Passed with giblets: Google talked about his relationship with the FBI

Internet giant Google for the first time published data on the number of requests for it from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on issues of national security, which the search engine receives since 2009, as it became known from the report Google Transparency Report.
FBI requests do not require the permission of the court / AP
According to Google, since 2009, the Internet Corporation received annually up to 999 queries relating to national security, the disclosure of information about users.

Thus, the Bureau requested information about one or two thousands of users every year, but in 2010 the requested information is already two-three thousand users. According to Google, the report did not specify the exact data, as otherwise it may reveal details about the investigations.

"The FBI may request your name, address, length of service, as well as information about local and long distance calls from your subscriber wire or electronic communication. FBI can not demand that Google no other data, "- noted in the report. In this case, the Bureau may send requests of this kind without a court order.