How to maintain the focus is always and everywhere?

1. clearly establishes the time to work.
Set a timer for half an hour and make sure that this time you devote exclusively work. No phone, e-mail, Facebook, just a job. This approach helps to concentrate on the job in the office and beyond.
2. Try technique Pomodoro.
This technique is very simple and at the same time effectively. Francesco Cirillo invented it in the late 80's Tide. Technique is to work intensively enough 25 minutes, and then be sure to rest 5 minutes. This alternation of work and rest helps to better focus on the quest, and not so very tired.
3. Give yourself the opportunity to combine business with pleasure.
Organize your schedule so that you have had the opportunity to periodically read something or watch online. This information may not be related to the labor process, but such interruptions bring positive emotions, which improves the quality of work.
4. Purchase a compact wireless router (MiFi).
This device will allow you to always have access to the Internet wherever you are. This gives additional benefits, especially if your work is directly related to the Internet or you have to be constantly in touch.
5. Have always on the computer task that can be performed without an Internet connection.
When traveling, nevertheless, there are faults with the Internet. For such cases, you must have tasks that can be performed without direct access to the network.
6. Observe the setting of tasks.
Set a three tasks that must be performed first. This will be your priority list. Once the job will be done, you're ready to mail, chat and so on, but only after the completion of the work.
7. Have a good organizer.
As an example, a product called Grid-It! from Cocoon. This is a portable organizer that will help you to always have on hand the necessary documents, folders, stationery, charging, portable hard drives, and so on. Anything that helps not to be distracted from the work, but rather always be able to quickly solve the problem.
8. Do not forget about to-do list.
You can use the program that best help you in organizing your personal time. For example, you can use RememberTheMilk, which will always remind you of the priority tasks.
9. Another assistant - Wunderlist.
This program helps to synchronize a laptop, phone and tablet for better performance with a to-do list. There is also the important point is the visualization of priority tasks, making it easier to work with them.
10. Enjoy your headphones.
In public places use headphones, better vacuum. This will not only not be distracted by the noise, but will everyone know that you are busy with something, but to busy people rarely climb with questions.
11. Divide the tasks to places where they can perform.
During the trip, it really helps to organize their work. Divide tasks into those that can perform at the airport, in the car, in the queue. First, it is quite troublesome, but over time you will realize that this division very easy life. Also, you need to divide the task and the nature of their performance. If the job routine and do not require special creativity, they can perform in public places, such as in a cafe on the road. Jobs that require more creativity and thought work better still, do in places where you nothing will distract.
Remember also that it is sometimes necessary to make a break, listen to music or read something, then to the new forces to return to work. If you properly plan your work away from the office, it will assist you in performing tasks. Now, returning to the workplace, you will not have a huge number of problems that have accumulated over your absence.