Michelin chefs sauerkraut, because in the West respect fermented foods
Fermented foods have a beneficial effect on digestion, nutritionists recommend including sauerkraut in the diet, since it is rich in vitamin C. Western nutritionists and adherents of proper nutrition lean on fermented foods. And the chefs of elite restaurants include sauerkraut on the menu. How to properly stew cabbage, and how tasty it is served in different countries, we will tell in today's article. It's not just cabbage.
Chef Alena Solodovichenko says that it is best to leave cabbage, which was collected 24-48 hours ago. Then the lactic acid bacteria that are on the surface of the cabbage leaves are preserved, and the cabbage will taste better. Sauerkraut is ideal as a snack with fatty and heavy dishes. Bacteria found in cabbage help the stomach digest food faster.
In order for cabbage to turn crunchy, it is necessary to choose cabbage of late and medium varieties. Brand-chef Alexei Razboev likes to leave cabbage in Georgian. In Georgia, cabbage is sauerkraut with beets and spices, and wine vinegar is added there. The snack is spicy and spicy.
In Germany, cabbage is sauerkraut very simply: shink cabbage, salt it, season with pepper and cumin, but add carrots to the snack is not accepted. We have cabbage sauerkraut with cranberries, apples, sows and dumplings with sour cabbage. This is the easiest way to get a serving of vitamins without other supplements.
You can stew other vegetables: asparagus, beets, hot peppers, tomatoes and carrots. A traditional Korean dish is kimchi - spicy sauerkraut Beijing cabbage or daikon radish. To cabbage, Koreans add sharp red pepper, green onions and ginger, and a generous handful of crushed garlic. First, a spicy mixture of spices is prepared. Then, soaked for several days, Beijing cabbage is completely smeared with a hot sauce. This snack has been stored for several months.
Initially, fermenting, salting and urinating fruits and vegetables is designed to preserve products for a long time without a refrigerator. And doctors note that fermented foods and drinks based on kombucha can be more useful than fresh fiber, which is not easily absorbed by everyone.
Sauerkraut contains vitamins, fiber and probiotics that support the health of the digestive tract. Some experts argue that human immunity depends on the health of the gastrointestinal tract. If the stomach works properly, then it absorbs nutrients and nutrients well, thanks to which the human immune system is strengthened.
Do not confuse fermented foods with brine-based preservation with vinegar. When canned vegetables with brine, fermentation does not occur, and such blanks can not be called useful. This is warned by nutritionist Pauline Queen.
Sauerkraut weight loss specialist Sergey Oblozhko recommends eating those who want to see their waist. Over each meal, you should eat 1 tbsp. l. sauerkraut. This promotes digestion and is good for those who have low stomach acidity.
Sauerkraut is a low-calorie and tasty product. But it is worth considering that it is necessary to eat it for health and beauty without oil. And if you flavor the snack with oil, then you need to measure the amount and write in a food diary. Sometimes the caloric content of refueling exceeds the caloric content of the product by 5 times. What's your favorite sauerkraut recipe?

Chef Alena Solodovichenko says that it is best to leave cabbage, which was collected 24-48 hours ago. Then the lactic acid bacteria that are on the surface of the cabbage leaves are preserved, and the cabbage will taste better. Sauerkraut is ideal as a snack with fatty and heavy dishes. Bacteria found in cabbage help the stomach digest food faster.

In order for cabbage to turn crunchy, it is necessary to choose cabbage of late and medium varieties. Brand-chef Alexei Razboev likes to leave cabbage in Georgian. In Georgia, cabbage is sauerkraut with beets and spices, and wine vinegar is added there. The snack is spicy and spicy.

In Germany, cabbage is sauerkraut very simply: shink cabbage, salt it, season with pepper and cumin, but add carrots to the snack is not accepted. We have cabbage sauerkraut with cranberries, apples, sows and dumplings with sour cabbage. This is the easiest way to get a serving of vitamins without other supplements.

You can stew other vegetables: asparagus, beets, hot peppers, tomatoes and carrots. A traditional Korean dish is kimchi - spicy sauerkraut Beijing cabbage or daikon radish. To cabbage, Koreans add sharp red pepper, green onions and ginger, and a generous handful of crushed garlic. First, a spicy mixture of spices is prepared. Then, soaked for several days, Beijing cabbage is completely smeared with a hot sauce. This snack has been stored for several months.

Initially, fermenting, salting and urinating fruits and vegetables is designed to preserve products for a long time without a refrigerator. And doctors note that fermented foods and drinks based on kombucha can be more useful than fresh fiber, which is not easily absorbed by everyone.

Sauerkraut contains vitamins, fiber and probiotics that support the health of the digestive tract. Some experts argue that human immunity depends on the health of the gastrointestinal tract. If the stomach works properly, then it absorbs nutrients and nutrients well, thanks to which the human immune system is strengthened.
Do not confuse fermented foods with brine-based preservation with vinegar. When canned vegetables with brine, fermentation does not occur, and such blanks can not be called useful. This is warned by nutritionist Pauline Queen.

Sauerkraut weight loss specialist Sergey Oblozhko recommends eating those who want to see their waist. Over each meal, you should eat 1 tbsp. l. sauerkraut. This promotes digestion and is good for those who have low stomach acidity.
Sauerkraut is a low-calorie and tasty product. But it is worth considering that it is necessary to eat it for health and beauty without oil. And if you flavor the snack with oil, then you need to measure the amount and write in a food diary. Sometimes the caloric content of refueling exceeds the caloric content of the product by 5 times. What's your favorite sauerkraut recipe?
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