Animal feed for effective weight loss
When the fashion for cereal diet, stars turned their attention to the feed for cows. And really, why not try?
Food teff contains only 3% fat, swells in the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety, rich in vitamins and mineral supplements. In fact, teff - cereal plant growing in Ethiopia. Another thing that is fodder crop, that sounds scary. Its basically allowed for animal feed and for the manufacture of a very cheap baking.
Beckham and Paltrow grain soaked in water, wait until they germinate, and mixed with the usual oatmeal. Due to the popularity of teff girls began to grow rapidly, and some suppliers, catching the trend, already raising prices.
Gwyneth Paltrow
Victoria Beckham
Other stars are more humane ways. Angelina Jolie sits on conventional grains (though its weight became too low for the norm, I do not because of excessive dieting there?).
Angelina Jolie
By the way, a strange way to keep its shape due to the use of animal feed in perfect condition has long been known, it just probably will not advertise. In the movie "Shougelz" heroine Gina Gershon (Crystal) asks his young rival Nomi (Elizabeth Berkley), does not eat if she Doggie Chao. Like the moment from an old movie, and probably even a joke, but says a lot.
Still from the film Shougelz / Showgirls, 1995, while talking about diet
Food teff contains only 3% fat, swells in the stomach and creates a feeling of satiety, rich in vitamins and mineral supplements. In fact, teff - cereal plant growing in Ethiopia. Another thing that is fodder crop, that sounds scary. Its basically allowed for animal feed and for the manufacture of a very cheap baking.
Beckham and Paltrow grain soaked in water, wait until they germinate, and mixed with the usual oatmeal. Due to the popularity of teff girls began to grow rapidly, and some suppliers, catching the trend, already raising prices.
Gwyneth Paltrow

Victoria Beckham
Other stars are more humane ways. Angelina Jolie sits on conventional grains (though its weight became too low for the norm, I do not because of excessive dieting there?).

Angelina Jolie
By the way, a strange way to keep its shape due to the use of animal feed in perfect condition has long been known, it just probably will not advertise. In the movie "Shougelz" heroine Gina Gershon (Crystal) asks his young rival Nomi (Elizabeth Berkley), does not eat if she Doggie Chao. Like the moment from an old movie, and probably even a joke, but says a lot.
Still from the film Shougelz / Showgirls, 1995, while talking about diet