Lies Russian TV about Georgia
The fact that Russian television lying - it's no secret. Cringe and manipulated the facts, ignores truth, pulls out of context. But such a blatant and stupid lie I still had not seen - and just take down utterly misquote elementary statistics that each student can test two mouse clicks ... Kim Jong-un nervously smokes on the sidelines. Focus on the screen:
1. The Russian TV:
"Georgia's GDP during the reign of Saakashvili fell three times - in 2002, Georgia's GDP was 16 billion. Dollars, and now barely up to 5 billion»
In reality:
In 2002, Georgia's GDP was 3 396 billion and now stands at 15, 83 billion, that is, it has not decreased three times, and increased by 5 times. It is also worth noting that last year, Georgia's GDP grew by 6% (in Russia - 3, 4%), and this year is expected to grow by at least 4% (in Russia - 2%). Greetings from sunny Georgia Putin.
2. The Russian TV:
"Unemployment in this period increased from 12, 5% to 15%»
In reality:
In 2002, the unemployment rate in Georgia was 15, 9% at the end of 2012 - 15, 0%. That is basically the unemployment rate in the country has not changed.
3. Russian TV:
"According to international experts, has increased the level of corruption».
In reality:
Between 2002 and 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index Transparency International Georgia has risen from 85 seats to 52 seats. During the same period, Russia has slipped 71 places to 131 places. That is 10 years ago, Russia was less corrupt than Georgia, and now we have shared the 80 (!) Places. Another greetings to Putin and Russian TV channel from sunny Georgia.
Probably, they are confident that their audience is so stupid that it will not check anything.

1. The Russian TV:
"Georgia's GDP during the reign of Saakashvili fell three times - in 2002, Georgia's GDP was 16 billion. Dollars, and now barely up to 5 billion»
In reality:
In 2002, Georgia's GDP was 3 396 billion and now stands at 15, 83 billion, that is, it has not decreased three times, and increased by 5 times. It is also worth noting that last year, Georgia's GDP grew by 6% (in Russia - 3, 4%), and this year is expected to grow by at least 4% (in Russia - 2%). Greetings from sunny Georgia Putin.
2. The Russian TV:
"Unemployment in this period increased from 12, 5% to 15%»
In reality:
In 2002, the unemployment rate in Georgia was 15, 9% at the end of 2012 - 15, 0%. That is basically the unemployment rate in the country has not changed.
3. Russian TV:
"According to international experts, has increased the level of corruption».
In reality:
Between 2002 and 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index Transparency International Georgia has risen from 85 seats to 52 seats. During the same period, Russia has slipped 71 places to 131 places. That is 10 years ago, Russia was less corrupt than Georgia, and now we have shared the 80 (!) Places. Another greetings to Putin and Russian TV channel from sunny Georgia.
Probably, they are confident that their audience is so stupid that it will not check anything.