English-level b1: a qualitative approach
Eighty five million four hundred ninety five thousand thirty two
This level of English is considered to be an intermediate in the generally accepted in Europe a special system of evaluation of knowledge of the CEFR. It means that students who have mastered them already go beyond the usual skills in a foreign language, but also can't chat at work or at home exclusively in English.
Levels English b1: what is the result?
Our school offers professional training, allowing to obtain high quality results with the right attitude to learning. To gain knowledge in this direction, you should enroll in our courses – it can be done directly on the page. In addition, your initial level of knowledge should be sufficient for training at this level. To determine the extent of your training, we recommend to pass a special test, also available on our website.
Teachers of our school of English in Kiev (the site of the school dschool.com.ua) possess excellent level of knowledge and work on special programs created directly by the Methodists Denis School. Upon completion of this course our students:
Actually, if you characterize the levels of English b1 (Intermediate level) can be called solid Foundation, the final stage in the development of vocabulary and the necessary grammatical skills. The next levels involve strengthening and increasing active and passive vocabulary, understanding the nuances and peculiarities of English.
It should be noted that the level b1, which provides quite a fluency in the language, and allowing you complete freedom to communicate in English gives the opportunity to seamlessly pass the independent external testing and to study in prestigious universities. In addition, our students also have the opportunity to attend training courses abroad. But the main thing is that nowadays, almost all employers when applying for a job require excellent knowledge of English at this level. Therefore, we offer our assistance in mastering the English language, forming this group or recommending individual training.
This level of English is considered to be an intermediate in the generally accepted in Europe a special system of evaluation of knowledge of the CEFR. It means that students who have mastered them already go beyond the usual skills in a foreign language, but also can't chat at work or at home exclusively in English.
Levels English b1: what is the result?
Our school offers professional training, allowing to obtain high quality results with the right attitude to learning. To gain knowledge in this direction, you should enroll in our courses – it can be done directly on the page. In addition, your initial level of knowledge should be sufficient for training at this level. To determine the extent of your training, we recommend to pass a special test, also available on our website.
Teachers of our school of English in Kiev (the site of the school dschool.com.ua) possess excellent level of knowledge and work on special programs created directly by the Methodists Denis School. Upon completion of this course our students:
- understand the key ideas of standard messages for common themes;
- communicate in most situations that you can often see during a stay in an English speaking country;
- know how to make simple connected text on familiar topics or those which interest them personally;
- describe experiences, thoughts, dreams, aspirations, unable to verbally formulate their own opinion.
Actually, if you characterize the levels of English b1 (Intermediate level) can be called solid Foundation, the final stage in the development of vocabulary and the necessary grammatical skills. The next levels involve strengthening and increasing active and passive vocabulary, understanding the nuances and peculiarities of English.
It should be noted that the level b1, which provides quite a fluency in the language, and allowing you complete freedom to communicate in English gives the opportunity to seamlessly pass the independent external testing and to study in prestigious universities. In addition, our students also have the opportunity to attend training courses abroad. But the main thing is that nowadays, almost all employers when applying for a job require excellent knowledge of English at this level. Therefore, we offer our assistance in mastering the English language, forming this group or recommending individual training.

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