Greetings from the 90s (68 photos)
Photos of the transition period in Russia. Very interesting footage. Those who are found - it will be interesting to recall. Those who did not find - to find out. See.
Although no one now can not remember who this was Kepeeses Glory - nevertheless mention of it carefully expelled from the national consciousness ...
Under general cry of "punitive psychiatry" curious and literate people can dig up a lot of interesting information about how fate dissidentov- "victims of mental hospitals" in the West ...
Was this shoe Union Treaty on the neck? Nobody knows, but the results of the referendum on March 17 says a lot ... Of course, for those who know how to read. Well, and I think it goes without saying ...
Rally in support of Boris Yeltsin at the Manege Square in Moscow, 1991.
Moscow putsch against.
I remember, EBN has threatened to "lay down on the tracks" along with miners ... lied, horonyaka ...
Yeltsin and workers.
"With us, the leader of Courage»
"People! Yeltsin rights! »
"Junta Khan." Muscovites shed monument to Dzerzhinsky, installed in front of the KGB
It was, it was ... to throw into the river and monuments of Alexander the Liberator, and Nicholas the Bloody and Felix ... And even Pushkin "steamship of modernity" ... feel better?
Then a young economist Grigory Yavlinsky and actor Zinovy Gerdt.
Rare photos. Generally, a dashing 90-s many "artists" as nakolbasili in different "spark" that now many of them are willing to forget and to burn Ebony all these "appeals" by which they subscribed ...
Garry Kasparov and Galina Starovoitova.
Turn in front just opened the first restaurant "McDonald's" in Moscow
The first achievement of "gastric democracy." By the way, all significantly higher than in the same sausage ... Ay, sovkofoby - is that the real figure?
Nizhny Novgorod, 1992. Boris Yeltsin and the regional governor Boris Nemtsov.
Anatoly Chubais said the country of privatization vouchers.
Anatoly Chubais have a lot to talk about checks. The result was one. And we all know the outcome ...
President Yeltsin and Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar.
It turns out that the theme of "Hello, funny gnome!" - Is the theme old ...
Gaidar on the rostrum of the Supreme Council.
(And that's the theme of this photograph, why Yegorushka laments on the subject - 2nu that for you ... I've stole th ... L & quot; - look for yourself. You will not regret :)
1993. The armed conflict between the legislative and executive authorities of Russia.
(This is now modestly called - "conflict." Slaughterhouse ...)
The shooting of the parliament.
(Shooting. And there was more shooting and when taken out and dull "soaked" in the yards ...)
After the suppression of the resistance of supporters of the White House in Russia adopted a new Constitution.
("The Constitution on the Blood»)
"Dashing" nineties.
(The famous photo. This, by the way, not a fighter, it's something - "from abroad" buy on the Arbat rags, dolls, badges and cockades)
Journalist of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" Dmitry Kholodov. Assassinated. Killer gave him a suitcase bomb that tore right into the editorial
Anchorman Vlad leaves. Shot in Moscow
The era of the first capital accumulation
(Just the time when the first and only appearance at the State Duma vote in full force was to discuss the new Criminal Code. At this point, epta, all lads caught up ...)
1996. Yeltsin, despite the very low rating, nominated for a second term.
Communist opposition rally near the walls of the State Duma against the "Israeli commandos».
State Duma Deputy Albert Makashov, famous for his anti-Semitic statements.
(Makashev, of course, famous not only for its anti-Semitic statements ... But, as it turned suddenly as that of modern RF poheru ...)
Yeltsin promises ...
The war in Chechnya.
(Another name - "counter-terrorist operation" ... Well, it's, like, when we kill, and we give them a finger - ay-ay-ay, how bad it is ...)
And the signing of the peace accords Yeltsin and Maskhadov. Behind the back of the Russian president, by the way, Akhmed Zakayev, who still speaks on behalf of the "Chechen resistance" from London and declared wanted by the Russian authorities
Picket Valeria in the State Duma. The mid-nineties.
I keep quiet for GipnoZhabu, but at the right lap dog - a very interesting poster ... Unfortunately, all available sources - Photo truncated (What's Yeltsin - is unclear). My personal version - "Edtsinu - MPH!» ...
Became famous thanks to the commercials Lenya Golubkov. "I do not freeloader, brother, I am a partner»
(This is Leon. Not freeloader, partner ... You know, I would personally after all that's ... not in place Leni hanged himself. But no, Leon (several years ago) was interviewed, smiled, and said something about the "suckers" ... )
A rally in defense of shareholders MMM Sergei Mavrodi
(Pile GOLUBKOV. Oh, and in his time one private company PR-released reports on how organized these "meetings", by whom and for how much ...)
Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov on anti-government rally in central Moscow.
In the summer of 1996, Russia elects a president.
In the second round, Yeltsin and Zyuganov came.
Yeltsin re-elected president of the Russian Federation.
Eduard Limonov, after his release from prison.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky on the rostrum of the State Duma
The authors and architects of the project "Putin - the president" Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich
And other "captains of business": Mikhail Prokhorov and Vladimir Potanin.
"I'm tired, I'm going»
Putin began to disperse independent from the state television. 2001 - the last days of the "old" NTV.
Publicly attack NTV appointed Alfred Koch, who has long feuded with the owner of Gusinsky's NTV.
NTV came under state control. Gusinsky did not tempt fate and left Russia
But that's another story ...

Although no one now can not remember who this was Kepeeses Glory - nevertheless mention of it carefully expelled from the national consciousness ...

Under general cry of "punitive psychiatry" curious and literate people can dig up a lot of interesting information about how fate dissidentov- "victims of mental hospitals" in the West ...

Was this shoe Union Treaty on the neck? Nobody knows, but the results of the referendum on March 17 says a lot ... Of course, for those who know how to read. Well, and I think it goes without saying ...

Rally in support of Boris Yeltsin at the Manege Square in Moscow, 1991.

Moscow putsch against.

I remember, EBN has threatened to "lay down on the tracks" along with miners ... lied, horonyaka ...
Yeltsin and workers.

"With us, the leader of Courage»

"People! Yeltsin rights! »

"Junta Khan." Muscovites shed monument to Dzerzhinsky, installed in front of the KGB
It was, it was ... to throw into the river and monuments of Alexander the Liberator, and Nicholas the Bloody and Felix ... And even Pushkin "steamship of modernity" ... feel better?

Then a young economist Grigory Yavlinsky and actor Zinovy Gerdt.
Rare photos. Generally, a dashing 90-s many "artists" as nakolbasili in different "spark" that now many of them are willing to forget and to burn Ebony all these "appeals" by which they subscribed ...

Garry Kasparov and Galina Starovoitova.

Turn in front just opened the first restaurant "McDonald's" in Moscow
The first achievement of "gastric democracy." By the way, all significantly higher than in the same sausage ... Ay, sovkofoby - is that the real figure?

Nizhny Novgorod, 1992. Boris Yeltsin and the regional governor Boris Nemtsov.

Anatoly Chubais said the country of privatization vouchers.
Anatoly Chubais have a lot to talk about checks. The result was one. And we all know the outcome ...

President Yeltsin and Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar.
It turns out that the theme of "Hello, funny gnome!" - Is the theme old ...

Gaidar on the rostrum of the Supreme Council.
(And that's the theme of this photograph, why Yegorushka laments on the subject - 2nu that for you ... I've stole th ... L & quot; - look for yourself. You will not regret :)

1993. The armed conflict between the legislative and executive authorities of Russia.
(This is now modestly called - "conflict." Slaughterhouse ...)

The shooting of the parliament.
(Shooting. And there was more shooting and when taken out and dull "soaked" in the yards ...)

After the suppression of the resistance of supporters of the White House in Russia adopted a new Constitution.
("The Constitution on the Blood»)

"Dashing" nineties.
(The famous photo. This, by the way, not a fighter, it's something - "from abroad" buy on the Arbat rags, dolls, badges and cockades)

Journalist of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" Dmitry Kholodov. Assassinated. Killer gave him a suitcase bomb that tore right into the editorial

Anchorman Vlad leaves. Shot in Moscow

The era of the first capital accumulation
(Just the time when the first and only appearance at the State Duma vote in full force was to discuss the new Criminal Code. At this point, epta, all lads caught up ...)

1996. Yeltsin, despite the very low rating, nominated for a second term.

Communist opposition rally near the walls of the State Duma against the "Israeli commandos».

State Duma Deputy Albert Makashov, famous for his anti-Semitic statements.
(Makashev, of course, famous not only for its anti-Semitic statements ... But, as it turned suddenly as that of modern RF poheru ...)

Yeltsin promises ...

The war in Chechnya.
(Another name - "counter-terrorist operation" ... Well, it's, like, when we kill, and we give them a finger - ay-ay-ay, how bad it is ...)

And the signing of the peace accords Yeltsin and Maskhadov. Behind the back of the Russian president, by the way, Akhmed Zakayev, who still speaks on behalf of the "Chechen resistance" from London and declared wanted by the Russian authorities

Picket Valeria in the State Duma. The mid-nineties.
I keep quiet for GipnoZhabu, but at the right lap dog - a very interesting poster ... Unfortunately, all available sources - Photo truncated (What's Yeltsin - is unclear). My personal version - "Edtsinu - MPH!» ...

Became famous thanks to the commercials Lenya Golubkov. "I do not freeloader, brother, I am a partner»
(This is Leon. Not freeloader, partner ... You know, I would personally after all that's ... not in place Leni hanged himself. But no, Leon (several years ago) was interviewed, smiled, and said something about the "suckers" ... )

A rally in defense of shareholders MMM Sergei Mavrodi
(Pile GOLUBKOV. Oh, and in his time one private company PR-released reports on how organized these "meetings", by whom and for how much ...)

Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov on anti-government rally in central Moscow.

In the summer of 1996, Russia elects a president.

In the second round, Yeltsin and Zyuganov came.

Yeltsin re-elected president of the Russian Federation.

Eduard Limonov, after his release from prison.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky on the rostrum of the State Duma

The authors and architects of the project "Putin - the president" Boris Berezovsky and Roman Abramovich

And other "captains of business": Mikhail Prokhorov and Vladimir Potanin.

"I'm tired, I'm going»


Putin began to disperse independent from the state television. 2001 - the last days of the "old" NTV.

Publicly attack NTV appointed Alfred Koch, who has long feuded with the owner of Gusinsky's NTV.

NTV came under state control. Gusinsky did not tempt fate and left Russia

But that's another story ...