What? Where? When?
Anyone who is still looking, "What? Where? When? ", I decided a little press release to provide. Supplement, do not hesitate;)
It will be a little bit characters and 12 pictures.
September 4, 2014 marks 39 years since the release of the first transmission znya "What? Where? When? ". This intellectual game show made famous by many people in Russia and the CIS countries.
Oleksiy Blinov his first game in the club "What? Where? When? "Played in 1991. Then he worked as a shift foreman at the Leningrad Textile Association. Over the years, the games in the club received the title of "Best club captain." He is also the owner of two "Crystal Owls" (1992, 1993).
He graduated from the Engineering Faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry (now - University of Technology and Design) in 1986, the St. Petersburg Engineering-Economic Academy in 1999, it has a number of scientific papers and one patent.
He worked as a shift foreman, was the Komsomol, the youth center employee. He worked in banking and investment companies. Was adviser to the vice-governor of St. Petersburg for Energy and Transport, and then for five years in the administration of St. Petersburg worked as deputy chairman of the Committee on Transport. Then he moved to the banking industry, led by the leasing company, was the general director of OAO "Petersburg Fuel Company" (PTC).
Later he moved to the media business, became CEO of JSC "Izvestia Petersburg", but after a while began to combine this position with the position of Director of Marketing and Sales Company "Scania-Peter».
Since 2007 is the PR-director of the football club "Zenith". An avid fan of "Zenith».
Boris Burda became a player of the Club in 1990. A three-time winner of the prize "Crystal Owl", winner of the prize "Diamond owl».
He graduated from the Odessa Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of heat and power.
Boris Burda became famous as a TV presenter culinary show on Ukrainian television and the author of articles and books on cooking.
Actively performs at festivals, music fans know him as the author and performer of ironic bard. The scene to transfer Mikhail Shirvindt "I want to know" (First Channel).
The newspaper "companion" is a culinary section. Regularly published in the Moscow magazine «Story» - essays about historical figures.
Alexander Byalko playing in the elite club since 1979. The first owner of the unique club awards - "Owl».
He graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. In 1984 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Journalism at the Faculty of Journalism, specialty journalist. Studied (did not finish) in MIInYaz them. Maurice Thorez.
He taught at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, in 1999-2003. deputy director of Brenner (car care and car services).
In 2003-2008. and from 2009 to present - Deputy Director of the pilot chemical-metallurgical plant "Giredmet" in Podolsk, Moscow region.
In 2008-2009. - Dean of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations.
In 2006-2007. It has been the leading program "Byalko show" radio "Culture". In 2007, the show has been nominated among the top three Russian radio.
Member of the third season of the show "Survivor».
At Alexander Byalko about 40 publications in the field of nuclear physics and information theory. He is the author of five books of artistic content, including "The Origin of Mankind».
Valentina Golubeva first game in the club "What? Where? When? "Played in 1982. In 1985, she became the only captain in the club's teams. He is the owner of two "Crystal owls" (Summer, Fall 2003).
She graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Belarusian State University.
Candidate of Technical Sciences. Assistant professor. He has extensive experience in the field of political PR and consulting. In 1995-2006. He worked in election campaigns to public authorities at all levels. He manages projects in the agencies' Niccolo M », Imageland PR, An Affiliate of Edelman.
He served as Director of Strategy and Development of the Russian branch of Destini Financial Group, a consulting company Buro Akzent, executive director of the Association of consulting companies in the field of public relations (ICCO-ICCO).
Valentina Golubeva is the Director of Strategy and Development Center of Management Technologies (TSRUT) and teaches a special course Culture Leadership & Teambuilding at the University MGIMO.
Fedor Dvinyatin first game in the club "What? Where? When? "Played in the team Alexei Blinov in 1990, winner of four" Crystal Owls "(1991, 1994, 2000 and 2002). In 2002, he became world champion in sport, "What? Where? When? "In the team of Alexander Druzja.
He graduated from the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University, philologist and specialist in Russian philology. Candidate of Philology. Associate Professor of St. Petersburg State University Russian language, as well as the Canadian College of St. Petersburg State University.
A specialist in Russian literature XI XIV centuries and XIX XX (poetic text, intertextuality, language models) paleoslavistike common poetics, history and methodology of philology and the humanities in general. Author of several scientific publications on this topic.
Author and host of cultural programs "alpha, beta, gamma, delta ..." to "Radio of Russia».
In the name of Theodore Dvinyatin called KVN team from Moscow, Stupino.
Posted in [mergetime] 1387661067 [/ mergetime]
Oleg Dolgov plays "What? Where? When "1979 At the time was a member of the physical Institute. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences. Winner of the "Crystal Owl" (1987).
Winner of the "Porcelain snail" the main prize of the Bulgarian "Club of knowing." He received a prize at the international games "What? Where? When? "In Bulgaria in 1987
He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Professor, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.
Since 1996, she lives and works in Germany. Location: Institute of Solid State Physics, Max Planck in Stuttgart.
The author of 78 scientific papers in the field of solid state physics.
Alexander friends to play "What? Where? When? "In 1981 by education systems engineer, he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers.
Five-time winner of the prize "Crystal Owl" (1990, 1992, 1995, 2000 and 2006).
In the final game of the winter series 1995 Alexander Druz was awarded the title Master of the game "What? Where? When? ", Was awarded the" Large crystal owl "and the order" Diamond Star "as the best player for all 20 years of the elite club.
The club called "tipster" - able to count to count and calculate almost everything.
In total, he spent 65 games on the transfer, 39 of which won. Daughters Alexandra - Inna and Marina - also play in the club "What? Where? When? ". Both received "Crystal Owl».
Alexander friends are the leader of the team "Transsphere" Sports "What? Where? When? ", Which won the first World Cup in 2002." Transsphere "9 times won the Cup governor of St. Petersburg. He became the champion of the TV version of the game "Brain Ring" in 1990, 1991 and 1994.
In addition, twice defeated in the program "Custom Game" in 1995 and 2003.
At the present time - the head of TV channel programs "CTO" (St. Petersburg).
Georgi Zharkov began to play in the Club since 1994. Winner of the "Crystal Owl».
He graduated from the Vladimir Pedagogical University. Historian, PhD.
He was a member of several high-profile scandals.
In 2004, he was suspended for 3 years for violation of competition regulations Cup cities and the Cup of Russia on the game "What? Where? When? ". Zharkov Cup organizing committee said cities fictitious e-mail address, got it questions the tournament as a result of the team took 3rd place. The same thing he tried to do, and at the Cup of Russia (December 2003), but the deception was discovered.
In 2007, he was sentenced to 4 years and 5 months suspended sentence on charges of sexual assault and false imprisonment. Zharkov remained at large, but under house arrest.
At the midpoint of probation in 2009. The conviction was removed.
Andrei Kozlov was the player of the club "What? Where? When? "In 1986. He is the owner of" Diamond Owl "(2008), a three-time holder of" Crystal Owl "(1992, 1994, 2008), Master of the game" What? Where? When? ", The owner of the honorary title of" Best club captain ».
He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Donetsk State University.
After graduation he worked as a teacher in Zhdanov (now Mariupol) Metallurgical Institute.
Since 1990 he has been working in television in Moscow, is the producer of TV shows "Brain Ring", "Program Guide", "How to spend a million", "Cultural Revolution", "Song of the XX century", "Life is Beautiful", leading the program " Brain Ring ", general producer of TV" Game-TV ».
And a little bit about the creators:
In 1966, Vladimir Voroshilov invited to television, where he filmed the documentary, scientific and educational films.
In 1968, Voroshilov creates its first major project - "Auction" - one of the first gaming gear Central Television on the air. It aired six issues. The program was taken off the air by Soviet censors, and Voroshilov moved into the category of freelancers and permanently became a persona non grata. In the early years of the program "What? Where? When? "In the credits, even his name was not mentioned.
From 1970 to 1972 he worked on the program "Come on, guys!". After the death of the participant was fired from TV. September 4, 1975 to air the first issue of "What? Where? When? ».
In 1990 he published a game show Brain ring first editions held Vladimir Voroshilov.
In 1994, Vladimir Voroshilov became an academician of the Russian Academy of Television. "Taffy».
December 30, 2000, Voroshilov spent his last game in the air. Further keeping her he bequeathed to his foster son Boris hook.
Boris Hook from May 2001 leading, production director and general producer of the television game show "What? Where? When? ».
Starting January 13, 1991 and 1999 - the leading game show "Love at first sight", from 1990 to 1993, the author and director of the TV game "Brain Ring".
Be intellectuals, kind and sensual! All pleasant way of life, a night owl watching us;)
That's all, thank you!
It will be a little bit characters and 12 pictures.

September 4, 2014 marks 39 years since the release of the first transmission znya "What? Where? When? ". This intellectual game show made famous by many people in Russia and the CIS countries.

Oleksiy Blinov his first game in the club "What? Where? When? "Played in 1991. Then he worked as a shift foreman at the Leningrad Textile Association. Over the years, the games in the club received the title of "Best club captain." He is also the owner of two "Crystal Owls" (1992, 1993).
He graduated from the Engineering Faculty of the Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry (now - University of Technology and Design) in 1986, the St. Petersburg Engineering-Economic Academy in 1999, it has a number of scientific papers and one patent.
He worked as a shift foreman, was the Komsomol, the youth center employee. He worked in banking and investment companies. Was adviser to the vice-governor of St. Petersburg for Energy and Transport, and then for five years in the administration of St. Petersburg worked as deputy chairman of the Committee on Transport. Then he moved to the banking industry, led by the leasing company, was the general director of OAO "Petersburg Fuel Company" (PTC).
Later he moved to the media business, became CEO of JSC "Izvestia Petersburg", but after a while began to combine this position with the position of Director of Marketing and Sales Company "Scania-Peter».
Since 2007 is the PR-director of the football club "Zenith". An avid fan of "Zenith».

Boris Burda became a player of the Club in 1990. A three-time winner of the prize "Crystal Owl", winner of the prize "Diamond owl».
He graduated from the Odessa Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of heat and power.
Boris Burda became famous as a TV presenter culinary show on Ukrainian television and the author of articles and books on cooking.
Actively performs at festivals, music fans know him as the author and performer of ironic bard. The scene to transfer Mikhail Shirvindt "I want to know" (First Channel).
The newspaper "companion" is a culinary section. Regularly published in the Moscow magazine «Story» - essays about historical figures.

Alexander Byalko playing in the elite club since 1979. The first owner of the unique club awards - "Owl».
He graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. In 1984 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Journalism at the Faculty of Journalism, specialty journalist. Studied (did not finish) in MIInYaz them. Maurice Thorez.
He taught at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, in 1999-2003. deputy director of Brenner (car care and car services).
In 2003-2008. and from 2009 to present - Deputy Director of the pilot chemical-metallurgical plant "Giredmet" in Podolsk, Moscow region.
In 2008-2009. - Dean of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations.
In 2006-2007. It has been the leading program "Byalko show" radio "Culture". In 2007, the show has been nominated among the top three Russian radio.
Member of the third season of the show "Survivor».
At Alexander Byalko about 40 publications in the field of nuclear physics and information theory. He is the author of five books of artistic content, including "The Origin of Mankind».

Valentina Golubeva first game in the club "What? Where? When? "Played in 1982. In 1985, she became the only captain in the club's teams. He is the owner of two "Crystal owls" (Summer, Fall 2003).
She graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Belarusian State University.
Candidate of Technical Sciences. Assistant professor. He has extensive experience in the field of political PR and consulting. In 1995-2006. He worked in election campaigns to public authorities at all levels. He manages projects in the agencies' Niccolo M », Imageland PR, An Affiliate of Edelman.
He served as Director of Strategy and Development of the Russian branch of Destini Financial Group, a consulting company Buro Akzent, executive director of the Association of consulting companies in the field of public relations (ICCO-ICCO).
Valentina Golubeva is the Director of Strategy and Development Center of Management Technologies (TSRUT) and teaches a special course Culture Leadership & Teambuilding at the University MGIMO.

Fedor Dvinyatin first game in the club "What? Where? When? "Played in the team Alexei Blinov in 1990, winner of four" Crystal Owls "(1991, 1994, 2000 and 2002). In 2002, he became world champion in sport, "What? Where? When? "In the team of Alexander Druzja.
He graduated from the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University, philologist and specialist in Russian philology. Candidate of Philology. Associate Professor of St. Petersburg State University Russian language, as well as the Canadian College of St. Petersburg State University.
A specialist in Russian literature XI XIV centuries and XIX XX (poetic text, intertextuality, language models) paleoslavistike common poetics, history and methodology of philology and the humanities in general. Author of several scientific publications on this topic.
Author and host of cultural programs "alpha, beta, gamma, delta ..." to "Radio of Russia».
In the name of Theodore Dvinyatin called KVN team from Moscow, Stupino.
Posted in [mergetime] 1387661067 [/ mergetime]
Oleg Dolgov plays "What? Where? When "1979 At the time was a member of the physical Institute. Lebedev, USSR Academy of Sciences. Winner of the "Crystal Owl" (1987).
Winner of the "Porcelain snail" the main prize of the Bulgarian "Club of knowing." He received a prize at the international games "What? Where? When? "In Bulgaria in 1987
He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Professor, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.
Since 1996, she lives and works in Germany. Location: Institute of Solid State Physics, Max Planck in Stuttgart.
The author of 78 scientific papers in the field of solid state physics.

Alexander friends to play "What? Where? When? "In 1981 by education systems engineer, he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Engineers.
Five-time winner of the prize "Crystal Owl" (1990, 1992, 1995, 2000 and 2006).
In the final game of the winter series 1995 Alexander Druz was awarded the title Master of the game "What? Where? When? ", Was awarded the" Large crystal owl "and the order" Diamond Star "as the best player for all 20 years of the elite club.
The club called "tipster" - able to count to count and calculate almost everything.
In total, he spent 65 games on the transfer, 39 of which won. Daughters Alexandra - Inna and Marina - also play in the club "What? Where? When? ". Both received "Crystal Owl».
Alexander friends are the leader of the team "Transsphere" Sports "What? Where? When? ", Which won the first World Cup in 2002." Transsphere "9 times won the Cup governor of St. Petersburg. He became the champion of the TV version of the game "Brain Ring" in 1990, 1991 and 1994.
In addition, twice defeated in the program "Custom Game" in 1995 and 2003.
At the present time - the head of TV channel programs "CTO" (St. Petersburg).

Georgi Zharkov began to play in the Club since 1994. Winner of the "Crystal Owl».
He graduated from the Vladimir Pedagogical University. Historian, PhD.
He was a member of several high-profile scandals.
In 2004, he was suspended for 3 years for violation of competition regulations Cup cities and the Cup of Russia on the game "What? Where? When? ". Zharkov Cup organizing committee said cities fictitious e-mail address, got it questions the tournament as a result of the team took 3rd place. The same thing he tried to do, and at the Cup of Russia (December 2003), but the deception was discovered.
In 2007, he was sentenced to 4 years and 5 months suspended sentence on charges of sexual assault and false imprisonment. Zharkov remained at large, but under house arrest.
At the midpoint of probation in 2009. The conviction was removed.

Andrei Kozlov was the player of the club "What? Where? When? "In 1986. He is the owner of" Diamond Owl "(2008), a three-time holder of" Crystal Owl "(1992, 1994, 2008), Master of the game" What? Where? When? ", The owner of the honorary title of" Best club captain ».
He graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Donetsk State University.
After graduation he worked as a teacher in Zhdanov (now Mariupol) Metallurgical Institute.
Since 1990 he has been working in television in Moscow, is the producer of TV shows "Brain Ring", "Program Guide", "How to spend a million", "Cultural Revolution", "Song of the XX century", "Life is Beautiful", leading the program " Brain Ring ", general producer of TV" Game-TV ».

And a little bit about the creators:
In 1966, Vladimir Voroshilov invited to television, where he filmed the documentary, scientific and educational films.
In 1968, Voroshilov creates its first major project - "Auction" - one of the first gaming gear Central Television on the air. It aired six issues. The program was taken off the air by Soviet censors, and Voroshilov moved into the category of freelancers and permanently became a persona non grata. In the early years of the program "What? Where? When? "In the credits, even his name was not mentioned.
From 1970 to 1972 he worked on the program "Come on, guys!". After the death of the participant was fired from TV. September 4, 1975 to air the first issue of "What? Where? When? ».
In 1990 he published a game show Brain ring first editions held Vladimir Voroshilov.
In 1994, Vladimir Voroshilov became an academician of the Russian Academy of Television. "Taffy».
December 30, 2000, Voroshilov spent his last game in the air. Further keeping her he bequeathed to his foster son Boris hook.

Boris Hook from May 2001 leading, production director and general producer of the television game show "What? Where? When? ».
Starting January 13, 1991 and 1999 - the leading game show "Love at first sight", from 1990 to 1993, the author and director of the TV game "Brain Ring".

Be intellectuals, kind and sensual! All pleasant way of life, a night owl watching us;)
That's all, thank you!
