"Why I want to be the public prosecutor '
"Prosecutors crust - it's a great start for your business. It can be registered in the Cayman Islands ... ". Essay contest "Why I want to be a prosecutor" in the Urals masterpieces are born
Funny essay on "Why I want to be a prosecutor," Semyon signed schoolboy, walks the expanses of the Russian Internet. Information about these writings that the contest is held among the graduates of 11 classes of educational institutions of the Kurgan region from 14 November 2013 to 12 March 2014, the prosecutor's office, please visit Zauralye. And work on behalf of the student already posted on several regional sites and forums, but who is the author of the work - a real student, or someone inspired by the task of Internet users - is not known.
via znak.com
We publish the unexpurgated creation:
"I want to be a prosecutor, because in modern Russia it is profitable and honorable.
Much better to be in the Russian prosecutors, than a doctor or teacher. Judge for yourself: if I want to treat people as a surgeon, for example, I need to unlearn in college, then an internship and then residency - a total of 7, and even more years. In the end, if I make a mistake (and all wrong), I can sue as a doctor-killer. The prosecutor's office is all the easier. I do not remember when work was judged for the mistakes of the prosecutor. The prosecutor or judge of the innocent man planted. Well, sorry, well, yes all.
And I want to be a prosecutor, because the law applies to them selectively. It is very convenient in your life you no one is rude, rude, and not all kind of respect you, because the law is in your hands.
If you or your family have violated the law, for example, got behind the wheel drunk and knocked down a couple of pedestrians, then as a teacher, if you can avoid responsibility? No, of course, is resonant case. Everyone who was there, will condemn you, and the whole extent of the law will fall. And if you're the prosecutor with experience and eventually you will have the right connections, the right contacts, and the case zamnetsya. What are the chances let offended, let the right people to deal with a huge soulless system?
And the prosecutor to work profitably, prosecutors crust - it's a great start for your business. Of course, officially prosecutors can not do business, but is it a hindrance for smart and savvy? The Company will not be able to control me, and to be loyal to the authorities, no one will pay attention to your business. Perhaps the company will be registered anywhere in the Cayman Islands and Vanuatu in the kingdom, and the owner is an elderly mother-in-law of the village of Ryazan, but the prospects for a what! Where a normal businessman would try to compete, to reduce the cost of doing business, I will not have to. I will have a huge, great big trump card in the form of the state system, enclosed in my identity. Competitors in the market to reduce the price of goods has become my goods uncompetitive, and I told him - hop! - And the prosecutor's check with the seizure of servers, accounting and nakoshmarivaniem office workers. Who wants to stop me? Yes anyone. The main thing that my business has not prevented business cousin's my boss.
I want to become a prosecutor, because you can be excited with or without cause, we can interpret the law as you comfortably and desirable. How to tell a wise and beloved boss. It is necessary - to open a case against the pirates from Greenpeace, it is necessary - and to punish koschunits that stagger our spiritual buckles. All the enemies of our great Rosseyushki punish. And they say, and the Minister of Defence would be innocent. Superiors, we see who is right and who is not. And the court so decides. The court knows that we do not just excited, because the acquittal of all 0, 7%. Because the prosecutor's office and the police almost no mistakes.
I want to become a prosecutor, to benefit the homeland.
Schoolboy Semen ».
We add, on conditions of competition, the winner will take place in the competitive interview Prosecutor Zauralye and its follow-up will receive a target direction for admission in 2014 to the Institute of the Prosecutor's Office as part of the Ural State Law Academy in Yekaterinburg.
Anastasia Gein
Funny essay on "Why I want to be a prosecutor," Semyon signed schoolboy, walks the expanses of the Russian Internet. Information about these writings that the contest is held among the graduates of 11 classes of educational institutions of the Kurgan region from 14 November 2013 to 12 March 2014, the prosecutor's office, please visit Zauralye. And work on behalf of the student already posted on several regional sites and forums, but who is the author of the work - a real student, or someone inspired by the task of Internet users - is not known.
via znak.com
We publish the unexpurgated creation:
"I want to be a prosecutor, because in modern Russia it is profitable and honorable.

Much better to be in the Russian prosecutors, than a doctor or teacher. Judge for yourself: if I want to treat people as a surgeon, for example, I need to unlearn in college, then an internship and then residency - a total of 7, and even more years. In the end, if I make a mistake (and all wrong), I can sue as a doctor-killer. The prosecutor's office is all the easier. I do not remember when work was judged for the mistakes of the prosecutor. The prosecutor or judge of the innocent man planted. Well, sorry, well, yes all.
And I want to be a prosecutor, because the law applies to them selectively. It is very convenient in your life you no one is rude, rude, and not all kind of respect you, because the law is in your hands.
If you or your family have violated the law, for example, got behind the wheel drunk and knocked down a couple of pedestrians, then as a teacher, if you can avoid responsibility? No, of course, is resonant case. Everyone who was there, will condemn you, and the whole extent of the law will fall. And if you're the prosecutor with experience and eventually you will have the right connections, the right contacts, and the case zamnetsya. What are the chances let offended, let the right people to deal with a huge soulless system?
And the prosecutor to work profitably, prosecutors crust - it's a great start for your business. Of course, officially prosecutors can not do business, but is it a hindrance for smart and savvy? The Company will not be able to control me, and to be loyal to the authorities, no one will pay attention to your business. Perhaps the company will be registered anywhere in the Cayman Islands and Vanuatu in the kingdom, and the owner is an elderly mother-in-law of the village of Ryazan, but the prospects for a what! Where a normal businessman would try to compete, to reduce the cost of doing business, I will not have to. I will have a huge, great big trump card in the form of the state system, enclosed in my identity. Competitors in the market to reduce the price of goods has become my goods uncompetitive, and I told him - hop! - And the prosecutor's check with the seizure of servers, accounting and nakoshmarivaniem office workers. Who wants to stop me? Yes anyone. The main thing that my business has not prevented business cousin's my boss.
I want to become a prosecutor, because you can be excited with or without cause, we can interpret the law as you comfortably and desirable. How to tell a wise and beloved boss. It is necessary - to open a case against the pirates from Greenpeace, it is necessary - and to punish koschunits that stagger our spiritual buckles. All the enemies of our great Rosseyushki punish. And they say, and the Minister of Defence would be innocent. Superiors, we see who is right and who is not. And the court so decides. The court knows that we do not just excited, because the acquittal of all 0, 7%. Because the prosecutor's office and the police almost no mistakes.
I want to become a prosecutor, to benefit the homeland.
Schoolboy Semen ».
We add, on conditions of competition, the winner will take place in the competitive interview Prosecutor Zauralye and its follow-up will receive a target direction for admission in 2014 to the Institute of the Prosecutor's Office as part of the Ural State Law Academy in Yekaterinburg.
Anastasia Gein