outlet in the house, did extender) started posting ... Here it's worth noting that I am a qualified (which only rescuers are not taught), but with one of the lower (second) level of tolerance. All wiring (plan, the cable points, shield) did himself, BUT (!!!) in close consultation and frequent check other (5 th (!!! Mosenergo) Group admission of electrical safety). Without admission (general concepts about what speech) lower than the first, do not meddle in this matter !!! Your task is to remember (take a picture with a key from the apartment) as well as where your electrical lead cable.
Further describing:
Draft electrical, like a normal electrician I had in two versions) One paper, the other on the wall)
Note: the diagram shown below are mixed in the designation of color: Red - warm floor, TV - Green, on (fuck knows how to name the color) celadon - differential outlet. Recently installed on everything connected with water (PMM stiralka, water heater, bath, power outlet in the bathroom, CHILDREN !!!!!). For big-eyed electricians explain: in the stairwell already installed introductory RCD, so when you enter the apartment does not make sense to install.


In my case, the project was revised (supplemented) time. It changes not only the location of lighting fixtures, but also outlets for TV, Internet. In the scheme of electrification in the guest room is provided with cable TV is not, and home theater, so pre-laid cable for Home Theater 5.1 ...
... "More is better than less ...» ©. Do not forget about the code of practice for design and construction: SP31-110-2003 In the living room the apartments must have at least one outlet in the current 10 (16) And for every complete and incomplete 4 m perimeter of the room, in the hallway of the apartment - not less than one outlet for every complete and incomplete 10 m2 corridors. - The text, torn from the Internet is not simply this: all the construction (without permanent power supply scheme), you will pay a temporary scheme (3 to 5 rubles per kilowatt). When your electrician is ready, it will pay for the project and go through all the stages of testing and approval.
* Caution: Before planning the location of the outlets (and other things) in the kitchen, make a sketch of the proposed dishes (knowing the dimensions of the room, the location of the plate, household appliances, hoods and height countertop from the floor !!!) in the simplest programs (for example, download the online STOLPLIT ). I pre-plan "laid" in the kitchen set cabinet 30 cm, where the back wall in place, will be located three outlet (power on the board, the differential in the PMM, oven - a little trick - always have access, if necessary) sockets on .Vysota apron on the floor the other topic, you should know how much you rise floor ...
"The number of installed outlets shall exceed the number of connected devices ©» (here, of course, exaggerating), but did not do it where you have to double (triple, etc.) outlet, you will use extension cords or multiple plugs). All power sockets for TV has risen to the level of "where is" telly, otherwise, would like many: the cable to the floor)))
Tip: When designing, cutting through cutting grooves, laying cables - fotkat everything and everywhere! (On the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling). Primarily useful to you - will know where to hammer the nail, without loss of light in the toilet ...



Fill the floor occupation is not a funny ... do again with my brother. Briefly describe the meaning: there are minimum and maximum floor, defined by laser and tapes, found at least - from him and danced. Like no basement, but we decided (at the ceiling 310 cm) does not waste your time and do the maximum. Purchased the expanded clay, dry mixture and raced)
Expose beacons in each room on the level. The bottom line is that I know in advance what kind of material (a thickness) will be on this floor. Ie in a room where there will be an Italian laminated plywood 12mm + 8mm (minimum 2/3 of the coating thickness) against the tiles with underfloor heating .... The difference amounted to almost fill a centimeter to further floor was in one level.

In fact: set the beacons, a layer of expanded clay was scattered over the surface, spilled concrete grout, then thoroughly beacons have a mixture of normal ...



... "The cable gofre- not being reasonable, but obeying instincts, strives to unite with other Kabelkov closer to the shield)))» ©
When assembling the panel was generous, in fact, no matter what. All the machines of one firm ABB (for brand Legrang not want to overpay). The only thing - did, you may need to contribute - in place of the free 3-yoh modules, put the module voltage display. Many will say that crap, but to clarify: touch control instruments warm floors sensitive to voltage change them need not be if each floor heating supply machines with automatic shut-off when the voltage exceeds the specified frames (expensive). But if as a result of a power surge will burn unprotected (the old model) technology, and I have time to take a picture data on this, "voltmeter", I will be at least a precedent for going to court ...
Unde scriptum: The substation, which is connected to my quarter, further high-rise buildings near the construction site services. As long as they do not have their substation had to endure losses (I still do not care, I under construction).

Some e-mail. Drawer advance threw twisted pairs: 2 intercom (outside panel, hidden camera), 2 on the internet (router sistemnik)
Note: All sockets, switches (dimmer in the nursery) of the two companies (!) Legrand and Schneider Electric (last used on a kitchen apron and in the nursery, because they have a wide variety of frames on the color). And again, when installing switches with illumination of these firms (series of 2013, if I remember correctly) energy saving lamps do not blink !!!

We go further) Vodoprovod-
Here, not truthfully, to be honest - did my friend (10k for 12 points). From me it took only buy proshtrobit keep ... Polypropylene pipes.
I'll tell you the essence:
The water in the house lousy quality (of the results of a study made by a neighbor)
Total iron, mg / dmJ 0 47 (0, 3 MAC)
Nitrates mg / dmJ 52.7 (45, 0 MPC)
Total hardness, coolant 8.4 (7, 0 MPC)
You can drink, but not for long ... Technology also will not live long. There was a predisposition to install bulky equipment in the amount of 80k-128k rubles, but such is not the money, and I do not see sense. Therefore, it was done as follows: instead of the first backbone "bulb" installed washings strainers Honeywell ATOLL AFF-1 / 2CM (expensive, but it's better than once a month at our water to change the cartridge), after already "bulb" at the discretion of the cartridge (softening , removal of iron, tough cleaning, etc.). After all in the manifold (tee decided not to use it - too much water intake points). Do not unimportant point: after the collectors on the pipe to the dishwasher and stiralka installed additional filters for water softening.

Given the fact that the layout was clear where that will be - fit pipes towel warmer, washbasin, heating (in case of shutdown of hot water) and the other with a margin on the facing wall tiles.


And now the actual outcome:
1 Stove pazgor. Hydro 667h500h100 73 m2 0305 754 91 55 347 15
2 Mounting Adhesive Perlfiks 5 pcs 264 1320
3 Peskoboton m-150 (CSM) 10 pcs 150 1500
4 Universal Primer UNIS 4 pieces 241964
5 Corners, suspensions, trowel, level, buckets, screws, dowel-nail Betokontakt, foam brushes, rollers _ _ _ 4134
6 PM Profile Beacon 10 mm 158 m _ 1105 2
7 Plastering 'Rotband' White, 30 kg 16 pcs 6288 _ 64
8 gypsum plaster Bergauf Bau Putz Gips 30 kg 122 pieces 265 25 32 425 75
9 Plaster KNAUF UNTERPUTZ 20 pieces 200 1 4002
10 Radiator BM RIFAR FORZA 500 10 (installation. PC bracket) 3 pcs 4300 13632
11 Tube D50 PP 1 m tee _ _ _ 369
12 tank 50l PP 1 pc 500 500
13 Rule 1, 5m 2m 3 pieces _ 1300
14 crown for concrete 1 piece 655 655
15 pipe corrugations. D20 25m _ 302
16 pipe corrugations. D16 150 m _ 653
17 Clips for pipe corrugations. 260 pieces _ 321
18 Cable TV SAT-70 90 m _ 2025
19 cable NYM 3x1, 5100 m _ 2420
20 cable NYM 3x2, 5200 m _ 7102
21 cable NYM 3x6 20m _ 1500
22 podrozetnik Lexel 35 pcs 23 805
23 Shield camshaft. 24 mod. Volta IP30 1 piece 1519 1519
A mixture of 25 M-150 (Universal) 50 kg MASTER Harz 144 pcs 174 25056
27 M-450 Expanded clay fraction of 0.05 cubic meters 10-20 35 pcs 187 6545
A mixture of 28 M-150 75 pcs 120 9000
29 M-450 Expanded clay fraction 10-20 85 pcs 90 7650
30 cable NYM 3x2, 5 m 70 50 3500
31 Clips for pipe corrugations. 100 pcs. 3300
PP pipe 32 25 (28 m) angle of 25 (10 pieces) _ _ _ 2400
33 El. Breakers (Enter differential. Automatic block voltage) 22 pcs. 12000
34 Water supply (clutch, American, angles, clips, collector) _ _ _ 10050
36 filter housing Geyser 10 SL 1 pc. 485,485
37 Filter (bytov.tehnika) + filling (2 pieces) 2 pcs. 680 1360
40 Set strainers ATOLL AFF-1 / 2CM 2 pcs. 4768 9536
41 Waterproofing GLIMS GreenResin 2 pcs. 755 1510
42 Cartridge FA10-10SL 4,109,436
43 Primer GLIMS Prime 10L 1 pc. 525,525
45 filter housing 10 SL Geyser for hot water 1 pc. 1329 1329
46 Ladder 4 tbsp. 1 pc. 770,770
47 cable shielded twisted pair (FTP), Category 5e 70 m. 27, 1890
Posted in [mergetime] 1407076771 [/ mergetime]
Total content: 234531 71 rubles.
Delivery services: 33 077 rubles.
Unloading all materials (5th floor and a lot of tons) 38000 rubles.
Extras. services: 10,000 rubles.
Total for 94 kV / m for final finishing: 315,608, 71 rubles.