Russia 19th century. Oil Paintings
Nicholas Nevrёv. "Bargaining. Scene from a serf life. " 1866
One landowner sells the land to another girl. Impressively shows the buyer five fingers - five hundred rubles. 500 rubles - the average price of Russian serfdom in the first half of the 19th century. Seller girls - European-educated gentleman. Paintings on the walls, and books. The girl obediently waiting for their fate, other slaves gathered in the doorway and watch what the outcome of bargaining. Tosca.
22 photos + description.
Vasily Perov. "Rural procession on Easter." 1861
Russian village of the 19th century. Orthodox Easter. All drunk in the trash, including pop. Dude in the center of the icon is upside down and about to fall. Some have already fallen. Fun! The essence of the picture - the commitment of the Russian people to Orthodoxy exaggerated. Commitment to alcohol is clearly stronger. Perov was a recognized master of genre painting and portraiture. But this picture of him in Tsarist Russia was forbidden to display and playback. Censorship!
Gregory Myasoedov. "Zemstvo dinner." 1872
The time of Alexander II. Serfdom was abolished. Permission for local government - zemstvo. Peasants there too chose. But between them and the higher classes - the abyss. So - dining apartheid. Lord - in the house, with the waiters, the peasants - under the door.
Fyodor Vasilyev. "The Village". 1869
1869. The landscape is beautiful and the village, if you look closely, a beggar. Squalid home, leaky roofs, the road is buried in the mud.
Jan Hendrik Verheijen. "Dutch village with figures of people." 1st floor. 19th century.
Well it is, for comparison :)
Alex Korzukhin. "The Return of the city." 1870
The atmosphere in the house the poor, ragged on the floor crawling child, a daughter older dad brought from modest fairing - a bunch of bagels. However, many children in the family - only three of them in the picture plus possibly another one in a makeshift cradle.
Sergey Korovin. "In the world." 1893
This is the village of the late 19th century. Serfs no more, but there was a bundle - fists. At the village meeting - some dispute between the poor and the fist. For the poor theme, apparently, it is vital that it is almost crying. Rich fist laughs at him. Other fists in the background, too, giggling over the loser-rogue. But comrade to the right of the poor imbued with his words. Two finished member Kombed already have left to wait for 1917.
Vasily Maximov. "The auction for the arrears." 1881-82 biennium.
Tax lyutuet. Tsarist officials let the hammer samovars, iron pots and other belongings peasant. The most heavy taxes on peasants were indemnity payments. Alexander II «Liberator" actually freed the peasants for the money - they later years were obliged to pay the native state of the plots of land that they were given together with the will. In fact, this land was the peasants in the past, they used it for many generations, while they were serfs. But when it became free - they were forced to pay for this land. The board had to be made in installments, right up to 1932. In 1907, against the backdrop of the revolution government abolished these charges.
Vladimir Makovsky. "On the Boulevard." 1886-1887, the
At the end of the 19th century. Russia came in industrialization. Young people going into the city. There she goes the roof. Former life they no longer interesting. And this young laborer - not even interesting, and his wife, a peasant who had come to him from the village. She did not move forward. Girl in horror. Proletarian with an accordion - all of FIG.
Vladimir Makovsky. "Rendezvous". 1883
In the village of poverty. Boy gave "a people." Ie sent into the city to work for the owner, who operates child labor. Mother came to visit him. Besides obviously live unsweetened mother sees everything. The kid eats greedily had brought a loaf.
And Vladimir Makovsky. "The collapse of the bank." 1881
The crowd defrauded investors in the office. All in shock. Rogue banker (right) quietly dumps with Salvage. A police officer looks the other way, such as can not see it.
Pavel Fedotov. "The fresh cavalier." 1846
Young officer received the first order. Washed overnight. The next morning, wearing a cross on the right gown, demonstrates his cook. Mad view complete arrogance. Cook, embodies the people looking at him with irony. Fedotov was a master of psychological patterns. The meaning of this: no flashing lights on the machines, and in their heads.
Pavel Fedotov yet. "Breakfast aristocrat." 1849-1850.
Morning, impoverished nobleman caught unawares unexpected guests. His breakfast (piece of black bread), he hastily covers the French novel. Nobles (3% of the population) were privileged class in the old Russia. Owned vast amounts of land in the country, but a good farmer of them get rare. Not the master's business. As a result - poverty, debt, and all laid remortgaged banks. Chekhov in "The Cherry Orchard" named after landowner Ranevskaya sold for debts. Buyers (rich merchants) derbanit estate, and one very necessary manor cherry orchard (to resell under the summer). The reason for the problems of the family Ranevskayas - idleness for several generations. No one involved in the estate, and the mistress of the last 5 years living abroad and littered money.
Boris Kustodiev. "Merchant". 1918
Provincial merchants - a favorite theme in Kustodiev. While the nobles in Paris squandered the estate, these people were raised from the bottom, making money in a huge country where you where to put your hands and capital. It is noteworthy that the picture painted in 1918, when kustodievskih merchants and bills of sale across the country already being put to the wall of the fighters with the bourgeoisie.
Ilya Repin. "Religious Procession in Kursk Province". 1880-1883 gg.
On the procession out the different layers of society, and Repin painted them all. Ahead carry a lantern with candles for him - an icon, and then go best people - officials in uniform, priests in gold, merchants, nobles. On the sides - Protection (on horseback), then - the common people. The people on the roadsides ogrebaet periodically, so as not to undercut the bosses and not climb on his band. Tretyakov in the picture did not like the policeman (right, in white, with all the dope peel whip someone from the crowd). He asked the artist to remove this Cop chaos of the plot. Repin but refused. A picture of the Tretyakov still bought. Over 10 000, which was just enormous sum at the time.
Ilya Repin. "Gathering of." 1883
But these young guys in another picture Repin - no longer walk with the crowd on any religious processions. They have their own way - terror. This "Narodnaya Volya", an underground organization of revolutionaries, who killed Tsar Alexander II.
Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky. "Mental calculation. In folk school S.A.Rachinskogo. " 1895
Rural School. Peasant children in sandals. But the desire to learn - there. Teacher - European costume with butterfly. This is a real man - Sergei Raczynski. Mathematician and professor at Moscow University. Volunteer teaching in a rural school in the village. Tatevo (now Tver region.), Where he had an estate. Great job. According to the census in 1897 the literacy rate in Russia was only 21%.
Jan Matejko. "Clad Poland." 1863
According to the 1897 census, literacy in the country was 21%, and the Great - 44%. Empire! Inter-ethnic relations in the country have never been smooth. Picture of the Polish painter Jan Matejko was written in memory of the anti-Russian uprising in 1863 Russian officers with the evil mugs shackled girl (Poland), defeated but not broken. Behind it sits another girl (blonde), which symbolizes Lithuania. Her dirty paw other Russian. Pole right, sitting face to the viewer - the spitting image of Dzerzhinsky.
Nicholas Pimomenko. Victim of bigotry. 1899
The painting izbrazhen real case, which was in Kremenets (Zap.Ukraina). The girl fell in love with a Ukrainian-Jewish blacksmith. Young decided to get married bride with the transition to Christianity. This bothered the local Jewish community. They behaved extremely intolerant. Parents (on the right in the picture) disowned daughter and maid were subjected to obstruction. The victim in the neck can see the cross in front of her rabbi with his fists, for him - public concern with clubs.
Franz Roubaud. "Storm Gimry village." 1891
Caucasian war of the 19th century. Witch's brew dagov Chechens and the royal army. Aul Gimry (ancestral village of Shamil) fell 17 October 1832 By the way, since 2007 in the village again Gimry valid counter-terrorist operation. Last (at the time of writing this post) riot police sweep was April 11, 2013 The first - in the picture below:
Vasily Vereshchagin. "Opiumoedy." 1868
Vereshchagin painting was done in Tashkent during one of the Turkestan campaigns of the Russian army. Central Asia was then part of Russia. What saw marcher ancestors of the present migrant workers - this Vereshchagin left picture and memoirs. Dirt, poverty, dope ...
Peter Belousov. "We'll go the other way!". 1951
And finally the main event in the history of Russia in the 19th. April 22, 1870 in the town of Simbirsk was born Vladimir Ulyanov. His older brother, Narodnaya Volya, tried his hand, was in the area of individual terror - plot to assassinate the king. But the attempt fell through and brother hanged. That's when a young Volodya according to legend, the mother said: "We'll go the other way!". And they went.
One landowner sells the land to another girl. Impressively shows the buyer five fingers - five hundred rubles. 500 rubles - the average price of Russian serfdom in the first half of the 19th century. Seller girls - European-educated gentleman. Paintings on the walls, and books. The girl obediently waiting for their fate, other slaves gathered in the doorway and watch what the outcome of bargaining. Tosca.
22 photos + description.

Vasily Perov. "Rural procession on Easter." 1861
Russian village of the 19th century. Orthodox Easter. All drunk in the trash, including pop. Dude in the center of the icon is upside down and about to fall. Some have already fallen. Fun! The essence of the picture - the commitment of the Russian people to Orthodoxy exaggerated. Commitment to alcohol is clearly stronger. Perov was a recognized master of genre painting and portraiture. But this picture of him in Tsarist Russia was forbidden to display and playback. Censorship!

Gregory Myasoedov. "Zemstvo dinner." 1872
The time of Alexander II. Serfdom was abolished. Permission for local government - zemstvo. Peasants there too chose. But between them and the higher classes - the abyss. So - dining apartheid. Lord - in the house, with the waiters, the peasants - under the door.

Fyodor Vasilyev. "The Village". 1869
1869. The landscape is beautiful and the village, if you look closely, a beggar. Squalid home, leaky roofs, the road is buried in the mud.

Jan Hendrik Verheijen. "Dutch village with figures of people." 1st floor. 19th century.
Well it is, for comparison :)

Alex Korzukhin. "The Return of the city." 1870
The atmosphere in the house the poor, ragged on the floor crawling child, a daughter older dad brought from modest fairing - a bunch of bagels. However, many children in the family - only three of them in the picture plus possibly another one in a makeshift cradle.

Sergey Korovin. "In the world." 1893
This is the village of the late 19th century. Serfs no more, but there was a bundle - fists. At the village meeting - some dispute between the poor and the fist. For the poor theme, apparently, it is vital that it is almost crying. Rich fist laughs at him. Other fists in the background, too, giggling over the loser-rogue. But comrade to the right of the poor imbued with his words. Two finished member Kombed already have left to wait for 1917.

Vasily Maximov. "The auction for the arrears." 1881-82 biennium.
Tax lyutuet. Tsarist officials let the hammer samovars, iron pots and other belongings peasant. The most heavy taxes on peasants were indemnity payments. Alexander II «Liberator" actually freed the peasants for the money - they later years were obliged to pay the native state of the plots of land that they were given together with the will. In fact, this land was the peasants in the past, they used it for many generations, while they were serfs. But when it became free - they were forced to pay for this land. The board had to be made in installments, right up to 1932. In 1907, against the backdrop of the revolution government abolished these charges.

Vladimir Makovsky. "On the Boulevard." 1886-1887, the
At the end of the 19th century. Russia came in industrialization. Young people going into the city. There she goes the roof. Former life they no longer interesting. And this young laborer - not even interesting, and his wife, a peasant who had come to him from the village. She did not move forward. Girl in horror. Proletarian with an accordion - all of FIG.

Vladimir Makovsky. "Rendezvous". 1883
In the village of poverty. Boy gave "a people." Ie sent into the city to work for the owner, who operates child labor. Mother came to visit him. Besides obviously live unsweetened mother sees everything. The kid eats greedily had brought a loaf.

And Vladimir Makovsky. "The collapse of the bank." 1881
The crowd defrauded investors in the office. All in shock. Rogue banker (right) quietly dumps with Salvage. A police officer looks the other way, such as can not see it.

Pavel Fedotov. "The fresh cavalier." 1846
Young officer received the first order. Washed overnight. The next morning, wearing a cross on the right gown, demonstrates his cook. Mad view complete arrogance. Cook, embodies the people looking at him with irony. Fedotov was a master of psychological patterns. The meaning of this: no flashing lights on the machines, and in their heads.

Pavel Fedotov yet. "Breakfast aristocrat." 1849-1850.
Morning, impoverished nobleman caught unawares unexpected guests. His breakfast (piece of black bread), he hastily covers the French novel. Nobles (3% of the population) were privileged class in the old Russia. Owned vast amounts of land in the country, but a good farmer of them get rare. Not the master's business. As a result - poverty, debt, and all laid remortgaged banks. Chekhov in "The Cherry Orchard" named after landowner Ranevskaya sold for debts. Buyers (rich merchants) derbanit estate, and one very necessary manor cherry orchard (to resell under the summer). The reason for the problems of the family Ranevskayas - idleness for several generations. No one involved in the estate, and the mistress of the last 5 years living abroad and littered money.

Boris Kustodiev. "Merchant". 1918
Provincial merchants - a favorite theme in Kustodiev. While the nobles in Paris squandered the estate, these people were raised from the bottom, making money in a huge country where you where to put your hands and capital. It is noteworthy that the picture painted in 1918, when kustodievskih merchants and bills of sale across the country already being put to the wall of the fighters with the bourgeoisie.

Ilya Repin. "Religious Procession in Kursk Province". 1880-1883 gg.
On the procession out the different layers of society, and Repin painted them all. Ahead carry a lantern with candles for him - an icon, and then go best people - officials in uniform, priests in gold, merchants, nobles. On the sides - Protection (on horseback), then - the common people. The people on the roadsides ogrebaet periodically, so as not to undercut the bosses and not climb on his band. Tretyakov in the picture did not like the policeman (right, in white, with all the dope peel whip someone from the crowd). He asked the artist to remove this Cop chaos of the plot. Repin but refused. A picture of the Tretyakov still bought. Over 10 000, which was just enormous sum at the time.

Ilya Repin. "Gathering of." 1883
But these young guys in another picture Repin - no longer walk with the crowd on any religious processions. They have their own way - terror. This "Narodnaya Volya", an underground organization of revolutionaries, who killed Tsar Alexander II.

Nikolay Bogdanov-Belsky. "Mental calculation. In folk school S.A.Rachinskogo. " 1895
Rural School. Peasant children in sandals. But the desire to learn - there. Teacher - European costume with butterfly. This is a real man - Sergei Raczynski. Mathematician and professor at Moscow University. Volunteer teaching in a rural school in the village. Tatevo (now Tver region.), Where he had an estate. Great job. According to the census in 1897 the literacy rate in Russia was only 21%.

Jan Matejko. "Clad Poland." 1863
According to the 1897 census, literacy in the country was 21%, and the Great - 44%. Empire! Inter-ethnic relations in the country have never been smooth. Picture of the Polish painter Jan Matejko was written in memory of the anti-Russian uprising in 1863 Russian officers with the evil mugs shackled girl (Poland), defeated but not broken. Behind it sits another girl (blonde), which symbolizes Lithuania. Her dirty paw other Russian. Pole right, sitting face to the viewer - the spitting image of Dzerzhinsky.

Nicholas Pimomenko. Victim of bigotry. 1899
The painting izbrazhen real case, which was in Kremenets (Zap.Ukraina). The girl fell in love with a Ukrainian-Jewish blacksmith. Young decided to get married bride with the transition to Christianity. This bothered the local Jewish community. They behaved extremely intolerant. Parents (on the right in the picture) disowned daughter and maid were subjected to obstruction. The victim in the neck can see the cross in front of her rabbi with his fists, for him - public concern with clubs.

Franz Roubaud. "Storm Gimry village." 1891
Caucasian war of the 19th century. Witch's brew dagov Chechens and the royal army. Aul Gimry (ancestral village of Shamil) fell 17 October 1832 By the way, since 2007 in the village again Gimry valid counter-terrorist operation. Last (at the time of writing this post) riot police sweep was April 11, 2013 The first - in the picture below:

Vasily Vereshchagin. "Opiumoedy." 1868
Vereshchagin painting was done in Tashkent during one of the Turkestan campaigns of the Russian army. Central Asia was then part of Russia. What saw marcher ancestors of the present migrant workers - this Vereshchagin left picture and memoirs. Dirt, poverty, dope ...

Peter Belousov. "We'll go the other way!". 1951
And finally the main event in the history of Russia in the 19th. April 22, 1870 in the town of Simbirsk was born Vladimir Ulyanov. His older brother, Narodnaya Volya, tried his hand, was in the area of individual terror - plot to assassinate the king. But the attempt fell through and brother hanged. That's when a young Volodya according to legend, the mother said: "We'll go the other way!". And they went.
