Rukozhop and laptop.
It's about restoring the notebook.
3 years ago appeared on the market range of budget noutom Lenovo G570 \ G575 are of iron went more or less, but in cases developers shalturili zhestachaysha. Many of the laptop does not even guarantee othazhivali: shell cracked, fell, crumbled. After a dozen of these refurbished decided to establish his position (to no 50tsenta from the incubator).
Let's go.
Will be 21 photos + a bit of text.
2. That the blood of the gut during limited hours ...
3. Open
4. Getting dismantling. The client lives in a hostel and for all time has never performed service history (some bast):
5. Continue
6. The essence of the entire disassembly drop and immediately move on to reason:
Usually it sees first the left side and behind her and right. The following sequence will become clear.
7. Right:
8. Supports loose and jump out of their boss:
Posted in [mergetime] 1392116201 [/ mergetime]
9. The lower part of the body as a whole. It should now be clear why at first sees the left side (in the following generations have solved this problem, but because of the closed housing laptop now need to completely disassemble to clean)
10. Destruction also not spared and the top cover (the same on both sides about the veil)
11. Our assistants: weak soldering iron and a piece of donated plastic
12. That vyravaetsya. Right - the factory. On the left is what will seal (upside down on purpose, it was difficult to pull out)
13. While basking soldering brought another. He really bad, but repairable.
14. tedious soldering omitted. Finished left side (although it looks ugly, but at times more reliable plant. Checked)
15. More:
16. Finished the right side
17. More:
18. It is also a good idea to let a little veil themselves to reduce the burden on the body. The main thing is not to overdo it to cover and then did not fall and closed from drafts.
19. Putting the laptop. Everything fell into place. In the expanded state:
20. Closed:
21. The explanatory note to the customer:
Posted in [mergetime] 1392117115 [/ mergetime]
Thank you for your patience. All kick.
3 years ago appeared on the market range of budget noutom Lenovo G570 \ G575 are of iron went more or less, but in cases developers shalturili zhestachaysha. Many of the laptop does not even guarantee othazhivali: shell cracked, fell, crumbled. After a dozen of these refurbished decided to establish his position (to no 50tsenta from the incubator).
Let's go.
Will be 21 photos + a bit of text.
2. That the blood of the gut during limited hours ...
3. Open
4. Getting dismantling. The client lives in a hostel and for all time has never performed service history (some bast):
5. Continue
6. The essence of the entire disassembly drop and immediately move on to reason:
Usually it sees first the left side and behind her and right. The following sequence will become clear.
7. Right:
8. Supports loose and jump out of their boss:
Posted in [mergetime] 1392116201 [/ mergetime]
9. The lower part of the body as a whole. It should now be clear why at first sees the left side (in the following generations have solved this problem, but because of the closed housing laptop now need to completely disassemble to clean)
10. Destruction also not spared and the top cover (the same on both sides about the veil)
11. Our assistants: weak soldering iron and a piece of donated plastic
12. That vyravaetsya. Right - the factory. On the left is what will seal (upside down on purpose, it was difficult to pull out)
13. While basking soldering brought another. He really bad, but repairable.
14. tedious soldering omitted. Finished left side (although it looks ugly, but at times more reliable plant. Checked)
15. More:
16. Finished the right side
17. More:
18. It is also a good idea to let a little veil themselves to reduce the burden on the body. The main thing is not to overdo it to cover and then did not fall and closed from drafts.
19. Putting the laptop. Everything fell into place. In the expanded state:
20. Closed:
21. The explanatory note to the customer:
Posted in [mergetime] 1392117115 [/ mergetime]
Thank you for your patience. All kick.