About time

Gathered as something past, future and present.
And they began to argue which of them important for a person.
Past, said: "I - the main thing for the Man! I did it the man who he is.
And man can only what he learned in the past. The man believes in himself only because he good at those things for which he was taken before.
And the man loves the people with whom he was well in the past.
And a good man just when he remembers his past. In the past, nothing will happen to man in his last quiet and comfortable, not what you, the future ».
The future did not agree with the past, and objected: "It is not true! If that were the case, the person would not have prospects for development. Every day it would be similar to the previous one. The main thing in man - his future! Any man that he was able to do in the past. People will learn and learn all that he needed in the future.
Human thoughts and dreams about how it will be in the future, far more important to him than the thought of the past. All human life depends on how it's going to be, not what it was. Person more like people, unlike those whom he had known in the past. Therefore, for the man as the main thing I - The Future! »
Long argument between a past and a future, nearly came to blows until intervened present:
"You have lost sight of that man of the past and the future exists only in his mind. You passed - no longer exists. You, the future - not yet. It's just me - Real. In the past and the future, man does not live. He lives only in the present. "