Invisible battle
Night fell on the city, but three patrol policeman as epic hero, continued to protect the peace of citizens. The oldest and judicious called simply, Petrovich. The other two, Simon and Sergei, were not, the week, and relied entirely on the wisdom of his superior.
They walked along the edge of the city, vigilantly peering into the darkness of the bushes when he heard a woman scream, "Help, help! Rape! "A man's voice was trying to drown them:" Do not yell bitch! And then shove panties in her mouth! »
Simon rushed back with the words:
- It's probably a maniac! Today was the orientation ...
Elderly grabbed him by the elbow:
- Do not rush! Let's discuss.
Young tried to free himself:
- What is there to discuss something else? Take necessary!
But capturing Petrovich was strong:
- Think about it, and whether we have the right - to invade the privacy of citizens? Especially at this moment? Do we know exactly what is violence, not an intimate game of two loving hearts?
- So let's check and, if cho - Sorry! - Hot Semen.
- You're too young yet. Breaking the charm of minutes easily, and it is difficult to restore. - Senior boys noticed the blank stare. - Can not get up then realized?
- Let's sneak up and see - if offered, Sergei.
No objection and three cop, stealing, looked into the bushes. Woman with ripped tights and gagged, lying on the ground face down. She puffed healthy ambal thuggish appearance.
- Well, that's all the peace and quiet! - Petrovich said with satisfaction when the patrol withdrew to a safe distance. - And you wanted to disrupt the idyll.
Confused Simon stood with downcast eyes.
- Okay, what your age! - Senior patted him on the shoulder. - To learn more.
- Quiet! Do you hear ?! - Sergey raised his hand. In the darkness, I was heard some scuffling and muffled materok. Cops quickly but quietly moved toward the sound.
Their eyes appeared a strange picture. From the open window on the ground floor got a man. Then he took off the sill sistemnik ... and almost dropped it on his shoulder felt someone's hand.
- What's going on here? - I said Petrovich.
- And that's where I am ?! - Zalopotal stranger pointless looking around.
- What are you doing here, citizen ?! - Connect Semen.
- I do not know, guys! - I came to the unknown. - I Fell asleep in his bed, naked, and woke up here wearing.
- Yes, and with sistemnik hands! - Sergei suggested.
- Oh, right! - I surprised the detainee. - Where did - I'll never know.
- You, the citizen must be sleepwalking! - Prompted older.
-Somnambulizm For - scientific, - Sergey suggested clever. P. displeasure looked at him and continued:
- You are, let's go home and lock. And in the morning to the doctor, let him look and prescribe something.
- Oh, thank you, comrades! I will go! - Thanked the stranger and faded.
- We had to check his documents! - Sergey said stubbornly.
- Oh, because you are young, kind and reason, as in the years of totalitarianism - the eldest shook his head, and the police continued to crawl. - It is not the thirty-seventh year, people believe it is necessary. Otherwise, we do not reach the high ideals of law and human!
Young with respect to an enlightened face looked old policeman. After a while, their attention was drawn back noise. They made their way through the darkness flashes of light. Running up, they saw cars standing near a man with a torch.
- Pyro cars! - Simon whispered in the ear of a senior. He shook his head, saying, again hot.
- Hello! So-and-so-what, Department of the Interior! - He introduced himself to the man. - What are you doing here this late hour, even with a torch?
- Hello, guys! - Said the stranger. - Here are the keys in the dark dropped now seeking.
- You see, Simon, citizen looking for clues, and you're ready to pull him all the dogs! - Petrovich chided and again turned to the unknown - I'm sorry, comrade, this service!
- Yes, I understand! - He replied, and disappeared into the darkness. The patrol continued on his way.
- Total duty - no offense - said Sergey. - A pop everywhere, "crime capital! Lawlessness! »
- It's all corrupt journalists - thoughtfully said Petrovich. - Is being built on slander our reality!
From the gas station there was a roar.
- Oh, a storm is coming! - Happy seniors. - Let it go. City rain does not hurt.
And the patrol went into the night. Rest of the townspeople was in safe hands.
© Dmtry ganDonskoy
They walked along the edge of the city, vigilantly peering into the darkness of the bushes when he heard a woman scream, "Help, help! Rape! "A man's voice was trying to drown them:" Do not yell bitch! And then shove panties in her mouth! »
Simon rushed back with the words:
- It's probably a maniac! Today was the orientation ...
Elderly grabbed him by the elbow:
- Do not rush! Let's discuss.
Young tried to free himself:
- What is there to discuss something else? Take necessary!
But capturing Petrovich was strong:
- Think about it, and whether we have the right - to invade the privacy of citizens? Especially at this moment? Do we know exactly what is violence, not an intimate game of two loving hearts?
- So let's check and, if cho - Sorry! - Hot Semen.
- You're too young yet. Breaking the charm of minutes easily, and it is difficult to restore. - Senior boys noticed the blank stare. - Can not get up then realized?
- Let's sneak up and see - if offered, Sergei.
No objection and three cop, stealing, looked into the bushes. Woman with ripped tights and gagged, lying on the ground face down. She puffed healthy ambal thuggish appearance.
- Well, that's all the peace and quiet! - Petrovich said with satisfaction when the patrol withdrew to a safe distance. - And you wanted to disrupt the idyll.
Confused Simon stood with downcast eyes.
- Okay, what your age! - Senior patted him on the shoulder. - To learn more.
- Quiet! Do you hear ?! - Sergey raised his hand. In the darkness, I was heard some scuffling and muffled materok. Cops quickly but quietly moved toward the sound.
Their eyes appeared a strange picture. From the open window on the ground floor got a man. Then he took off the sill sistemnik ... and almost dropped it on his shoulder felt someone's hand.
- What's going on here? - I said Petrovich.
- And that's where I am ?! - Zalopotal stranger pointless looking around.
- What are you doing here, citizen ?! - Connect Semen.
- I do not know, guys! - I came to the unknown. - I Fell asleep in his bed, naked, and woke up here wearing.
- Yes, and with sistemnik hands! - Sergei suggested.
- Oh, right! - I surprised the detainee. - Where did - I'll never know.
- You, the citizen must be sleepwalking! - Prompted older.
-Somnambulizm For - scientific, - Sergey suggested clever. P. displeasure looked at him and continued:
- You are, let's go home and lock. And in the morning to the doctor, let him look and prescribe something.
- Oh, thank you, comrades! I will go! - Thanked the stranger and faded.
- We had to check his documents! - Sergey said stubbornly.
- Oh, because you are young, kind and reason, as in the years of totalitarianism - the eldest shook his head, and the police continued to crawl. - It is not the thirty-seventh year, people believe it is necessary. Otherwise, we do not reach the high ideals of law and human!
Young with respect to an enlightened face looked old policeman. After a while, their attention was drawn back noise. They made their way through the darkness flashes of light. Running up, they saw cars standing near a man with a torch.
- Pyro cars! - Simon whispered in the ear of a senior. He shook his head, saying, again hot.
- Hello! So-and-so-what, Department of the Interior! - He introduced himself to the man. - What are you doing here this late hour, even with a torch?
- Hello, guys! - Said the stranger. - Here are the keys in the dark dropped now seeking.
- You see, Simon, citizen looking for clues, and you're ready to pull him all the dogs! - Petrovich chided and again turned to the unknown - I'm sorry, comrade, this service!
- Yes, I understand! - He replied, and disappeared into the darkness. The patrol continued on his way.
- Total duty - no offense - said Sergey. - A pop everywhere, "crime capital! Lawlessness! »
- It's all corrupt journalists - thoughtfully said Petrovich. - Is being built on slander our reality!
From the gas station there was a roar.
- Oh, a storm is coming! - Happy seniors. - Let it go. City rain does not hurt.
And the patrol went into the night. Rest of the townspeople was in safe hands.
© Dmtry ganDonskoy