Main dishes of different countries (20 photos)
Dishes and a huge number of products, and each country, or even the city - they own. However, there are still those dishes and ingredients to them, which are famous all over the world, but they are born from the same country and sometimes popular in many others. And there are places where the only place where you can try it it will be able to feel all the aroma and taste of a dish, or a product from which to do the dishes! Therefore, do not try to do it in the kitchen.
Chocolate, Ecuador
Long enough for the main producer of cocoa in the world to Ecuador, but then it took over the role of West Africa. In the twentieth century, they produced a series of sweets made with cheaper beans, which quickly became fashionable. However, the true chocolate connoisseurs could not without the Ecuadorian cocoa. And now the farmers who grow cocoa Ecuador busier than-or any other time! Guayas Province, where the main business - a family of cocoa plantation, is very popular in terms of tourism. Visit the place from April to May to see the farm in action.
duck confit, Gascony, France
Duck con- hrustyazhee and juicy dish that comes from violent Gascony. This place has recently become very popular among gourmets. Dishes such as black sausage, foie gras with Armagnac demand. But the most expensive dish Gascony - duck confit: This duck is roasted in its own fat. This leads to the fact that the duck has a very crisp and the meat is tender, it melts in your mouth. If you are in this town, be sure to make this dish at a local restaurant, you will certainly enjoy!
Truffles, Alba, Italy
Of course, truffles themselves are not a dish, but they are amazing and indiscreet fragrance can transform any dish, giving it an unforgettable flavor. White Alba truffles thrive in humid forests around the city, and they can sniff out under cover of darkness. The season is very short - from October to November - this time you can go on the hunt truffles, which do not only locals, but also tourists. Recently in these places Truffle two pounds brought to the owner of 120, 000 dollars at auction.
Bird's nest soup, Hong Kong
Authentic bird's nest soup, of course, taken from the nest swiftlets, small birds, which can be found throughout Southeast Asia. However, not all of this bird nests suitable use, nests are made of bird saliva layers and a few feathers. This dish is very expensive, since 1 kg of this bird nests in the Hong Kong market costs about 4 thousand dollars. However, some are doing it out of the ordinary course and noodles.
Barnacles, Galicia, Spain
This dish of crustaceans, they are called «percebes». Percebes clings to the rocky coastline of Galicia. This dish is considered a delicacy since the harvest percebes not easy: they grow in remote and difficult to reach places, under the pressure of the water disengaged from the rocks, and at this point you need to catch them. For many hunters barnacle is a big risk, because these crustaceans, with their aroma of lobster on the market are quite a lot of money.
Sacher cake, Vienna, Austria
World famous cake Zaher- extremely dense chocolate cake with a thin layer of apricot jam and dark chocolate icing - was invented by 16-year-old kitchen genius Franz Sacher in 1832. Despite citywide competition in the preparation of this cake, Sacher Café, which is located in Vienna - is still considered the best place to try the local delicacy. Make this cake with mit schlag, that you have brought this cake with a generous dollop of whipped cream.
Raclette, southern Switzerland
Raclette (raclette) was a Swiss dish for centuries. The shepherds in the Alps warmed themselves, igniting a fire and melted local cheese wedge, before watering it on peeled potatoes. Perhaps it is here and gone this dish! Now it is done a little differently: rub cheese on a coarse grater, or simply can break into small pieces, and then they are heated and poured it peeled potatoes.
Durian, Penang, Malaysia
Exotic durian, respected in Southeast Asia, which is considered the "king of fruits", is known for its pungent smell, reminiscent of smelly socks and sour milk. If you want to try this dish, but disdain, in these places you can offer, durian ice cream or cookies from this fruit. Durian grows throughout South-East Asia, but experts estimate durian quality product that has been grown in Balik Pulao in Penang, Malaysia.
Dish «Quinto quarto», Rome, Italy
Testaccio area of Rome once was home to the largest slaughterhouse in Europe. The main meat went to the nobility, while the unattractive parts - heart, tails, heads - made quinto quarto, or "fifth quarter", and were intended for the poorest of the poor in Rome. Local residents have become experts in converting unwanted giblets in delectable dinners, and now, today, guts decorate the tables of Rome's finest restaurants.
Copper River Salmon, Alaska, United States
Icy River in Alaska are the finish point for migrating salmon, so this is where the fish caught is considered to be the healthiest, because it is robust and ready to spawn the first spring. Insanely delicious, copper river salmon - ambitious product in the Pacific Northwest restaurants and foodies flock to these seafood restaurants to admire this nutty flavor, very short before the season is finished.
Rhubarb, England
Yes, yes, the usual rhubarb - it also has something special. Once he was treated only as a regular ingredient in dishes, but rhubarb was izlyublen famous chefs in recent years. The situation was the rhubarb to flourish in three places, so-called "Triangle Rhubarb" between Wakefield, Morley and Rothwell in West Yorkshire, where he was awarded and where he was put on a par with Parma ham and Champagne. And now here, in Wakefield, the annual festival is held every February.
Choppino, San Francisco, USA
In the late nineteenth century, a wave of Italian fishermen immigrants arrived in San Francisco. After Choppino - this is not the national dish of San Francisco, but now it can be tasted in every cafe and restaurant in every way. Fishermen preparing choppino for themselves and could not imagine that this dish would be so popular. The dish looks like a stew or soup of all kinds of seafood, then there just is not: shrimp, clams, squid, mussels, various fish, and many, many of which still lies at the bottom of the sea. All of this stewed in tomato sauce.
Oysters, Galway, Ireland
Because of the concentration of fresh and salt water on the coast in this area are caught oysters are world class. Galway - here they are caught and sold around the world. In September, there is an international festival of oysters, lovers of this product are collected from all over the world to try the most delicious and fresh oysters, arranging various contests and competitions on eating oysters. There will find yourself and enjoy dishes from oysters, cooked with hot spices and lemon, or you can try them in kind - simply washed with a creamy pint of Irish stout.
Surströmming northern Sweden
It can be called the national dish of Sweden - canned pickled herring. If you have a very weak stomach, not everything can digest, it is better not to open the jar. Herring are caught in the spring, then in a few months she is in barrels and then conserve it where it arrives for another six months, and only then it is sent for sale. Opening the jar, you will feel a strong smell of sinister - it is possible to explain why the Swedes like to eat the fish in the open air.
Fugu, Japan
Fugu (literally translated means "river pig") is the most notorious Japanese dish. In Japan, this fish is very popular and is a delicacy. However, fish contains tetrodotoxin, a lethal dose of venom and during cooking the dose should be reduced. Improperly prepared puffer fish life-threatening. Only specially trained chefs have to cook it right, there is a tradition that in case the client will die of this dish, the cook must also eat the fish. Fugu tried to ban used and catching, but it did not work, probably because people like to play with my life. The poison of this fish is in the internal organs, mainly the liver and gallbladder, but also present in eggs, and in the skin.
Cider, Normandy, France
Basque sailors Normans brought cider in the sixth century, and it still is a favorite local drink. Pays d'Auge Normandy is home Tourist Route du Cidre, 40-kilometer walk through the quaint villages and apple orchards. On the way local producers invite you to taste the finest cider France, such varieties as the calvados and pommeau (a delightful mixture of apple juice and brandy), are still produced using traditional methods.
Tangier, Marrakech, Morocco
Tangier has always been highly dish in Marrakech. The mixture of meat, garlic, lemon, saffron and cumin, all of this stuff in a clay pot and put in the ash from the coals in the morning, all this dish is cooked over very low heat, and then the men take home cooked meal for lunch. To this day, the tradition is preserved.
Whisky, Islay, Scotland
Irish monks, were imported to the island of Islay whiskey in the fourteenth century, as the thought that this is a great place for distillation: the internal Hebrid island has numerous peat lakes and rivers full of clean, soft water. Today, Islay is home to eight distilleries - all of which satisfied tury- producing dry, peaty, smoky malts, some of the most delicious in Scotland among this popular drink.
Coffee, West Columbia
As the second largest coffee producer in the world (after Brazil), Colombia has a growing tourist industry of coffee. "Coffee Triangle" in the departments of Quindío, Caldas and Risaralda, dotted with small farms and is full of scenic routes with plenty of opportunities to stay to enjoy this black coffee on the way.
Caviar, St. Petersburg, Russia
After a visit to the extensive art collection of the Hermitage museum, you can try a delicacy of the world, which of course is very expensive. Bar caviar in a luxury hotel of St. Petersburg "Europe" - the best place to try first-class eggs, the traditional way it is served with sour cream and chopped eggs, as well as a glass of vodka Stolichnaya.
Chocolate, Ecuador
Long enough for the main producer of cocoa in the world to Ecuador, but then it took over the role of West Africa. In the twentieth century, they produced a series of sweets made with cheaper beans, which quickly became fashionable. However, the true chocolate connoisseurs could not without the Ecuadorian cocoa. And now the farmers who grow cocoa Ecuador busier than-or any other time! Guayas Province, where the main business - a family of cocoa plantation, is very popular in terms of tourism. Visit the place from April to May to see the farm in action.

duck confit, Gascony, France
Duck con- hrustyazhee and juicy dish that comes from violent Gascony. This place has recently become very popular among gourmets. Dishes such as black sausage, foie gras with Armagnac demand. But the most expensive dish Gascony - duck confit: This duck is roasted in its own fat. This leads to the fact that the duck has a very crisp and the meat is tender, it melts in your mouth. If you are in this town, be sure to make this dish at a local restaurant, you will certainly enjoy!

Truffles, Alba, Italy
Of course, truffles themselves are not a dish, but they are amazing and indiscreet fragrance can transform any dish, giving it an unforgettable flavor. White Alba truffles thrive in humid forests around the city, and they can sniff out under cover of darkness. The season is very short - from October to November - this time you can go on the hunt truffles, which do not only locals, but also tourists. Recently in these places Truffle two pounds brought to the owner of 120, 000 dollars at auction.

Bird's nest soup, Hong Kong
Authentic bird's nest soup, of course, taken from the nest swiftlets, small birds, which can be found throughout Southeast Asia. However, not all of this bird nests suitable use, nests are made of bird saliva layers and a few feathers. This dish is very expensive, since 1 kg of this bird nests in the Hong Kong market costs about 4 thousand dollars. However, some are doing it out of the ordinary course and noodles.

Barnacles, Galicia, Spain
This dish of crustaceans, they are called «percebes». Percebes clings to the rocky coastline of Galicia. This dish is considered a delicacy since the harvest percebes not easy: they grow in remote and difficult to reach places, under the pressure of the water disengaged from the rocks, and at this point you need to catch them. For many hunters barnacle is a big risk, because these crustaceans, with their aroma of lobster on the market are quite a lot of money.

Sacher cake, Vienna, Austria
World famous cake Zaher- extremely dense chocolate cake with a thin layer of apricot jam and dark chocolate icing - was invented by 16-year-old kitchen genius Franz Sacher in 1832. Despite citywide competition in the preparation of this cake, Sacher Café, which is located in Vienna - is still considered the best place to try the local delicacy. Make this cake with mit schlag, that you have brought this cake with a generous dollop of whipped cream.

Raclette, southern Switzerland
Raclette (raclette) was a Swiss dish for centuries. The shepherds in the Alps warmed themselves, igniting a fire and melted local cheese wedge, before watering it on peeled potatoes. Perhaps it is here and gone this dish! Now it is done a little differently: rub cheese on a coarse grater, or simply can break into small pieces, and then they are heated and poured it peeled potatoes.

Durian, Penang, Malaysia
Exotic durian, respected in Southeast Asia, which is considered the "king of fruits", is known for its pungent smell, reminiscent of smelly socks and sour milk. If you want to try this dish, but disdain, in these places you can offer, durian ice cream or cookies from this fruit. Durian grows throughout South-East Asia, but experts estimate durian quality product that has been grown in Balik Pulao in Penang, Malaysia.

Dish «Quinto quarto», Rome, Italy
Testaccio area of Rome once was home to the largest slaughterhouse in Europe. The main meat went to the nobility, while the unattractive parts - heart, tails, heads - made quinto quarto, or "fifth quarter", and were intended for the poorest of the poor in Rome. Local residents have become experts in converting unwanted giblets in delectable dinners, and now, today, guts decorate the tables of Rome's finest restaurants.

Copper River Salmon, Alaska, United States
Icy River in Alaska are the finish point for migrating salmon, so this is where the fish caught is considered to be the healthiest, because it is robust and ready to spawn the first spring. Insanely delicious, copper river salmon - ambitious product in the Pacific Northwest restaurants and foodies flock to these seafood restaurants to admire this nutty flavor, very short before the season is finished.

Rhubarb, England
Yes, yes, the usual rhubarb - it also has something special. Once he was treated only as a regular ingredient in dishes, but rhubarb was izlyublen famous chefs in recent years. The situation was the rhubarb to flourish in three places, so-called "Triangle Rhubarb" between Wakefield, Morley and Rothwell in West Yorkshire, where he was awarded and where he was put on a par with Parma ham and Champagne. And now here, in Wakefield, the annual festival is held every February.

Choppino, San Francisco, USA
In the late nineteenth century, a wave of Italian fishermen immigrants arrived in San Francisco. After Choppino - this is not the national dish of San Francisco, but now it can be tasted in every cafe and restaurant in every way. Fishermen preparing choppino for themselves and could not imagine that this dish would be so popular. The dish looks like a stew or soup of all kinds of seafood, then there just is not: shrimp, clams, squid, mussels, various fish, and many, many of which still lies at the bottom of the sea. All of this stewed in tomato sauce.

Oysters, Galway, Ireland
Because of the concentration of fresh and salt water on the coast in this area are caught oysters are world class. Galway - here they are caught and sold around the world. In September, there is an international festival of oysters, lovers of this product are collected from all over the world to try the most delicious and fresh oysters, arranging various contests and competitions on eating oysters. There will find yourself and enjoy dishes from oysters, cooked with hot spices and lemon, or you can try them in kind - simply washed with a creamy pint of Irish stout.

Surströmming northern Sweden
It can be called the national dish of Sweden - canned pickled herring. If you have a very weak stomach, not everything can digest, it is better not to open the jar. Herring are caught in the spring, then in a few months she is in barrels and then conserve it where it arrives for another six months, and only then it is sent for sale. Opening the jar, you will feel a strong smell of sinister - it is possible to explain why the Swedes like to eat the fish in the open air.

Fugu, Japan
Fugu (literally translated means "river pig") is the most notorious Japanese dish. In Japan, this fish is very popular and is a delicacy. However, fish contains tetrodotoxin, a lethal dose of venom and during cooking the dose should be reduced. Improperly prepared puffer fish life-threatening. Only specially trained chefs have to cook it right, there is a tradition that in case the client will die of this dish, the cook must also eat the fish. Fugu tried to ban used and catching, but it did not work, probably because people like to play with my life. The poison of this fish is in the internal organs, mainly the liver and gallbladder, but also present in eggs, and in the skin.

Cider, Normandy, France
Basque sailors Normans brought cider in the sixth century, and it still is a favorite local drink. Pays d'Auge Normandy is home Tourist Route du Cidre, 40-kilometer walk through the quaint villages and apple orchards. On the way local producers invite you to taste the finest cider France, such varieties as the calvados and pommeau (a delightful mixture of apple juice and brandy), are still produced using traditional methods.

Tangier, Marrakech, Morocco
Tangier has always been highly dish in Marrakech. The mixture of meat, garlic, lemon, saffron and cumin, all of this stuff in a clay pot and put in the ash from the coals in the morning, all this dish is cooked over very low heat, and then the men take home cooked meal for lunch. To this day, the tradition is preserved.

Whisky, Islay, Scotland
Irish monks, were imported to the island of Islay whiskey in the fourteenth century, as the thought that this is a great place for distillation: the internal Hebrid island has numerous peat lakes and rivers full of clean, soft water. Today, Islay is home to eight distilleries - all of which satisfied tury- producing dry, peaty, smoky malts, some of the most delicious in Scotland among this popular drink.

Coffee, West Columbia
As the second largest coffee producer in the world (after Brazil), Colombia has a growing tourist industry of coffee. "Coffee Triangle" in the departments of Quindío, Caldas and Risaralda, dotted with small farms and is full of scenic routes with plenty of opportunities to stay to enjoy this black coffee on the way.

Caviar, St. Petersburg, Russia
After a visit to the extensive art collection of the Hermitage museum, you can try a delicacy of the world, which of course is very expensive. Bar caviar in a luxury hotel of St. Petersburg "Europe" - the best place to try first-class eggs, the traditional way it is served with sour cream and chopped eggs, as well as a glass of vodka Stolichnaya.