New Scramble US and Russia - opposition doctrines of nationalism and internationalism
Pretty fashionable today in the US journal New Republic argues that the new scramble the US and Russia - opposition to the doctrines of nationalism and internationalism. In this article many correct and interesting things. It is worth reading no doubt.
BUT: it seems to me, even in the US, some intellectuals complicate things. In fact, everything is much simpler and does not need to split hairs here. This competition models free and unfree states - one designed for comfort as much as possible of its citizens, the other - for the comfort of the so-called elites. Recent powder people brains, nekomeptentnye and incapable of providing a high quality of life, these "elite" boobies people exploit the ideas of language and nationalism, because they have nothing more to offer. In the event of total control over the media, it works pretty well. And in order to stay in the saddle and continue to steal.
Maybe it's just, but no abstruse doctrines is not here.