History of buying a motorcycle on eBay
History of buying a motorcycle on eBay
This story - a great example of how far can cause a dream to have a bike that no one else has. Our hero Roman never stopped Hurricane "Sandy" or negligence Logistics nor astronomical cost of customs clearance. The path to the dream took almost a year. Dreams into reality was hard, literally very hot and difficult to manage. But from this it does not become worse - at least in the eyes of our hero. We recorded his story and publish it on the eve of season. If you are of sound mind, do not try!
This story - a great example of how far can cause a dream to have a bike that no one else has. Our hero Roman never stopped Hurricane "Sandy" or negligence Logistics nor astronomical cost of customs clearance. The path to the dream took almost a year. Dreams into reality was hard, literally very hot and difficult to manage. But from this it does not become worse - at least in the eyes of our hero. We recorded his story and publish it on the eve of season. If you are of sound mind, do not try!