The Parable of the time
There once was a little boy. He ran, jumped and enjoy life. And always there were a next to him and enjoy his time. it was a big, fat, ruddy - a lot of it was, in a word. Enough time for everything and always: football and play with the kids, and watch TV. And boy did not have problems with time, and in time - with the boys.
When the boy grew older, he developed comrades and colleagues, there were the so-called Cases.
Each case required a little bit of time. Boy cut from a little time: that the car repaired, the girl walk. And time goes by so the boy smiling - there is still time!
Friends, acquaintances, colleagues came to the boys with their problems and concerns. And each of their business required his time. Not always wanted a boy to kill his time, but he helped other people. That evening a neighbor came to visit just to chat, the brother in law asked the city to go with him, and that one is boring. And then there's the three-headed monster aunts (TV, phone, computer) each day requires its share.
The boy looked sometimes at the time that he shreds, which tore to pieces by other people, but nothing is said here ashamed, then scared, uncomfortable here. The hour has come when the time it was lost: there was no more time boys!
Came to his son and said:
- Dad, let's go to the zoo or to the movies!
And he him:
- I'm sorry, son, I have no time!
Father called and asked:
- How are you, why do not you call?
- I'm sorry, Father, I have no time.
Time - the most precious, the most imperceptible your resource. Learn how to manage it, learn to set goals, plan, business, life, so that one day look back and you see their smiling happily Time, which you always and for all to be missed!