Prosecutor General's Office held a meeting of the expert group on Bitcoin
In this meeting, which has a strict called "Expert Group Meeting at the Interagency Working Group on combating economic crimes", was attended by representatives of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Central Bank of Russia, the FSB and the Interior Ministry. In general, judges - rather serious face, which shall take a decision now - to be or not to be Cryptocurrency in Russia.
Judging by the title already meeting Cryptocurrency primarily, Bitcoin, discussed in a negative way.
However, as already mentioned Habré, officials perceive these several provisions that put Cryptocurrency outlawed. New meeting finally clarified all:
1. Monitoring the situation with the treatment of so-called virtual currencies (Cryptocurrency) shows the growth of interest to them, including the purpose of legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime.
2. According to the authorities, "a distinctive feature of Bitcoin as a virtual means for settlement and accumulation is the lack of availability of real value. Its price is determined solely by speculative actions, which entails a high risk of loss of value and as a result, the violation of the right to keep its citizens and organizations »;
3. In accordance with Art. 27 of the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation", "the official monetary unit (currency) of the Russian Federation is the ruble. Introduction in Russia of other monetary units and production of money substitutes is prohibited;
4. Owners Cryptocurrency today denied in Russia and other countries the possibility to protect their interests in judicial and administrative proceedings.
Based on the foregoing, the meeting decided to hold a series of events that are dedicated to the prevention of possible pravonaruzheny monetary developments in the Russian Federation.
In addition, sounded interesting phrase: "Taking into account international experience identified further directions for the legal regulation of this sphere».
Unfortunately, what kind of events will be held, and what line of work selected participants of the meeting is not yet known, publications and press releases on this subject no.
But we can assume that Cryptocurrency in Russia would be if not prohibited, it will be strictly limited circulation. Of course, the authorities would be difficult to control the turnover Cryptocurrency in Russia, for several reasons. But some restrictions, and quite serious, necessarily. In this there is no doubt.
Via genproc
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/211681/