Rummaging through old books and found one of the most favorite books of childhood - "sharpshooters».
He leafed through it and understood. Eptil! But now, this may ride for forbidden literature!
But the interesting thing is the abstract:
History sniper case. The theory of the shot. Available for students. The design of the rifle and telescopic sight. Angles and thousandths - determination of the distance to the target with simple things and improvised nets binoculars. Calculation of the amendments, the table view. Masking techniques in the field. Stories of snipers World
It will be 11 images.
2. In the first part of the book describes the history of missile and firearms. From creating prosteyschey sling
3. bow and crossbow ...
4.Do relatively modern weapons (Book 1956).
5.No most interesting is that after reading this book, you can learn a lot of interesting things. The fact that for the present time and can give the ass.
For example - how to do this or that part of "broads" or some primitive Bombardier.
6. Example (quote) -
Pour at least a peck of iron sheet of gunpowder and blow it: cast iron will not be harmed.
Not so behaves silver fulminate open Berthollet. The explosion of the rattler cast iron plate shatters into pieces. Why is that? Because rattlesnake silver explodes in a thousand times faster than powder and instantly turns into a gas.
Do not have time to spread the gases in the air. The compressed, clenched to the limit, with incredible power and incredible speed they rush in all directions. Woe to all that stands in their way. The closer the obstacle, the greater the blow gas. They draw in the dust solid steel, smashing powerful obstacles. And this occurs in millionths of a second.
This is not an explosion, but sverhvzryv, and it is called detonation
7. The last part, so in general - a pipe. Full opisalovo sniper skills.
On how to Hove.
"Deception" that without which art could not exist, called scenic vistas.
Artists do not come up with it, and learn from nature, watching the effect on our eye color, light and shape of the object.
The laws of perspective, the role of color and outlines of objects in the sense of space and need to know the sniper. This will help him skillfully masked and accurately determine how far away the enemy
8. Prior to the very subtle nuances
Ravine hides away.
Bright and vivid colors - white, yellow, red - objects closer to the observer, and the dark and dull - brown, gray, brown - were removed.
Bright sunlit Ukrainian hut will seem closer than the same hut at sunset, when it will close the shadow of the tall poplars.
Smooth and monochrome countryside - meadow, fields, lake - highlights are her subjects, if they are of a different color. Therefore, the red flag in the desert swept very far - a smooth green carpet of grass brings us scarlet cloth. On the contrary, motley color area the same thing becomes less noticeable and, as it is removed.
Items large - tall pine, two-storey house, a platoon of soldiers marching systems - seem closer to us than being at the same distance of small objects: alder bush, a tent, a soldier lying on the ground.
Deep hollows, ravines, gullies, if you do not see them, conceal the distance between you and the target
9. Calculations ...
Knowing the size of the object, the sniper is easy to calculate how many meters before him. For this figure shows the size of the object in inches, multiply by the number that indicates how many times he missed the base. Divide the product of 70, we obtain the distance to the subject in hundreds of meters
10. or objects that the sniper can measure angles.
The simplest protractor your fingers.
If we pull them to eye level, and his right hand will look at the terrain lying in front of us, the width of four fingers bent close to the area a distance of 100 "thousandth".
One finger close 33 "thousandths", middle or ring - 35 "thousandths" big - 40 "thousandths" pinky - 25 "thousandths". All these measurements are well in advance to check. The width of the fingers is not the same in all people. Here are average figures. Define them, you can measure angles and distances literally "bare hands".
It is clear that such a simple "protractor" can be any object, if the pre-determine its "price" in "thousandths»
Matchbox length 90 closes "thousandths" width - 60, and the thickness - 30. The match length 85 closes "thousandths" and thickness - 3 1/2
11.Dlina tank 7 meters and he is seen at an angle of 10 degrees. The length of the radius
approximately equal to the length of the arc of 60 degrees. So, from the soldier to the tank 6 × 7 = 42 meters.
The radius of about six times shorter than the circumference. So, one six thousandth part of the circle is equal to one thousandth of the radius. This is the basic unit for measuring angles. It is called "thousandth".
Use "thousandths" much more convenient than the degrees, minutes and seconds. All calculations are simplified so that no difficulty is not translated in the mind, without the aid of a stick, any angular value to linear.
- Here's a entertaining book produced for school children. And I think it's right there. Especially after the war. And now, I would not stop, instead of on each bunch, in horror, like an ostrich, head in the sand ...
Those firecrackers, each student was able to sculpt and odd train derailed herds did not leave.
That's all.
He leafed through it and understood. Eptil! But now, this may ride for forbidden literature!
But the interesting thing is the abstract:
History sniper case. The theory of the shot. Available for students. The design of the rifle and telescopic sight. Angles and thousandths - determination of the distance to the target with simple things and improvised nets binoculars. Calculation of the amendments, the table view. Masking techniques in the field. Stories of snipers World
It will be 11 images.

2. In the first part of the book describes the history of missile and firearms. From creating prosteyschey sling

3. bow and crossbow ...

4.Do relatively modern weapons (Book 1956).

5.No most interesting is that after reading this book, you can learn a lot of interesting things. The fact that for the present time and can give the ass.
For example - how to do this or that part of "broads" or some primitive Bombardier.

6. Example (quote) -
Pour at least a peck of iron sheet of gunpowder and blow it: cast iron will not be harmed.
Not so behaves silver fulminate open Berthollet. The explosion of the rattler cast iron plate shatters into pieces. Why is that? Because rattlesnake silver explodes in a thousand times faster than powder and instantly turns into a gas.
Do not have time to spread the gases in the air. The compressed, clenched to the limit, with incredible power and incredible speed they rush in all directions. Woe to all that stands in their way. The closer the obstacle, the greater the blow gas. They draw in the dust solid steel, smashing powerful obstacles. And this occurs in millionths of a second.
This is not an explosion, but sverhvzryv, and it is called detonation

7. The last part, so in general - a pipe. Full opisalovo sniper skills.
On how to Hove.
"Deception" that without which art could not exist, called scenic vistas.
Artists do not come up with it, and learn from nature, watching the effect on our eye color, light and shape of the object.
The laws of perspective, the role of color and outlines of objects in the sense of space and need to know the sniper. This will help him skillfully masked and accurately determine how far away the enemy

8. Prior to the very subtle nuances
Ravine hides away.
Bright and vivid colors - white, yellow, red - objects closer to the observer, and the dark and dull - brown, gray, brown - were removed.
Bright sunlit Ukrainian hut will seem closer than the same hut at sunset, when it will close the shadow of the tall poplars.
Smooth and monochrome countryside - meadow, fields, lake - highlights are her subjects, if they are of a different color. Therefore, the red flag in the desert swept very far - a smooth green carpet of grass brings us scarlet cloth. On the contrary, motley color area the same thing becomes less noticeable and, as it is removed.
Items large - tall pine, two-storey house, a platoon of soldiers marching systems - seem closer to us than being at the same distance of small objects: alder bush, a tent, a soldier lying on the ground.
Deep hollows, ravines, gullies, if you do not see them, conceal the distance between you and the target

9. Calculations ...
Knowing the size of the object, the sniper is easy to calculate how many meters before him. For this figure shows the size of the object in inches, multiply by the number that indicates how many times he missed the base. Divide the product of 70, we obtain the distance to the subject in hundreds of meters

10. or objects that the sniper can measure angles.
The simplest protractor your fingers.
If we pull them to eye level, and his right hand will look at the terrain lying in front of us, the width of four fingers bent close to the area a distance of 100 "thousandth".
One finger close 33 "thousandths", middle or ring - 35 "thousandths" big - 40 "thousandths" pinky - 25 "thousandths". All these measurements are well in advance to check. The width of the fingers is not the same in all people. Here are average figures. Define them, you can measure angles and distances literally "bare hands".
It is clear that such a simple "protractor" can be any object, if the pre-determine its "price" in "thousandths»
Matchbox length 90 closes "thousandths" width - 60, and the thickness - 30. The match length 85 closes "thousandths" and thickness - 3 1/2

11.Dlina tank 7 meters and he is seen at an angle of 10 degrees. The length of the radius
approximately equal to the length of the arc of 60 degrees. So, from the soldier to the tank 6 × 7 = 42 meters.
The radius of about six times shorter than the circumference. So, one six thousandth part of the circle is equal to one thousandth of the radius. This is the basic unit for measuring angles. It is called "thousandth".
Use "thousandths" much more convenient than the degrees, minutes and seconds. All calculations are simplified so that no difficulty is not translated in the mind, without the aid of a stick, any angular value to linear.
- Here's a entertaining book produced for school children. And I think it's right there. Especially after the war. And now, I would not stop, instead of on each bunch, in horror, like an ostrich, head in the sand ...
Those firecrackers, each student was able to sculpt and odd train derailed herds did not leave.
That's all.
