8 of the morning routine for the whole family
only in commercials mom and children wake up in the morning in time to calmly eating breakfast and going without haste. In reality, the morning the whole family turns into running around the house: children collect his briefcase, mom quickly preparing breakfast, and then collects himself, children and sometimes her husband.
To have your morning routine has become much easier and faster, Website has prepared for you right-tips.
1. Vysypaytes.Son - is not a luxury but a necessity. We've heard this phrase a few times and we understand the seriousness of these words, but it is difficult to go to bed, when household chores are not completed. The seven-year child should sleep 10-11 hours, to not feel tired in the morning. If you need to get up at 7 o'clock in the morning, your child should have to snuffle in bed at 21:00, and you therefore go no later than 22:00.
2. Gather with vechera.Pro dream we have talked, now our next step - to minimize the number of morning duties. Prepare breakfast and clothes the night before. Many parents neglect this rule, but it does facilitate your morning routine. Children can collect their backpacks, and choose clothes for tomorrow eve.
3. Get up before your morning deti.Chtoby not have to dress the baby with one hand, and the other to paint eyelashes, put the alarm clock on 15-30 minutes before your kids wake up. Ideally, you should take a shower, get dressed, and most importantly, have a cup of coffee.
4. Make raspisanie.Napishite morning all you have to do in the morning. If you have very young children, you can draw pictures next to the words.
to brush your teeth. Wash. Brushed. Dress. Have breakfast. < Obuchi. Take a backpack. Log out of the house.
When your list is ready, walk on all items with your child, explaining the importance of each step.
5. Encourage independence. Try to do all the work for your child. Wash and comb your hair, he can independently. Of course, it will be faster if you do it will wear, but in the future it may discourage him the desire to learn something new.
6. Use the rule "When - when" .This rule will help to motivate children to perform all duties of the morning, even unloved such as brushing your teeth or getting dressed. Find out what your child like to do in the morning, and make this available to receive only after everything else. For example: "When you brush your teeth, to fill bed and will dress, then we will sit down to breakfast."
Be firm and resolute in its actions, otherwise generally "When - when" will be useless.
7. Keep spokoystvie.Vashi children feel when you're in a hurry and nervous, and so begin to involuntarily let your dues and "brake". If you follow the rules above, then you did not have to be in this situation, but sometimes problems may arise at the last minute.
If you feel exhausted or frayed, exhale, explain to your child why now you need his help, and tell me what he should do. The children copy your actions and tone of your voice. If in the morning you cry and show their discontent with the help of spanking, try to reconsider their attitude and talk in hushed tones.
8. Do osobennymi.V weekend Saturday and Sunday do not try to perform all the items usual morning schedule. Just make sure your children get enough sleep. Read them a story or prepare breakfast before they go to brush their teeth and wash. Make pancakes morning watching cartoons and your nice family tradition. Think of the children such entertainment that can appeal to all of you.
The Action Plan for roditeleyEto a list of questions that give you some food for thought:
Do you have a morning schedule, and do you follow him? Is there a procedure that you perform the morning with the kids, even though it could be done the night before (for example, choose clothes for yourself or for your child, prepare lunch to work or collect a backpack)? you select yourself enough time to properly wake up and have a cup of coffee before the wake up your kids? < /Of course, there is no right or wrong answers. The purpose of these questions - just to help clarify the situation now and understand what needs to change to make the morning a good and good for you and for your entire family.
Learn the schedule of sleep each member of your family and make sure that no one suffers from lack of sleep. After several weeks of normal sleep, you will see how it became easier to wake up early in the morning.
Talk with your family and explain how important it is to work a solid team to make the morning routine pleasant for everyone. Also, think through in advance of entertainment for the weekend, so that everyone was waiting for these days look.
According to the materials: afineparent.com
via afineparent.com/lighten-up/morning-routine-for-kids.html