7 most common illusions
Illusion - a distorted perception of reality. They are made to believe in something that does not exist. This is very dangerous, because they surround yourself with people cease to grow, to strive for their dreams and make rash acts. The most common illusions:
I'll do it later, just as long as I do not have time ...
This is the most popular illusion. There is no such thing as a "no time". It is always and only you can decide how to dispose of them. If something is really important to you, you will find the time automatically.
I can reach their goals faster ...
Many aspire to get to your destination ahead of schedule. But this is impossible. Moving to the purpose you have to go through all the milestones. If you miss even one of them reached the goal does not live up to your expectations.
I control ...
You do not control absolutely nothing but your own mind. Life at any time can give you unexpected surprises.
I'll be happy if ...
Many people are mistaken in thinking that tomorrow comes, there will be something good, the problem will disappear and they will be happy. You can only be happy in the moment, and if you can not find the reason for it right now, you will not find it in the future. Try to change your perception of the world, and perhaps you will see that in order to enjoy life, not necessarily something to wait.
I can change the other ...
It is not necessary illusions that you will ever be able to change the other person. You can only change your attitude towards him or inspire him to the fact that he tried to change himself.
I'll do it when ...
Do not kid yourself, inventing reasons to postpone your case later. You can wait a year until your uncle will come to it helped you pokleit wallpaper, but rest assured that when he arrives there a thousand problems that prevent you to do it. If you have a really important thing, get it right now, because you can not ever finish it.
I work out when I will have it more strength ...
If you want to exercise, start now, and if you do not want to do it, is not justified by false promises.