Photo of the village Duvankul the Chelyabinsk region, where my grandmother kvass cabbage as 100 years ago.
Photo of the village Duvankul the Chelyabinsk region, where my grandmother kvass cabbage as 100 years ago.
After passing 120 km from Chelyabinsk, you will find yourself in the depths of the Urals, Duvankul small village on the shores of the lake. In an old rickety houses 500 people live here, mostly old men cheerful and kind old lady, like the heroes of Gogol and Nekrasov. They also agreed with pleasure to show readers "good news", how to brew and not salt the cabbage.
Modern farmers delicatessen store up to 50-liter pots. Dozens Vilkov chopped mixed with a lot of carrots, salt and put in a warm. The process of fermentation, during which a lot all the time you need to poke through, giving the gases go out. Only then pan endure cold and frozen.
In winter, no day is complete without sauerkraut on the table. It is added to the soup, stew, eat a salad. Grandmothers straight ax cut off from the frozen vegetable chunks as long as necessary for meals. For rural residents sauerkraut to this day it remains the main vitamin and protection from the flu.
15 photo Alexander Kondratyuk
Proof: hornews.ru
I solemnly bear cabbage home
And we carry on a cart
Go home
the patient is placed on a table
another photo
Grandmothers wear clothing.
And proceeds to the operation "Cabbage»
So it !!!
To add cabbage carrots
Carefully clean
And mixed with cabbage in a giant pan
Kind hands grandmother)
In the course are pots
More photos
Production waste fed to pets
And they are happy to
Especially horned)
Seems all
After passing 120 km from Chelyabinsk, you will find yourself in the depths of the Urals, Duvankul small village on the shores of the lake. In an old rickety houses 500 people live here, mostly old men cheerful and kind old lady, like the heroes of Gogol and Nekrasov. They also agreed with pleasure to show readers "good news", how to brew and not salt the cabbage.
Modern farmers delicatessen store up to 50-liter pots. Dozens Vilkov chopped mixed with a lot of carrots, salt and put in a warm. The process of fermentation, during which a lot all the time you need to poke through, giving the gases go out. Only then pan endure cold and frozen.
In winter, no day is complete without sauerkraut on the table. It is added to the soup, stew, eat a salad. Grandmothers straight ax cut off from the frozen vegetable chunks as long as necessary for meals. For rural residents sauerkraut to this day it remains the main vitamin and protection from the flu.
15 photo Alexander Kondratyuk
Proof: hornews.ru

I solemnly bear cabbage home

And we carry on a cart

Go home

the patient is placed on a table

another photo

Grandmothers wear clothing.

And proceeds to the operation "Cabbage»

So it !!!

To add cabbage carrots

Carefully clean

And mixed with cabbage in a giant pan

Kind hands grandmother)

In the course are pots

More photos

Production waste fed to pets

And they are happy to

Especially horned)
Seems all
