iPod from the '80s. Browse popular audio previous

Today the icon on the market are audio music players Apple iPod. But all come to an end. No, iPod will be popular more than a year, but it is difficult not to notice that the market is gradually becoming more modest portable audio players: more and more people are now satisfied with the musical talent of their smartphones and tablets. Once passed through a similar stage and all the memorable childhood Boomboxes, also known as gettoblastery.
The first boom box was created in 1975 by brothers Scott and Stacy Velfel used for this wooden cabinet with built-in speakers and an 8-track radio. In the late 70's began their models represent large companies, but this popularity Boomboxes received only in the 80s.
Boomboxes slowly becoming more and more functional. The device is powered by Conic boasted detachable speakers, allowing you to expand the stereo image. Number of models has grown by leaps and bounds, they appear more and more new features: lighting, color music, growing number of speakers, there were switches the type of tape, the possibility of noise reduction and even graphic equalizers to 10 bands.
Now back to the beginning of 2015. The era of boom boxes cluster has already passed, but that does not mean that the patient is dead. On the contrary, American flea markets and auctions this type of audio equipment is still in demand. To see this, just go to the well-known eBay and enter a search string «tape boombox» or «Ghettoblaster». Let's go through some legends 80s.
The credibility among the authorities - Conion C-100F

This apparatus was born back in 1984, literally from start began to make inroads not only in poor neighborhoods US cities, but also in Hollywood. The model managed to pull in a number of films, including «The Breaking» and known to all Russians "Police Academy." Successful sample in cinema ordered Conion C-100F become among the most popular and respected their time gettoblasterov. Authority Boombox default extended to young people who "tore" through your favorite music.
The passage of time and technological advances have forced Conion C-100F gulf from the shelves, but it is still available for sale with the hands. Find the device in good condition is not a problem even in 2015. Its estimated cost is now at уровне 1000 $ , but with the successful participation in the auction, you can pull out and more affordable price.
Gettoblastery from JVC

It's no secret that one of the strongest players in the market gettoblasterov is a Japanese manufacturer. The above Conion, JVC, Aiwa, Panasonic, Sony, Sharp and similar office while pulling out of the market all that is possible. Now, however, a closer look at exactly JVC.
Portfolio JVC cassette boom boxes were presented models such as the RC-M70, RC-M80 and RC-M90. They remain popular among enthusiasts today. However, a truly masterpiece the JVC turned blaster RC-M90 (pictured he surrounded some young guys), released in 1981. This model was crammed to capacity with all sorts of technical twists: 8-wave receiver, proprietary noise-canceling Super ANRS (which compete with Dolby B and C), etc. But the main advantage of RC-M90 is an ultra-Wow and Flutter (WRMS) - 0, 05%.
Find the JVC RC-M90 on sale a little more complicated than Conion C-100F, but on eBay, he sometimes still slips. Do not expect to buy this model in good condition меньше than 1000 $ .
Legendary Sharp GF-777

1981 was unequivocal in neat Boombox. This year his legendary model GF-777 released company Sharp. It was just a huge even by the standards of those days gettoblasterov: in addition to the two cassette compartment, it was attended by four large speakers (one pair was responsible for the bass). Batteries not included "three sevens" weigh more than 12 pounds! However, many buyers are attracted not only the power that was able to give Sharp GF-777, but it is low (of course, in relative terms) the retail price - it was about $ 400. True, at that price, you will discover where hardly instance in decent condition.
The second half of the 80s: Crown SZ-5100 and Lasonic TRC-931
In the second half of the 80 color accent gettoblasterov shifted from gray to black. Another feature of blasters late 80's - early 90's was a decrease them back. Apparently, American teens had already sufficiently inflated, and now they had a bit of a break from the 12-kilogram Mahin. And perhaps it was one of the first sign that the golden age of boom boxes already on the wane.

Among the most significant models of the second half of the 80s is worth noting such radio as Crown SZ-5100 and Lasonic TRC-931 (in fact, the two direct competitors). Find the first model (pictured above) now проблематично, but with Lasonic TRC-931 (pictured below), things are a little better. Today, these "lasoniki" are less than a thousand dollars (refers to instances in good condition), so the most accessible in comparison with other models from this article.

It is worth noting that the 90s were also not stingy on the issue of gettoblasterov, but still the most interesting models seen in the market since the late 70's to late 80's. Boomboxes issued and to this day, but have little or no success, though, and comply with the latest fashion trends (equipped with a drive for CDs, built-in memory, wireless modules, etc.). Maybe 30 years ago, the producers really put into each product per capita, not only pursued for profit? At the end I want to add: listen to good music and enjoy high-quality sound!
By the way, deliver similar devices from the US you can with LiteMF . You will receive a favorable express delivery to points of issue , as well as free storage of goods in stock.
Source: geektimes.ru/company/litemf/blog/245106/