Post of Russia - on the battlefield.
The new director - a new approach!
Fire, water, bulldozer and polyethylene how Russian Post cope with the consequences of a fire
At the Monday, May 13, 2013, on the news feeds passed the message about the fire at the Moscow Center of international mail. Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that the area of the fire does not exceed 10 square meters and the fire affected only a few bags of correspondence. On the assurances of the Russian Post incident should not affect the processing of foreign parcels. But the events of the next few days have shown that everything is much more serious.
It so happened that I work near the International Mail Centre (hereinafter - the post office) and was able to see with his own eyes what was happening. Unfortunately, the quality of many photos of limps because filming on the tablet.
The chronicle of events is as follows.
May 14, Tuesday: smoke and bulldozer
At 7:15 am of the post office still smoke poured next to two fire engines were on duty. No need to be an expert to understand - 10 square meters for so long can not smoke.
Proof (hence the material was taken):
Forum author.
Mythical smoked 10 square meters and the next morning
On the square in front of the post office workers, rather casually, began to store the parcels affected by the fire and water to extinguish. This morning a bunch of also refutes the version of the Emergencies Ministry fire area.
The origin of the heap of the affected parcels. Whether more will be!
Posted in [mergetime] 1368954605 [/ mergetime]
The movement in the morning everything looked so.
By lunchtime, the smoke disappeared, and the mountain has grown significantly.
Posted in [mergetime] 1368954697 [/ mergetime]
Desperate to disassemble the rubble by hand, workers are attracted to the Post Office sorting ... bulldozer! More precisely, the front loader. In winter, it cleans the area with snow. With the premise, however, he treated the same way.
A little later began what appeared to be sorted: workers brought the trolley and began to throw them in the package. On what basis distributed over the mail carts are not clear. However, it had the postal briefly, so that by the end of the day it was already wet piles of three. When I left work at 22:00, at the site in the dim light of lanterns lasted some work.
May 15, Wednesday: "combed" the pile, rain, film and garbage trucks
During the night three slovenly heap gathered into one, making the scale of the incident appeared in all its glory.
A large pile instead of three smaller
At first, something taken away from the folded into the building, but it quickly stopped. After reading the last weather forecast Post Office workers have decided to roll up sending film in case of rain.
Soaked in extinguishing the remains of parcels vain attempt to hide from the rain
They do not have time. To fire, water to extinguish a bulldozer and sorting added another shower and washing.
Rainfall finishes sending, not burned in the fire
When the rain ended, the administration began to lay the unfortunate film "grown-up". Given the temperature outside, inside the room the cancellation.
Nanoupakovka surviving correspondence
Posted in [mergetime] 1368955014 [/ mergetime]
When it started to get dark, there were trucks in the territory. We can not say that they just piled parcels, and some could be seen some office property. It was noticeable that workers inspect items before throwing in the body. Probably you are looking for some value.
Toward the close of the day whether for the sake of the new rains, whether in order to hide the ugly kind of pile, sending decided to hide more carefully. I'm sure that mold fungus was just happy this decision.
Blue Cocoon for smoked correspondence ready
May 16, Thursday: leapfrog versions trucks against the press and 'blue sausage »
I wonder how many people are now wondering where they send or not there
Particularly noticeable a huge amount of "cocoon" when compared with the car almost.
1,000 letters and small packages, you say?
Correspondence wet so that on the third day after the fire, with her still flowing water.
Confidence in receiving shipments evaporates water from the asphalt
To the reporters did not remove the territory, entrance gate blocked the truck.
Truck publicity against
In the far corner of the territory under cover revealed a bunch of bags with unknown contents. In the evening, some of them migrated to the garbage truck.
What does not fit in a cocoon, it fits into a garbage truck
May 17, Friday: all the same, all the same
The second day of wet insisted on sending the heat under the film
May 16. Mail promises compensation!
Fire, water, bulldozer and polyethylene how Russian Post cope with the consequences of a fire
At the Monday, May 13, 2013, on the news feeds passed the message about the fire at the Moscow Center of international mail. Ministry of Emergency Situations reported that the area of the fire does not exceed 10 square meters and the fire affected only a few bags of correspondence. On the assurances of the Russian Post incident should not affect the processing of foreign parcels. But the events of the next few days have shown that everything is much more serious.
It so happened that I work near the International Mail Centre (hereinafter - the post office) and was able to see with his own eyes what was happening. Unfortunately, the quality of many photos of limps because filming on the tablet.
The chronicle of events is as follows.
May 14, Tuesday: smoke and bulldozer
At 7:15 am of the post office still smoke poured next to two fire engines were on duty. No need to be an expert to understand - 10 square meters for so long can not smoke.
Proof (hence the material was taken):
Forum author.
Mythical smoked 10 square meters and the next morning

On the square in front of the post office workers, rather casually, began to store the parcels affected by the fire and water to extinguish. This morning a bunch of also refutes the version of the Emergencies Ministry fire area.
The origin of the heap of the affected parcels. Whether more will be!
Posted in [mergetime] 1368954605 [/ mergetime]
The movement in the morning everything looked so.

By lunchtime, the smoke disappeared, and the mountain has grown significantly.
Posted in [mergetime] 1368954697 [/ mergetime]
Desperate to disassemble the rubble by hand, workers are attracted to the Post Office sorting ... bulldozer! More precisely, the front loader. In winter, it cleans the area with snow. With the premise, however, he treated the same way.

A little later began what appeared to be sorted: workers brought the trolley and began to throw them in the package. On what basis distributed over the mail carts are not clear. However, it had the postal briefly, so that by the end of the day it was already wet piles of three. When I left work at 22:00, at the site in the dim light of lanterns lasted some work.

May 15, Wednesday: "combed" the pile, rain, film and garbage trucks
During the night three slovenly heap gathered into one, making the scale of the incident appeared in all its glory.
A large pile instead of three smaller

At first, something taken away from the folded into the building, but it quickly stopped. After reading the last weather forecast Post Office workers have decided to roll up sending film in case of rain.
Soaked in extinguishing the remains of parcels vain attempt to hide from the rain

They do not have time. To fire, water to extinguish a bulldozer and sorting added another shower and washing.
Rainfall finishes sending, not burned in the fire

When the rain ended, the administration began to lay the unfortunate film "grown-up". Given the temperature outside, inside the room the cancellation.
Nanoupakovka surviving correspondence
Posted in [mergetime] 1368955014 [/ mergetime]
When it started to get dark, there were trucks in the territory. We can not say that they just piled parcels, and some could be seen some office property. It was noticeable that workers inspect items before throwing in the body. Probably you are looking for some value.

Toward the close of the day whether for the sake of the new rains, whether in order to hide the ugly kind of pile, sending decided to hide more carefully. I'm sure that mold fungus was just happy this decision.
Blue Cocoon for smoked correspondence ready

May 16, Thursday: leapfrog versions trucks against the press and 'blue sausage »
I wonder how many people are now wondering where they send or not there

Particularly noticeable a huge amount of "cocoon" when compared with the car almost.
1,000 letters and small packages, you say?

Correspondence wet so that on the third day after the fire, with her still flowing water.
Confidence in receiving shipments evaporates water from the asphalt

To the reporters did not remove the territory, entrance gate blocked the truck.
Truck publicity against

In the far corner of the territory under cover revealed a bunch of bags with unknown contents. In the evening, some of them migrated to the garbage truck.
What does not fit in a cocoon, it fits into a garbage truck

May 17, Friday: all the same, all the same
The second day of wet insisted on sending the heat under the film

May 16. Mail promises compensation!