The first person on the hunt Russia (16 photos)
Hunting Nicholas II was like a slaughterhouse, Stalin set traps for foxes, Brezhnev gun broke face
From the report of the king, killed crows - 3341 ... Like all hunters, the Russian rulers were their favorite kinds of fun. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Empress Catherine II preferred falconry, Peter II was fond of dogs, Anna Ivanovna and Elizabeth loved bird hunting, Alexander II and Alexander III were big fans zverovyh raids on bears, elk, bison. Nicholas II was remembered contemporaries as an amateur hunting rifle. Measures in his enthusiasm he did not know, and it was like a slaughterhouse with the results, as evidenced by the photo.
2. Alexander III in the hunt
3. The Emperor Alexander III (2nd right in the middle row) and his entourage on the hunt, last lifetime photograph.
Stalin on the hunt.
4. Stalin with a shotgun. HOW future leader mistaken for WATER.
Stalin was lukewarm about the hunt. In this he differs from "arhistrastnogo" hunter Lenin, and from the "ringleaders" of hunting Voroshilov ... Maybe because this traditional Russian sport, for that matter, and fishing, he was associated with the Turukhansk link. Stalin was exiled to Turukhansk region in 1913. Joseph Dzhugashvili to cut all the way to escape (and before that, he made five of them), in early 1914 he was sent to the Kureiko to the Arctic Circle. Dzhugashvili received only 15 rubles "feed" a month. On the food was not enough. He hunted hunting and fishing.
Stalin hunted all year round. Although his gun he did not have - the exiles were not supposed to have a firearm. FA Taraseev and other residents Kureyka remembered in the early 1950s, Stalin out of the situation: "Leave any gun in the woods, so whisper. Stalin, and he will take his gun in the woods and hunt. Brought ermine, rabbit, bird ».
Stalin was producing game, using traps and snares. A resident Kureyka A. Taraseeva says: "hunted and alone, and with the natives. Fur was a lot. Fox herd went to the tundra. " Stalin gave fur merchants. And with the money to buy bread, sugar and other products, kerosene ...
5. "If gunpowder ugly, then ours."
Personal archive Kliment Voroshilov remained a large number of notes on the hunting theme, which he exchanged with colleagues right at the meetings of the Politburo of the CPSU (B) in the presence of Stalin. September 20, 1928 Chairman of the Presidium of the All Michael Tomsk Marshal Voroshilov writes: "Where did you get smokeless powder for hunting?" Marshall replied, "I really do not know, but I can say that the powder is very ugly. Find out from my guys, I can tell if you need to. " And while there is a meeting of the Politburo, Voroshilov Tomsk writes the following note: "If ugly, our. Well worth the 20 p. pound, and foreign 15 p. pounds ».
6. Nikita Fidel felled goats ...
From the memoirs of Peter Shelest, first secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine: "In mid-January 1964, Nikita Khrushchev with Fidel Castro arrived in" Zalesie "(hunting near Kiev. - Ed.) Hunting ... Hunting failed, as they say, the glory . Khrushchev killed two large wild boars, two goats, four rabbits. Castro killed deer, two goats, wild boar. Additionally did a couple of "pens" production was also considerable ... »
7. Conspiracy against Khrushchev trailed "ZAVIDOVO».
Nikita Khrushchev became First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, actively spread of an opinion that it was difficult to hunt find equal. Short-tempered, impulsive leader could not stand losing.
Here that on this occasion said Gen. Nikolai Zakharov, head of the 9th Directorate of the KGB: "One winter day in 1959, several members of the Politburo, including Khrushchev and first deputy chairman of the Central Committee Bureau for the RSFSR Kirilenko, left in" Zavidovo ". Hunted wild boar ... We stand, waiting. Already voices beaters. Silence. And suddenly - two shots, one after the other, almost simultaneously.
- End! - Yells huntsman. - Wild boar killed.
All quickly gathered around the dead animal.
- See how well I put it immediately - snout in the snow - said Kirilenko.
- Yes, what are you talking about? This is the first I flunked it, you're fired after me - Khrushchev said.
- This is my prey, and I had you flunked it - insisted Kirilenko.
- But how could you before I shoot when I came out of the wild boar in your direction? - Resented Khrushchev. - Come on you to hell, that to argue with you?
At this time came the huntsman with the assistant and reported that the boar are really two Jacques. The first was in the ear and flew into the eye, causing the boar fell dead. This shot belongs to Khrushchev. Jacques was the second between the shoulder blades, without touching the heart, and podranenny boar could still run.
Fuck you to hell, damn sycophants! - Cried Kirilenko.
- Stop yelling! - Cried when Khrushchev. - Thank you guys that well understood. Come, drink a glass, and I'm with you. And you, Comrade Kirilenko, I would not go in exploration!
Khrushchev got in the car and without saying goodbye, went to Moscow ... »
8. It is ... "Zavidovo" and other hunting grounds, which are so fond of Khrushchev, ironically, became a place where he has spun a conspiracy. A few days before the beginning of October (1964) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, where Khrushchev was ousted from all posts, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Gennady Voronov received personally by Leonid Brezhnev's invitation to go to "Zavidovo" hunt.
Ravens later wrote: "After hunting feast was contrary to the usual brief. When zasobiralis home, Andropov invited me to go to Moscow in the same car together with Brezhnev. Barely taxied to the track, Andropov raised glass separated inside the back seat of the driver with a security guard and told me about the impending overthrow of Khrushchev. Brezhnev inserted into the conversation only replicas. Wearing a glasses on his nose, all the way he rustled the sheets with a list of members of the Central Committee against some names put pros against the other - cons, counting, crosses icons cons of me on the pros and muttered: "There is a balance to be win-win." Andropov added: "If Khrushchev balks, we will show him the documents of arrests in 1935 - 1937 years, where there is the signature ...»
9. First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee by Nikita Khrushchev (front) and the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro on the hunt.
10. The Moscow region. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on the hunt. News in pictures TASS
11. Nikita Khrushchev (center) and JB Tito (his back) inspect the hunting trophy.
12. There were 90 Leonid Ilyich trunks
During the Brezhnev era was considered bad form inability to hunt. Secretary General himself indulged in this passion from early autumn to spring, mainly - in "Zavidovo».
Vladimir Medvedev, deputy chief of the bodyguard of Brezhnev, in his memoirs, said: "Leonid Ilyich Shot brilliantly and knew a lot about guns. Comrades, colleagues - and ours, and foreign - knowing his weakness, gave his birthdays and any other suitable days most luxurious guns. In the Middle country, in the district, in a special room had been stored in three large vaults approximately ninety trunks! Good gun was worth at the time when the money had value for money, fifty thousand, no less. Favorite guns were three or four shotgun, all imported to hunt ducks, geese and other birds and small little animals - rabbits, foxes, etc. Etc .; and the same three or four rifled guns, import and Tula, for serious living creatures - wild boar, elk, deer ».
13. Once the Secretary General from the tower tumbled down a huge boar. Lifeless beast collapsed where he took a bullet Brezhnev. Pleased Leonid Ilyich habitually went to check the result of hunting. But when he approached the lying boar - was 20 meters, the beast suddenly jumped up and went to Brezhnev. It turned out - not killed, wounded, lying in shock. At the huntsman was in the hands of the carbine, he instantly, without thinking twice shot and ... missed. "Attached" to this day was Gennady Fedotov. But he did not have time to shoot wild boar rushed at him, and then ran on. Leonid Ilyich stood nearby, saw it all, and, according to his memoirs, Vladimir Medvedev, even in the face did not change. A wounded boar, no matter how much sought throughout the district, and have not found. In the late 70's secretary general patient ceased to hold the gun. But to give up the hunt for him was tantamount to admit to myself: old age finally triumphed.
14. "During the shooting of the weak hands tightly pressed not to shoulder a rifle with a telescopic sight, - says Medvedev. - After the shots they gave out back, and he broke eye face. Back to Moscow - in the blood is broken nose, the eyebrows, the forehead. Doctors tried to somehow cover up, whiten wounds. He stopped in front of a mirror, and once a child knows who complained: "Here we go again ... As it is now with a black eye to go to work!»
One day while hunting he shot out of the car and broke his eyebrow. The next day shot from the tower and crashed nose. Both wounds quite heavy in blood. Most worryingly, just a day or two upcoming trip to Prague and Bratislava. Doctors long busy with his face during the trip several times a day plastered wounds.
After this incident, Leonid Brezhnev himself sadly realized that he was no longer arrows. But the hunt refused. Just sitting on the tower or in the car, just waited for the beast, but ... did not shoot. Gun he gave us, "attached." We shoot, and he is going through a number of ... »

From the report of the king, killed crows - 3341 ... Like all hunters, the Russian rulers were their favorite kinds of fun. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and Empress Catherine II preferred falconry, Peter II was fond of dogs, Anna Ivanovna and Elizabeth loved bird hunting, Alexander II and Alexander III were big fans zverovyh raids on bears, elk, bison. Nicholas II was remembered contemporaries as an amateur hunting rifle. Measures in his enthusiasm he did not know, and it was like a slaughterhouse with the results, as evidenced by the photo.

2. Alexander III in the hunt

3. The Emperor Alexander III (2nd right in the middle row) and his entourage on the hunt, last lifetime photograph.

Stalin on the hunt.

4. Stalin with a shotgun. HOW future leader mistaken for WATER.
Stalin was lukewarm about the hunt. In this he differs from "arhistrastnogo" hunter Lenin, and from the "ringleaders" of hunting Voroshilov ... Maybe because this traditional Russian sport, for that matter, and fishing, he was associated with the Turukhansk link. Stalin was exiled to Turukhansk region in 1913. Joseph Dzhugashvili to cut all the way to escape (and before that, he made five of them), in early 1914 he was sent to the Kureiko to the Arctic Circle. Dzhugashvili received only 15 rubles "feed" a month. On the food was not enough. He hunted hunting and fishing.
Stalin hunted all year round. Although his gun he did not have - the exiles were not supposed to have a firearm. FA Taraseev and other residents Kureyka remembered in the early 1950s, Stalin out of the situation: "Leave any gun in the woods, so whisper. Stalin, and he will take his gun in the woods and hunt. Brought ermine, rabbit, bird ».
Stalin was producing game, using traps and snares. A resident Kureyka A. Taraseeva says: "hunted and alone, and with the natives. Fur was a lot. Fox herd went to the tundra. " Stalin gave fur merchants. And with the money to buy bread, sugar and other products, kerosene ...

5. "If gunpowder ugly, then ours."
Personal archive Kliment Voroshilov remained a large number of notes on the hunting theme, which he exchanged with colleagues right at the meetings of the Politburo of the CPSU (B) in the presence of Stalin. September 20, 1928 Chairman of the Presidium of the All Michael Tomsk Marshal Voroshilov writes: "Where did you get smokeless powder for hunting?" Marshall replied, "I really do not know, but I can say that the powder is very ugly. Find out from my guys, I can tell if you need to. " And while there is a meeting of the Politburo, Voroshilov Tomsk writes the following note: "If ugly, our. Well worth the 20 p. pound, and foreign 15 p. pounds ».

6. Nikita Fidel felled goats ...
From the memoirs of Peter Shelest, first secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine: "In mid-January 1964, Nikita Khrushchev with Fidel Castro arrived in" Zalesie "(hunting near Kiev. - Ed.) Hunting ... Hunting failed, as they say, the glory . Khrushchev killed two large wild boars, two goats, four rabbits. Castro killed deer, two goats, wild boar. Additionally did a couple of "pens" production was also considerable ... »

7. Conspiracy against Khrushchev trailed "ZAVIDOVO».
Nikita Khrushchev became First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, actively spread of an opinion that it was difficult to hunt find equal. Short-tempered, impulsive leader could not stand losing.
Here that on this occasion said Gen. Nikolai Zakharov, head of the 9th Directorate of the KGB: "One winter day in 1959, several members of the Politburo, including Khrushchev and first deputy chairman of the Central Committee Bureau for the RSFSR Kirilenko, left in" Zavidovo ". Hunted wild boar ... We stand, waiting. Already voices beaters. Silence. And suddenly - two shots, one after the other, almost simultaneously.
- End! - Yells huntsman. - Wild boar killed.
All quickly gathered around the dead animal.
- See how well I put it immediately - snout in the snow - said Kirilenko.
- Yes, what are you talking about? This is the first I flunked it, you're fired after me - Khrushchev said.
- This is my prey, and I had you flunked it - insisted Kirilenko.
- But how could you before I shoot when I came out of the wild boar in your direction? - Resented Khrushchev. - Come on you to hell, that to argue with you?
At this time came the huntsman with the assistant and reported that the boar are really two Jacques. The first was in the ear and flew into the eye, causing the boar fell dead. This shot belongs to Khrushchev. Jacques was the second between the shoulder blades, without touching the heart, and podranenny boar could still run.
Fuck you to hell, damn sycophants! - Cried Kirilenko.
- Stop yelling! - Cried when Khrushchev. - Thank you guys that well understood. Come, drink a glass, and I'm with you. And you, Comrade Kirilenko, I would not go in exploration!
Khrushchev got in the car and without saying goodbye, went to Moscow ... »

8. It is ... "Zavidovo" and other hunting grounds, which are so fond of Khrushchev, ironically, became a place where he has spun a conspiracy. A few days before the beginning of October (1964) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, where Khrushchev was ousted from all posts, member of the Presidium of the Central Committee, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Gennady Voronov received personally by Leonid Brezhnev's invitation to go to "Zavidovo" hunt.
Ravens later wrote: "After hunting feast was contrary to the usual brief. When zasobiralis home, Andropov invited me to go to Moscow in the same car together with Brezhnev. Barely taxied to the track, Andropov raised glass separated inside the back seat of the driver with a security guard and told me about the impending overthrow of Khrushchev. Brezhnev inserted into the conversation only replicas. Wearing a glasses on his nose, all the way he rustled the sheets with a list of members of the Central Committee against some names put pros against the other - cons, counting, crosses icons cons of me on the pros and muttered: "There is a balance to be win-win." Andropov added: "If Khrushchev balks, we will show him the documents of arrests in 1935 - 1937 years, where there is the signature ...»

9. First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee by Nikita Khrushchev (front) and the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro on the hunt.

10. The Moscow region. Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro on the hunt. News in pictures TASS

11. Nikita Khrushchev (center) and JB Tito (his back) inspect the hunting trophy.

12. There were 90 Leonid Ilyich trunks
During the Brezhnev era was considered bad form inability to hunt. Secretary General himself indulged in this passion from early autumn to spring, mainly - in "Zavidovo».
Vladimir Medvedev, deputy chief of the bodyguard of Brezhnev, in his memoirs, said: "Leonid Ilyich Shot brilliantly and knew a lot about guns. Comrades, colleagues - and ours, and foreign - knowing his weakness, gave his birthdays and any other suitable days most luxurious guns. In the Middle country, in the district, in a special room had been stored in three large vaults approximately ninety trunks! Good gun was worth at the time when the money had value for money, fifty thousand, no less. Favorite guns were three or four shotgun, all imported to hunt ducks, geese and other birds and small little animals - rabbits, foxes, etc. Etc .; and the same three or four rifled guns, import and Tula, for serious living creatures - wild boar, elk, deer ».

13. Once the Secretary General from the tower tumbled down a huge boar. Lifeless beast collapsed where he took a bullet Brezhnev. Pleased Leonid Ilyich habitually went to check the result of hunting. But when he approached the lying boar - was 20 meters, the beast suddenly jumped up and went to Brezhnev. It turned out - not killed, wounded, lying in shock. At the huntsman was in the hands of the carbine, he instantly, without thinking twice shot and ... missed. "Attached" to this day was Gennady Fedotov. But he did not have time to shoot wild boar rushed at him, and then ran on. Leonid Ilyich stood nearby, saw it all, and, according to his memoirs, Vladimir Medvedev, even in the face did not change. A wounded boar, no matter how much sought throughout the district, and have not found. In the late 70's secretary general patient ceased to hold the gun. But to give up the hunt for him was tantamount to admit to myself: old age finally triumphed.

14. "During the shooting of the weak hands tightly pressed not to shoulder a rifle with a telescopic sight, - says Medvedev. - After the shots they gave out back, and he broke eye face. Back to Moscow - in the blood is broken nose, the eyebrows, the forehead. Doctors tried to somehow cover up, whiten wounds. He stopped in front of a mirror, and once a child knows who complained: "Here we go again ... As it is now with a black eye to go to work!»
One day while hunting he shot out of the car and broke his eyebrow. The next day shot from the tower and crashed nose. Both wounds quite heavy in blood. Most worryingly, just a day or two upcoming trip to Prague and Bratislava. Doctors long busy with his face during the trip several times a day plastered wounds.
After this incident, Leonid Brezhnev himself sadly realized that he was no longer arrows. But the hunt refused. Just sitting on the tower or in the car, just waited for the beast, but ... did not shoot. Gun he gave us, "attached." We shoot, and he is going through a number of ... »
