8 revelations English teacher (adults)
8 revelations English teacher (adults)
1. No, you can not learn a language in six months. And I do not need a BMW, which I promise you, if you learn. Two years of hard training - at least to start passable communicate in a wide range of topics.
2. No, you can not learn a language without doing any homework. (Actually, you can, and such precedents were with me, but have to do it no less than 3 hours 3 times a week, and, accordingly, the timing multiply 2 dashes of 5) That is, can not be considered because such heroes with a bunch of free time and motivation stable unit.
3. No, "spoken language" without grammar and rules do not exist. When a person says that he does not need grammar, he does not understand that these concepts are inseparable. If you need to know a few dozen phrases, buy a phrase book. Teacher teaches to express your own thoughts, and without understanding what rules they are built - anywhere.
Posted in [mergetime] 1372347303 [/ mergetime]
3. Yes, in most cases, you will understand if you speak with a heavy accent. But:
1. Prepare to native speakers to understand that you will be even more difficult than non-carriers, because sometimes words in the English differ by only one sound, and they can not find a familiar and simple words that for some reason you are saying completely different.
2. Think of the people who speak in Russian with an accent and the way they are perceived. Prepare to stand in their place.
3. Remember to tighten pronunciation is not difficult, but you need to understand that this is necessary, and the desire to change something.
5. Yes, immersion - the coolest thing you can think. If possible, a small store of knowledge accumulated, go to Malta, England, in the US language school. Not necessarily a long time, even a couple of weeks of my students raises great motivation and an understanding of what to do and why.
If the opportunity to go there, to create an environment at home, listen to music and watch films and programs in the original voice. Never look in the dubbing that was filmed in English.
6. Yes, I mind if during the occupation you want to pedal the bike, to argue with the child, cursing housekeepers, continue activity in the car, because it called for negotiations, etc.
7. Yes, I know you're the big boss and you have to from time to time to answer calls, but when the phone is ringing every 5 minutes and every 10 did you take up, you lose concentration, and therefore money, but I'm impatient. Try to choose a time when no one you will not distract or turn off the phone, so you can concentrate and learn twice.
1. No, you can not learn a language in six months. And I do not need a BMW, which I promise you, if you learn. Two years of hard training - at least to start passable communicate in a wide range of topics.

2. No, you can not learn a language without doing any homework. (Actually, you can, and such precedents were with me, but have to do it no less than 3 hours 3 times a week, and, accordingly, the timing multiply 2 dashes of 5) That is, can not be considered because such heroes with a bunch of free time and motivation stable unit.

3. No, "spoken language" without grammar and rules do not exist. When a person says that he does not need grammar, he does not understand that these concepts are inseparable. If you need to know a few dozen phrases, buy a phrase book. Teacher teaches to express your own thoughts, and without understanding what rules they are built - anywhere.
Posted in [mergetime] 1372347303 [/ mergetime]
3. Yes, in most cases, you will understand if you speak with a heavy accent. But:
1. Prepare to native speakers to understand that you will be even more difficult than non-carriers, because sometimes words in the English differ by only one sound, and they can not find a familiar and simple words that for some reason you are saying completely different.
2. Think of the people who speak in Russian with an accent and the way they are perceived. Prepare to stand in their place.
3. Remember to tighten pronunciation is not difficult, but you need to understand that this is necessary, and the desire to change something.

5. Yes, immersion - the coolest thing you can think. If possible, a small store of knowledge accumulated, go to Malta, England, in the US language school. Not necessarily a long time, even a couple of weeks of my students raises great motivation and an understanding of what to do and why.

If the opportunity to go there, to create an environment at home, listen to music and watch films and programs in the original voice. Never look in the dubbing that was filmed in English.
6. Yes, I mind if during the occupation you want to pedal the bike, to argue with the child, cursing housekeepers, continue activity in the car, because it called for negotiations, etc.

7. Yes, I know you're the big boss and you have to from time to time to answer calls, but when the phone is ringing every 5 minutes and every 10 did you take up, you lose concentration, and therefore money, but I'm impatient. Try to choose a time when no one you will not distract or turn off the phone, so you can concentrate and learn twice.

