Instructions for life
1. Do not spare money for fun.
2. Hravitsya - tell.
3. Live today, because yesterday's gone, and tomorrow may not be.
4. It is not clear - ask.
5. Do you want to meet - invite.
6. Do you want something - ask.
7. Hikogda not argue.
8. Do you want to be understood - Explain.
9. If the fault - just say so and do not look for excuses.
10. Always remember that everyone has their own truth and it often does not coincide with yours.
11. Do not communicate with fools.
12. The main thing in life - this is love, everything else - vanity.
13. Problems are human only in his head.
14. The world around us is not evil and not good, it is still there or not.
15. Try to extract pleasure from each event.
16. Always remember that another life you will not.
17. Do not be a bore.
18. Do not watch television or even kozlёnochkom become.
19. Remember that you are nobody, nothing should.
20. Remember, no you do not owe.
21. Do not engage in politics, politics irritating people.
22. There's always count only on themselves.
23. Believe no promises, and their feelings.
24. Women, like children, be patient and a little condescending.
25. sorry for all women - it is difficult to live.
26. If you have a bad mood, I thought that when you die, and then you will not.
27. Live today, because yesterday's gone, and tomorrow may not be.
28. Know that today - it's the best day of your life.