Extend the life of the laptop

How can I prolong the life of the laptop? We will look at 5 ways to extend the life of your laptop. Unlike a personal computer, a laptop is operated in a different environment. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account rules for working with a laptop, not to say goodbye to him forever.
Extend the life of the laptop
Tip 1.
Today issued a fairly powerful computers, the cooling system, which is just as good. But one of the many reasons for the failure is the overheating of the laptop. When you are at work, please note that the hole for cooling your system was not blocked by objects or things. Often this happens when you put it on a blanket or other soft objects. You also want to monitor the temperature of your system, if it works under load ("heavy" applications requiring maximum settings). The laptop often fails because of overheating, so pay attention to it.
Tip 2.
If you do not want to bring before you call the repairman laptops, don't forget to periodically clean it from dust. Dust laptop – enemy number one, and as we all know, the enemies we must fight, and without your help he is powerless.
Tip 3.
Note charging the laptop. Don't have the habit to leave charging overnight or for more than 10 hours. This can cause damage to your battery, and it costs a lot of money.
Tip 4.
When you work at a laptop is not allowed the use of different drinks, the end result is obvious. But if still happen, try to take out the battery which will result in instant shutdown of the system. Then take it to a shop, because only the master knows how to save your laptop and cause it to work.
Tip 5.
If you often carry a laptop with you, remember that the cold he doesn't like as people. Coming from work or school back home in the cold, give him a little warm up and then start using it.
After reading these simple tips, you will begin to protect your laptop and it will serve you faithfully for many years.
Source: 3dp.su
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