There are women in our settlements ... (10 photos)
More than 32 tonnes at a time, you can not raise Nastya - safety does not allow. When it floats to the ceiling shop at 10-meter height, most men neck fold, there is something to see. Young tall, slender girl with ease catches and concrete slabs, like a feather, transfers at destination. Nastya - crane operator. This profession today among the fairer sex is not very popular, but it is said to have many girl friends, just adds to her charm.
Several years ago, Nastia came to the university. Mom told her - not pass the competition, will work at the plant efficient industrial designs with me. It so happened that has not arrived, and being an obedient daughter, went, as promised, to the factory to work as a plasterer. Year wore buckets, plastered walls. He received the third rank.
- In our factory in the shops were cranes, I always looked up, and I wanted to get there, it looked like it would be very cool - says Nastya. - I have long urged the authorities to pay my studies. The result achieved still his. Under the contract, I was to learn, and then had to work for three years at the plant, do not take maternity leave. In general, I agree.
When Nastya came for the first time on the course, I thought, "Damn, all I got." It turned out that there are gaining people from all over the country. In the group there were 28 people, among them - 3 girls. The average age of men - 30, one was even at 60. All as on selection - burly broad-rural. Coming into a classroom for the first time, she was a little panicked.
- But it turned out that I was frightened for nothing - smiling crane operator. - My classmates were decent, nice people who gallantry towards the ladies could compete with many metropolitan goons. The men treated me like a Thumbelina, a speck of dust blew. The maximum that could afford (with my permission, of course) - to raise a dispute on one hand, competing in daring. But the most fun was when Dean said the headman to choose my men unanimously pointed to me.
Before finalizing, Nastya returned to the factory for the first time got up on the crane. It was very scary.
- I can not imagine that when this pandora moves, shakes her terribly - she laughs, remembering. - The first hour, until we "rode" on the shop floor, I was really shaking, regardless of whether moving crane cab or not. But what kind opened in front of me - the whole factory at a glance, and you like the queen of the world. Before lunch, I sat and watched how the foreman. Plates she literally flew, it really seemed that the crane - a continuation of her hands. And then she just stood up and said: "Work." And gone.
Before the eyes of Nastia was only three controllers - one responsible for the movement of the crane left and right, the other moved the truck back and forth, the third raised and lowered slings. It seems simple. But in fact, each crane is special, it is almost like a living organism, and it must be to find a way.
- Something like this, I think, motorists are to their cars, - the young crane operator. - One tap, for example, the fifth speed is not switched on, another ten-plate at the first speed will not lift, you must immediately include the fourth, third brake specific area catch bad ...
The first concrete slab, which I have been transferred, has a length of 10 meters and a width of 5. It is said: "lift", and I do not understand that it is necessary to make the entire theory at once flew out of my head. Inhaled, he exhaled, gathered, transported and placed. Look - the foreman watching me. Rings, said: "Well done, keep up the good work."
This crane Nastya worked 1, 5 months, and then she wanted something new. And she went to the site of the plant, where he once worked as a plasterer. After the crane was the third, fourth, he worked not only in the shop, but also on the street, and in the heat, when he had to pour water to at least a little to recover from lack of air, and in the 20-degree cold. In general, I try all cranes at the factory, except for two.
- I had to, fragile nice girl, and learn the traditional language of the workers - laughing Anastasia. - So, I do not swear obscenities. But when you carry the stove in the shop, and it dives under some slobs stay hard. I I brake sharply, swinging plate, he goes on as if nothing had happened. I look out the window and explains that he is not right, three-story, different in others do not understand. But the next time the head raises, keeps track of where I am. One works with Bluetooth in the ear, called the pope talked, there was a difficult situation on the ground below. I ask Dad to hang up and try to convey to the clueless worker, count the crows that his job is to help me, it creates a dangerous situation. For five minutes we talked to the "working" dialect with the offender. And then in the ear I hear the voice of the Pope: "Yes, my daughter, you are grown up, I do not know what you can do so swear, even me some momentum strangers."
During his time in the factory, I learned to communicate with normal people, and abnormal. And do not think that all workers - simpletons. We have, for example, in the brigade plasterers few women were university graduates - intelligent, pleasant people.
While Nastya lived two very different lives. First, of course, took place at the plant.
- My parents are long kept a tight rein, - she says - even on holidays back home at 10pm - not a minute later. Afraid of being late, he took off heels and ran home barefoot. But as soon as 18, my mother said - you are free in their decisions, of course, within reasonable limits. In 19 the first time I went to the club. This time just coincided with the work at the factory. After working for 6 days, in the evening, after the change, put on evening dress, high heels and was the "club". To me all sorts of rolled up boyfriend, asking, what do you do? I answered kranovschitsa. Glamorous boys precipitated. We do not believe, even with a special certificate wore. But there is no dissonance between the way of life and evening work, I did not feel. Some of the girls running around the cafe, carrying plates, and I dragged concrete slabs. The only difference in weight and probably a little sense of his own coolness.
Work Nastya liked. The first six months, she often went to the factory on Saturdays and Sundays. Several times worked without a break for two weeks every day. But gradually, as they say, the fuse is missing. There was routine.
- In recent months, the work at the factory I was given the opportunity to "steer" one of the last "unbroken" I cranes - says Nastya. - He was wearing a yoke - a special rigid mount, a huge metal pandora. Very cool - you take a plate and you carry a huge weight, and pick it up directly under the cabin. Are you taking and understand - if suddenly, God forbid, something breaks, stove krutanetsya and will carry you along with the shower. I decided that this can put an end. By this time I started dating a guy who before the year was just a friend.
Nastia not worked prescribed in the contract of 3 years, and the plant has paid the money that had been spent on her education. Recently it - the senior administrator at the tire plant. He says that today, just a glance at the car manufacturer can say tire and its radius.
- And you do not regret that the last three are not too prestigious profession among young girls? - I asked finally. - Maybe it was worth at the time to make a career, for example, a secretary in the office?
- You do not understand - is responsible Nastya. - You never lifted a 30-ton slab, and I could pick it up with one hand.
Source: realt.onliner.by

Several years ago, Nastia came to the university. Mom told her - not pass the competition, will work at the plant efficient industrial designs with me. It so happened that has not arrived, and being an obedient daughter, went, as promised, to the factory to work as a plasterer. Year wore buckets, plastered walls. He received the third rank.
- In our factory in the shops were cranes, I always looked up, and I wanted to get there, it looked like it would be very cool - says Nastya. - I have long urged the authorities to pay my studies. The result achieved still his. Under the contract, I was to learn, and then had to work for three years at the plant, do not take maternity leave. In general, I agree.

When Nastya came for the first time on the course, I thought, "Damn, all I got." It turned out that there are gaining people from all over the country. In the group there were 28 people, among them - 3 girls. The average age of men - 30, one was even at 60. All as on selection - burly broad-rural. Coming into a classroom for the first time, she was a little panicked.
- But it turned out that I was frightened for nothing - smiling crane operator. - My classmates were decent, nice people who gallantry towards the ladies could compete with many metropolitan goons. The men treated me like a Thumbelina, a speck of dust blew. The maximum that could afford (with my permission, of course) - to raise a dispute on one hand, competing in daring. But the most fun was when Dean said the headman to choose my men unanimously pointed to me.
Before finalizing, Nastya returned to the factory for the first time got up on the crane. It was very scary.

- I can not imagine that when this pandora moves, shakes her terribly - she laughs, remembering. - The first hour, until we "rode" on the shop floor, I was really shaking, regardless of whether moving crane cab or not. But what kind opened in front of me - the whole factory at a glance, and you like the queen of the world. Before lunch, I sat and watched how the foreman. Plates she literally flew, it really seemed that the crane - a continuation of her hands. And then she just stood up and said: "Work." And gone.
Before the eyes of Nastia was only three controllers - one responsible for the movement of the crane left and right, the other moved the truck back and forth, the third raised and lowered slings. It seems simple. But in fact, each crane is special, it is almost like a living organism, and it must be to find a way.
- Something like this, I think, motorists are to their cars, - the young crane operator. - One tap, for example, the fifth speed is not switched on, another ten-plate at the first speed will not lift, you must immediately include the fourth, third brake specific area catch bad ...

The first concrete slab, which I have been transferred, has a length of 10 meters and a width of 5. It is said: "lift", and I do not understand that it is necessary to make the entire theory at once flew out of my head. Inhaled, he exhaled, gathered, transported and placed. Look - the foreman watching me. Rings, said: "Well done, keep up the good work."
This crane Nastya worked 1, 5 months, and then she wanted something new. And she went to the site of the plant, where he once worked as a plasterer. After the crane was the third, fourth, he worked not only in the shop, but also on the street, and in the heat, when he had to pour water to at least a little to recover from lack of air, and in the 20-degree cold. In general, I try all cranes at the factory, except for two.

- I had to, fragile nice girl, and learn the traditional language of the workers - laughing Anastasia. - So, I do not swear obscenities. But when you carry the stove in the shop, and it dives under some slobs stay hard. I I brake sharply, swinging plate, he goes on as if nothing had happened. I look out the window and explains that he is not right, three-story, different in others do not understand. But the next time the head raises, keeps track of where I am. One works with Bluetooth in the ear, called the pope talked, there was a difficult situation on the ground below. I ask Dad to hang up and try to convey to the clueless worker, count the crows that his job is to help me, it creates a dangerous situation. For five minutes we talked to the "working" dialect with the offender. And then in the ear I hear the voice of the Pope: "Yes, my daughter, you are grown up, I do not know what you can do so swear, even me some momentum strangers."
During his time in the factory, I learned to communicate with normal people, and abnormal. And do not think that all workers - simpletons. We have, for example, in the brigade plasterers few women were university graduates - intelligent, pleasant people.
While Nastya lived two very different lives. First, of course, took place at the plant.

- My parents are long kept a tight rein, - she says - even on holidays back home at 10pm - not a minute later. Afraid of being late, he took off heels and ran home barefoot. But as soon as 18, my mother said - you are free in their decisions, of course, within reasonable limits. In 19 the first time I went to the club. This time just coincided with the work at the factory. After working for 6 days, in the evening, after the change, put on evening dress, high heels and was the "club". To me all sorts of rolled up boyfriend, asking, what do you do? I answered kranovschitsa. Glamorous boys precipitated. We do not believe, even with a special certificate wore. But there is no dissonance between the way of life and evening work, I did not feel. Some of the girls running around the cafe, carrying plates, and I dragged concrete slabs. The only difference in weight and probably a little sense of his own coolness.

Work Nastya liked. The first six months, she often went to the factory on Saturdays and Sundays. Several times worked without a break for two weeks every day. But gradually, as they say, the fuse is missing. There was routine.
- In recent months, the work at the factory I was given the opportunity to "steer" one of the last "unbroken" I cranes - says Nastya. - He was wearing a yoke - a special rigid mount, a huge metal pandora. Very cool - you take a plate and you carry a huge weight, and pick it up directly under the cabin. Are you taking and understand - if suddenly, God forbid, something breaks, stove krutanetsya and will carry you along with the shower. I decided that this can put an end. By this time I started dating a guy who before the year was just a friend.
Nastia not worked prescribed in the contract of 3 years, and the plant has paid the money that had been spent on her education. Recently it - the senior administrator at the tire plant. He says that today, just a glance at the car manufacturer can say tire and its radius.
- And you do not regret that the last three are not too prestigious profession among young girls? - I asked finally. - Maybe it was worth at the time to make a career, for example, a secretary in the office?
- You do not understand - is responsible Nastya. - You never lifted a 30-ton slab, and I could pick it up with one hand.

Source: realt.onliner.by