Technique "morning questions."

These issues are important enough and can help you tune in to the coming day when asking them the right way.

How to ask "questions morning»?

When you wake up in the morning, you can always ask yourself the question whether you realize it or not. As long as you brush your teeth, drink your morning coffee or breakfast, thoughts constantly running in my head.

Perhaps you think "why am I so tired, why do not I lay down early, I eat for breakfast" and the like. This aimless flow of thoughts does not help you, and in some cases even cause discomfort.

The basic idea that lies behind the use of "morning issues," is to consciously take control of how to start your day. So, here are a few examples of questions that you can ask as soon as he woke up in the morning:
- What I expect from this day?
- What today would be ideal in my life?
- How can I do this day is absolutely unique?
- That the best thing could happen to me today?

By asking yourself these kinds of questions, you focus on the events that must happen as you would like. The interesting thing is that your questions do not have to be connected to reality, because your brain will easily find a straight answer to any question, no matter what you may have set. Therefore, if you want to dream, you can unleash all your fantasies.

The key to effective use of "morning issues" - making it 30 consecutive days. After that, your brain will create a so-called neuro-association between the special mood that you create using the Ask yourself the question, and waking in the morning.