10 things that do not explain at the university, and would be worth
Some people think that education - these are factories that process in children of highly qualified specialists, who will be in demand in the labor market and will receive a lot of money.
And all of us in this way realize that it is not so. Ironically, many come to universities to become more intelligent, and as a result feel just stupid. This is not because the universities do not teach anything, but because there are often formed misperception career and profession as such. And so, we present a short list of those things that are good to know right from the start.
1. Almost everything you learn will be useless
Sorry, but it's true. After graduation all the facts that you worked so hard to teach, will be absolutely meaningless that you even ask yourself why you are all somehow worried. Much of what you do at work, can not be associated with some facts, figures, and sometimes even logic. Everything will revolve around interpersonal relationships, the specific characteristics of the company, that practice, which it adopted and, unfortunately, with the routine. Your education will provide you with a basic training in your field and will teach a couple of clever words to show off in front of colleagues. But most of the skills you will gain only in the course of work.
Source - muz4in.net/news/10_veshhej_kotorye_...013-08-06-33521
2. Your diploma does not matter
He walks a lot of debate about whether there is a sense to get in economics or law, will continue to grow, the demand for technical professions, can get somewhere with a philosophical education, and so on. But this talk is meaningless. Getting a job depends entirely on you, not on your diploma.
Education can help you hone and open new skills and abilities, but how you use these skills depends on you. People tend to look at the degree in terms of what it can do for them, but it is more productive to think about how you will be able to use the diploma for the best results at work. You for it and will pay.
3. Training is not everything
The university - is a microcosm in which it seems that the most important thing in life - this assessment, competitions, performance, etc. But it is not. Of course, learning is taken seriously and diligently, but if you are going to dedicate himself to getting excellent marks, you can miss something that would be more useful for you in the long run. For example, furnishing new acquaintances, some practical activities, participation in various organizations. Something of this, too, will not be ashamed to write in the abstract, but something just to help you in life. But people who just learn well, not so little.
4. Your degree does not prejudge your future
If you have received teacher training, you will be a teacher, is not it? Otherwise, you're wasting receive a diploma. But life really is not a sprint in a straight line, but rather a winding road. And the main thing in it - go where you personally see fit. And if at one moment you turned the wrong way, the only thing you can do -Back and find the right path. Errors - an integral part of the process. And you should not let the decisions you have taken somewhere in 18 years, to dictate the course of the rest of your life.
5. exams - not the main goal
Training often involves memorization of a large amount of information immediately after the examination, test or control all at once forgotten. Exams are rather rite of passage that you have to be remembered for a long time, take your time and effort, but it is not part of the learning process.
6. Creativity matter
In the humanities, the creative approach is always welcome, but sometimes it seems that in other areas it is superfluous. You may think that some jobs require creativity, and some - no, but it's not. Creativity - is not just drawing pictures. This business organization, and the development of a new scientific theory, and writing a computer program, and more. Simply put, creativity - the ability to come up with something that does not exist yet. And the people who have these abilities can be successful in all areas.
7. Your identity is also important
Some teachers deliberately give the group tasks is to teach students to work in a team. Most people hate it. Because to build relationships with other people is always difficult. And especially the importance of teamwork you realize when you work, and you have to deal with the same people for years. If people realized how important relationships in the team and the ability to work together, it would be more time is given to training these things.
8. Much depends on luck
The atmosphere in educational institutions often reinforces teenage belief that you can achieve absolutely everything, is wanted. Sorry, but it's not.
If you are color blind, you will never become a pilot. You do not become a veterinarian if you are allergic to animals. And the simple luck depends largely on your ability, your successes and failures. This does not mean you have to lower the hand at the first failure, it means that you need to realize that failure is possible in principle, and if that happens, you have to be ready. In addition, do not miss any opportunities happy that you might be subjected.
9. The money is not everything
The universities are taught how to make money. But often they do not teach how to manage the money as they save, invest, spend correctly. If you have not learned this, spend some time and be sure to check out the issue. Knowing how all of this, you will learn how to competently manage and get the most out even if not the highest salary, instead of wasting aimlessly and even a lot of money.
10. Your training will never end
Once you've got the diploma, it's time to breathe a sigh of relief - the hardest part behind. No matter how true! If you really want to succeed in your career and life, it is necessary to continue to learn. This will allow you to always be aware of any changes in your professional field and generally learn new things that will make life more interesting. And the more you learn, the less will make mistakes. But remember, you do not know what you do not know until you start doing something.
And all of us in this way realize that it is not so. Ironically, many come to universities to become more intelligent, and as a result feel just stupid. This is not because the universities do not teach anything, but because there are often formed misperception career and profession as such. And so, we present a short list of those things that are good to know right from the start.
1. Almost everything you learn will be useless
Sorry, but it's true. After graduation all the facts that you worked so hard to teach, will be absolutely meaningless that you even ask yourself why you are all somehow worried. Much of what you do at work, can not be associated with some facts, figures, and sometimes even logic. Everything will revolve around interpersonal relationships, the specific characteristics of the company, that practice, which it adopted and, unfortunately, with the routine. Your education will provide you with a basic training in your field and will teach a couple of clever words to show off in front of colleagues. But most of the skills you will gain only in the course of work.
Source - muz4in.net/news/10_veshhej_kotorye_...013-08-06-33521

2. Your diploma does not matter
He walks a lot of debate about whether there is a sense to get in economics or law, will continue to grow, the demand for technical professions, can get somewhere with a philosophical education, and so on. But this talk is meaningless. Getting a job depends entirely on you, not on your diploma.
Education can help you hone and open new skills and abilities, but how you use these skills depends on you. People tend to look at the degree in terms of what it can do for them, but it is more productive to think about how you will be able to use the diploma for the best results at work. You for it and will pay.
3. Training is not everything
The university - is a microcosm in which it seems that the most important thing in life - this assessment, competitions, performance, etc. But it is not. Of course, learning is taken seriously and diligently, but if you are going to dedicate himself to getting excellent marks, you can miss something that would be more useful for you in the long run. For example, furnishing new acquaintances, some practical activities, participation in various organizations. Something of this, too, will not be ashamed to write in the abstract, but something just to help you in life. But people who just learn well, not so little.
4. Your degree does not prejudge your future
If you have received teacher training, you will be a teacher, is not it? Otherwise, you're wasting receive a diploma. But life really is not a sprint in a straight line, but rather a winding road. And the main thing in it - go where you personally see fit. And if at one moment you turned the wrong way, the only thing you can do -Back and find the right path. Errors - an integral part of the process. And you should not let the decisions you have taken somewhere in 18 years, to dictate the course of the rest of your life.
5. exams - not the main goal
Training often involves memorization of a large amount of information immediately after the examination, test or control all at once forgotten. Exams are rather rite of passage that you have to be remembered for a long time, take your time and effort, but it is not part of the learning process.
6. Creativity matter
In the humanities, the creative approach is always welcome, but sometimes it seems that in other areas it is superfluous. You may think that some jobs require creativity, and some - no, but it's not. Creativity - is not just drawing pictures. This business organization, and the development of a new scientific theory, and writing a computer program, and more. Simply put, creativity - the ability to come up with something that does not exist yet. And the people who have these abilities can be successful in all areas.
7. Your identity is also important
Some teachers deliberately give the group tasks is to teach students to work in a team. Most people hate it. Because to build relationships with other people is always difficult. And especially the importance of teamwork you realize when you work, and you have to deal with the same people for years. If people realized how important relationships in the team and the ability to work together, it would be more time is given to training these things.
8. Much depends on luck
The atmosphere in educational institutions often reinforces teenage belief that you can achieve absolutely everything, is wanted. Sorry, but it's not.
If you are color blind, you will never become a pilot. You do not become a veterinarian if you are allergic to animals. And the simple luck depends largely on your ability, your successes and failures. This does not mean you have to lower the hand at the first failure, it means that you need to realize that failure is possible in principle, and if that happens, you have to be ready. In addition, do not miss any opportunities happy that you might be subjected.
9. The money is not everything
The universities are taught how to make money. But often they do not teach how to manage the money as they save, invest, spend correctly. If you have not learned this, spend some time and be sure to check out the issue. Knowing how all of this, you will learn how to competently manage and get the most out even if not the highest salary, instead of wasting aimlessly and even a lot of money.
10. Your training will never end
Once you've got the diploma, it's time to breathe a sigh of relief - the hardest part behind. No matter how true! If you really want to succeed in your career and life, it is necessary to continue to learn. This will allow you to always be aware of any changes in your professional field and generally learn new things that will make life more interesting. And the more you learn, the less will make mistakes. But remember, you do not know what you do not know until you start doing something.