- Hi, Matveevna! - I shook hands with his neighbor, granny seventy. And maybe a hundred, they will disassemble the devil at that age.
She sat near the entrance to the specially rendered on the occasion of the early spring, highchair.
- Ahh, Sergei, hello. How's yours,? Toddlers like? - She asked. She always asked the same questions and it was not clear genuinely interested or so, for the sake of decency.
I never really took babulkiny questions / answers, so normally answered - everything is normal, and went about his business. And she, with three same bezvozrastnymi old ladies remained seated. Although there is no trouble with the same. Those remaining are always about something animatedly talking to a floor vote casting sidelong glances at passers-by. A Matveevna always silent. Almost always. Just hello, how are you and goodbye. Probably more than the words she did not know. Such a small wizened old woman, forever dissatisfied and angry at all. She sat and stared at the spring sky, silently moving her lips and fingers, thin fingers invisible yarn.
Saying goodbye, I immediately forgot about it completely captured by another event. The fact that I have recently started looking for old gizmos, coins, pugovichek and everything else, leaving us in the land of our past, and it took all my free time.
... This time I picked up a few coins, an ancient bell, often gets a piece of iron, which our ancestors adorned the harness and sleeve from the gun. I usually try not to take the so-called echo of the war, but looking to the sleeve and seeing beneath the mud which is not characteristic of the inscription he decided to take home, and there have already been identified with the finding.
...- Hi Matveevna! The old woman was sitting on the porch started and stood up. He, probably dozed off, I thought. Matveevna silently walked into the entrance, along with me, and we stopped waiting for the elevator.
- Oh, suddenly sighed Matveevna ... But exactly when the weather was ...
I looked at her without understanding what she is. In just a few years, the number of phrases that we exchanged are not changed, and suddenly pulled dibs on sentiment?
- When? - A tribute of politeness I asked.
I rode up the elevator, and we went to press each button a.
- For a long time, he mused Matveevna, when I get married. More precisely almost I came out, she corrected herself. During the war.
- Then, I had a friend, Basil, he was a lieutenant, and I am a nurse in the same battalion. We loved each other and were going to get married ... After the war.
She paused, looking at the wing lift.
- Well, as married? - I asked.
The elevator stopped on her floor, she went out and rattled the keys. I do not know why, but I also came.
- No, I did not have time - Matveevna sighed.
- Died? - I guessed.
- No ... I do not know ... I guess ...
Matveevna seriously stepped over the threshold and not Razuvious walked into the room. I went after him, noting the striking extreme poverty housing. Former lacquered sideboard, yellowed wallpaper, table covered knitted tablecloth, all this created a feeling of depression as a nursing home after suites in the hotel. Landscape enlivened only a few photographs on the sideboard, but some sort of dimly gleaming thing with them.
I moved closer. From old photographs at me cheerfully watched the boys in uniform. They were standing on a lawn and is smiling at the camera. The following pictures have been one of those kids.
- Basil - sighed the old woman, following my gaze. It's us, the day before the fight - she pointed at a group photo.
Strangely, I wondered what this old lady then the conversation now? Ali what happened?
I looked to the right. Between the two pictures on a piece of cloth lying medal "For Courage»
- Your? - I pointed to the medal.
- Yes, once again sighed Matveevna, just for the fight and gave. Better Basil returned than .... It is very childish sniffed and pulled out a handkerchief.
- So he was murdered?
- Probably, she dabbed at her eyes Matveevna. Then no one came back ... just ... I was so happy, good life ... love, wood, flowers ... Whenever I had the opportunity to bring a bunch of woods ... But then ... did not bring before the fight. She again put her handkerchief to her eyes - he knew for certain.
- And I did not like, and after no one had met better. She brushed nonexistent dust from the photos, holding his hand in the area hanging on a belt holster. And he was Chuck - continued Matveyevna personal.
- As it is, the personal patron?
- That's that. For myself. He then said that if that happens, I will not go into captivity, he is better ... And Chuck showed me ... It says, my patron, for me. Even the word scribbled on it - "my". Or, say, his home will bring a whole, or used as planned ... And then the fight ... And since then, not him ... not news of it ...
She turned away and heavily shuffled into the kitchen.
Flashed guess drove crawl. No, it does not happen ... There is no such coincidence, I thought frantically scraping dirt from the shells found. From a dirty finger moistened with saliva stood out letters ... M ... J ... O ...
Carefully, trying not to make a noise, I quietly left the apartment before putting it on the shelf next to the photo cartridge ... .Patron used for its intended purpose.
© Kobakhia Serge
She sat near the entrance to the specially rendered on the occasion of the early spring, highchair.
- Ahh, Sergei, hello. How's yours,? Toddlers like? - She asked. She always asked the same questions and it was not clear genuinely interested or so, for the sake of decency.
I never really took babulkiny questions / answers, so normally answered - everything is normal, and went about his business. And she, with three same bezvozrastnymi old ladies remained seated. Although there is no trouble with the same. Those remaining are always about something animatedly talking to a floor vote casting sidelong glances at passers-by. A Matveevna always silent. Almost always. Just hello, how are you and goodbye. Probably more than the words she did not know. Such a small wizened old woman, forever dissatisfied and angry at all. She sat and stared at the spring sky, silently moving her lips and fingers, thin fingers invisible yarn.
Saying goodbye, I immediately forgot about it completely captured by another event. The fact that I have recently started looking for old gizmos, coins, pugovichek and everything else, leaving us in the land of our past, and it took all my free time.
... This time I picked up a few coins, an ancient bell, often gets a piece of iron, which our ancestors adorned the harness and sleeve from the gun. I usually try not to take the so-called echo of the war, but looking to the sleeve and seeing beneath the mud which is not characteristic of the inscription he decided to take home, and there have already been identified with the finding.
...- Hi Matveevna! The old woman was sitting on the porch started and stood up. He, probably dozed off, I thought. Matveevna silently walked into the entrance, along with me, and we stopped waiting for the elevator.
- Oh, suddenly sighed Matveevna ... But exactly when the weather was ...
I looked at her without understanding what she is. In just a few years, the number of phrases that we exchanged are not changed, and suddenly pulled dibs on sentiment?
- When? - A tribute of politeness I asked.
I rode up the elevator, and we went to press each button a.
- For a long time, he mused Matveevna, when I get married. More precisely almost I came out, she corrected herself. During the war.
- Then, I had a friend, Basil, he was a lieutenant, and I am a nurse in the same battalion. We loved each other and were going to get married ... After the war.
She paused, looking at the wing lift.
- Well, as married? - I asked.
The elevator stopped on her floor, she went out and rattled the keys. I do not know why, but I also came.
- No, I did not have time - Matveevna sighed.
- Died? - I guessed.
- No ... I do not know ... I guess ...
Matveevna seriously stepped over the threshold and not Razuvious walked into the room. I went after him, noting the striking extreme poverty housing. Former lacquered sideboard, yellowed wallpaper, table covered knitted tablecloth, all this created a feeling of depression as a nursing home after suites in the hotel. Landscape enlivened only a few photographs on the sideboard, but some sort of dimly gleaming thing with them.
I moved closer. From old photographs at me cheerfully watched the boys in uniform. They were standing on a lawn and is smiling at the camera. The following pictures have been one of those kids.
- Basil - sighed the old woman, following my gaze. It's us, the day before the fight - she pointed at a group photo.
Strangely, I wondered what this old lady then the conversation now? Ali what happened?
I looked to the right. Between the two pictures on a piece of cloth lying medal "For Courage»
- Your? - I pointed to the medal.
- Yes, once again sighed Matveevna, just for the fight and gave. Better Basil returned than .... It is very childish sniffed and pulled out a handkerchief.
- So he was murdered?
- Probably, she dabbed at her eyes Matveevna. Then no one came back ... just ... I was so happy, good life ... love, wood, flowers ... Whenever I had the opportunity to bring a bunch of woods ... But then ... did not bring before the fight. She again put her handkerchief to her eyes - he knew for certain.
- And I did not like, and after no one had met better. She brushed nonexistent dust from the photos, holding his hand in the area hanging on a belt holster. And he was Chuck - continued Matveyevna personal.
- As it is, the personal patron?
- That's that. For myself. He then said that if that happens, I will not go into captivity, he is better ... And Chuck showed me ... It says, my patron, for me. Even the word scribbled on it - "my". Or, say, his home will bring a whole, or used as planned ... And then the fight ... And since then, not him ... not news of it ...
She turned away and heavily shuffled into the kitchen.
Flashed guess drove crawl. No, it does not happen ... There is no such coincidence, I thought frantically scraping dirt from the shells found. From a dirty finger moistened with saliva stood out letters ... M ... J ... O ...
Carefully, trying not to make a noise, I quietly left the apartment before putting it on the shelf next to the photo cartridge ... .Patron used for its intended purpose.
© Kobakhia Serge
