The origin of "Auchan"
Cemya Myule. It is the richest family in France. In the world they are most known for being owned hypermarket chain Auchan - European Wal-Mart, if you want.
This family Myule paradox lies in the fact that none of its members is not included in the list of billionaires Forbes. And it's an annual income of only one Auchan 36 billion euros! Why is that? The fact is that the shares in all companies belonging to the family, are distributed evenly among all its members. It turns out that there is no individual, which could boast of boundless wealth, but the family is entirely one of the richest in Europe.
Family Myule dates back to very ancient times. At the beginning of XX century, they were famous for the fact that industrialists were quite successful in France. They produced yarn. They did it very well. Since our story is still largely associated with the retail chain Auchan, then it would be appropriate to link with Gerard Myule Bush. He was born May 13, 1931. While his parents - Gerard and Marie-Myule Kavrua - lived in the town of Roubaix, the street Henri-boss. Gerard was the firstborn. According to an old family tradition (by the way, these traditions have a lot of family Myule!) He was named after his father.
Gerard Jr., again according to tradition, as well as all members of the family Myule studied in Roubaix in the school of Notre Dame de Victoire. He studied not brilliant, and his parents transferred him to a boarding school in Dunkirk, where the director was Pierre Leten, one of the brothers Gerard grandmother. When he was 16, his father sent him to the Mayfield College in the UK - where Gerard has learned to play rugby and snooker, well, at the same time to speak in English.
Business family grew rapidly, while Gerard was educated. Then came the Second World War. Time of stagnation in Europe. However, Myule survived this period without any apparent problems. However, even then Gerard Sr. began to realize that one just does not go far production. While vengeance starts to grow retail. It was easier and more profitable than production. In the wake of the excitement family Myule opens his own shop, which has been called Phildar. Alas, this venture proved a failure.
The Textile Institute Roubaix, where all the children studied textile industrialists, Gerard paused briefly - just one course. He could not wait to plunge into the family business.
The reason for this was the insatiable desire of a young man soon to rush into battle - to do business. Business. In general, while Gerard different real passion, not to say obsession, with respect to work. He not only gave her a lot of time, but I tried to do everything that is possible. Once he even threw himself to repair the machine, the flying straight to work. Alas, he was not a master in this matter. The result is pitiable: Gerard Myule lost two fingers on his right hand.
However, in the family appreciated the zeal of Gerard. Soon he began to advance in employment. By 1958, he was Director of Sales. It is interesting that three years earlier between family members has been concluded an agreement under which each of them received an equal share in all companies belonging to the family. This Myule never took business partners from the side. It is also one of the traditions of the family (by the way, one of the interesting points is still in the fact that after the wedding, the men of the family Myule added to his wife's family name. Gerard eventually became Myule-Mathias, after his marriage to Bernadette).
Manufacturing continued to be the main business of the family Myule. Retail at the time and has not justified itself. However, this did not prevent the family to try. Unsuccessful attempts sooner or later had to grow into something more.
In 1960, Gerard Myule Sr. went to the American town of Dayton to the seminar organized by NCR, which sought among French retailers buyers for their cash machines. Seminar was conducted by a Truriyo Bernardo, an ardent follower of the concept of self-service store. Lecturer calls not only to reduce staff costs, but also reduce the price in accordance with the scale of the economy. In addition to self-service and discount, he promoted the idea of a supermarket with adjacent parking, through which customers will be able to come out shopping for vehicles.
Inspired by Gerard Sr. sent to the workshop of Gerard Bush. Last instantly it turns into an ardent supporter of the new forms of trade and immediately gets down to business - without thinking twice, opened the first supermarket in France.
Myule realized that for the supermarket of the future. He decided that it is worth trying to open its France. Thus, if it were not for a trip to the US, then maybe we would not have seen the famous store Auchan, which has become a symbol of business in France, and made seven Myule very rich.
Birth Auchan
So, July 6, 1961 opened the first Auchan store in France. Of course, the family tradition of each family member received an equal share in the store. However, there was one thing - Gerard Myule started the business with a partner. Why is that? The thing is that the family reacted with some distrust of the new idea. They considered it very risky and decided to try it separately from the overall business. If you fail, the loss will not be as noticeable. That is why Gerard had to look for a partner. Fortunately, he found it. Industrialist Michelle Segar Auchan invested in 600 thousand francs for a 50% stake in the company. So Michelle and Gerard opened the first supermarket in France. A family got a partner, although it is contrary to its principles.
Experience in retail young entrepreneurs, of course, not enough. At first, Gerard and Michelle made a lot of mistakes. This naturally led to some unpleasant consequences. Losses for the first year amounted to 200 thousand francs! This was a colossal sum for a small supermarket (if you're wondering, the area of the first Auchan store is only 600 square meters, with 30 employees of the store). And despite the fact that the founders tried to work as much as possible economically.
At that time, the family began to think about closing the shop. Fortunately, played by Gerard Sr. wisdom.
Tired of waiting, when his son get out of debt, Gerard Sr. called him to task: "You still do not make money! So either you can not cope, or this business is unprofitable! "Gerard Jr. did not know what to say. He himself did not believe in the possibility of success. But my father was a good teacher. After a pause, he announced: "I'll give you another three years. Take Action! ". However, Gerard Sr. put forward one condition: Segar should go out of business - the family does not tolerate Myule partnership. Segara not have to beg: he himself was about to leave the unprofitable business.
These three years have been very fruitful work. Firstly, the business left Michelle Segar. He wanted it. In addition, the family Myule not like that in the future it was part of their family business. Secondly, Gerard began to learn from experienced sellers. They told him about the proper display of goods, about how to set prices for their products. It was the most valuable tips for the young entrepreneur.
Once Gerard became the full owner, he has gotten a second wind. He held a number of meetings with French businessmen, more successful in the retail sector. Those willingly shared their secrets of success. Interview with Marcel Fournier, owner of a chain Carrefour, became for Gerard revelation. "Fournier has demonstrated to us that sell 100 boxes of cookies a premium of one centime a much better deal than 10 boxes at a premium of 10 centimes - says Myule. - He's on his fingers to explain what is the essence of Discount. "
Auchan begins to sell goods very cheap. He becomes European Wal-Mart. Naturally, this could not attract new visitors to the stores. Sales went up. And in 1967 in the city of Ronco opened a huge hypermarket Auchan. It occupied an area of 12 thousand square meters. From that moment it became clear that Auchan will become family Myule heart.
With the development of developing and merchandising. Auchan store always tried to adopt all the new developments in trade. In 1977, Auchan begins to reward its employees shares in the company. As a result, in the hands of employees turned out about 17% of all shares Auchan.
In 1981, it appears the first store outside France. It was hypermarket Alkampo, opened its doors in Spain. For Spain, followed by other European countries. Today, Auchan holds strong positions in France, Spain, Russia, Italy, Portugal, Luxembourg (only one is open a hypermarket, but more and is not necessary), Poland, Argentina, Hungary, Morocco, China, Taiwan, Romania, Malta and Ukraine. In the US and Canada Auchan absent for obvious reasons. To compete with Wal-Mart is not possible.
In Russia, the first Auchan hypermarket was opened in 2002, near Moscow, in Mytishchi. Now we have 15 hypermarkets and 4 supermarkets Auchan - from St. Petersburg to Siberia. A total network of 1136 stores in 12 countries, 186 thousand. Employees. And momentum appropriate - 37 billion euros. Gerard Sr. was right, giving Gerard Jr. three years on the development of the business. Business since then develops, and family values of the richest families in France are multiplied.
Family values
Today the retail chain Auchan family includes such well-known brands such as Decathlon, Leroy Merlin, Kiloutou, Obi, Norauto, Saint-Maclou, Kiabi, Phildar, Sonepar, Pimkie, not to mention the eponymous discounter Auchan. And this is not a complete list of brands. Auchan 83% of the shares are in the hands of Clan Myule. The remaining 17% are distributed among employees.
Moreover, all members of the family have an equal share in every company. This is one of the main rules of the family, held together by agreement.
In 2006, Gerard Myule moved away from direct management of the network Auchan. He was 75 years old. However, in the affairs of the company, he still participates. Myule holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors. Auchan, in turn, continues to be a private company.
This family Myule paradox lies in the fact that none of its members is not included in the list of billionaires Forbes. And it's an annual income of only one Auchan 36 billion euros! Why is that? The fact is that the shares in all companies belonging to the family, are distributed evenly among all its members. It turns out that there is no individual, which could boast of boundless wealth, but the family is entirely one of the richest in Europe.

Family Myule dates back to very ancient times. At the beginning of XX century, they were famous for the fact that industrialists were quite successful in France. They produced yarn. They did it very well. Since our story is still largely associated with the retail chain Auchan, then it would be appropriate to link with Gerard Myule Bush. He was born May 13, 1931. While his parents - Gerard and Marie-Myule Kavrua - lived in the town of Roubaix, the street Henri-boss. Gerard was the firstborn. According to an old family tradition (by the way, these traditions have a lot of family Myule!) He was named after his father.
Gerard Jr., again according to tradition, as well as all members of the family Myule studied in Roubaix in the school of Notre Dame de Victoire. He studied not brilliant, and his parents transferred him to a boarding school in Dunkirk, where the director was Pierre Leten, one of the brothers Gerard grandmother. When he was 16, his father sent him to the Mayfield College in the UK - where Gerard has learned to play rugby and snooker, well, at the same time to speak in English.
Business family grew rapidly, while Gerard was educated. Then came the Second World War. Time of stagnation in Europe. However, Myule survived this period without any apparent problems. However, even then Gerard Sr. began to realize that one just does not go far production. While vengeance starts to grow retail. It was easier and more profitable than production. In the wake of the excitement family Myule opens his own shop, which has been called Phildar. Alas, this venture proved a failure.
The Textile Institute Roubaix, where all the children studied textile industrialists, Gerard paused briefly - just one course. He could not wait to plunge into the family business.
The reason for this was the insatiable desire of a young man soon to rush into battle - to do business. Business. In general, while Gerard different real passion, not to say obsession, with respect to work. He not only gave her a lot of time, but I tried to do everything that is possible. Once he even threw himself to repair the machine, the flying straight to work. Alas, he was not a master in this matter. The result is pitiable: Gerard Myule lost two fingers on his right hand.
However, in the family appreciated the zeal of Gerard. Soon he began to advance in employment. By 1958, he was Director of Sales. It is interesting that three years earlier between family members has been concluded an agreement under which each of them received an equal share in all companies belonging to the family. This Myule never took business partners from the side. It is also one of the traditions of the family (by the way, one of the interesting points is still in the fact that after the wedding, the men of the family Myule added to his wife's family name. Gerard eventually became Myule-Mathias, after his marriage to Bernadette).
Manufacturing continued to be the main business of the family Myule. Retail at the time and has not justified itself. However, this did not prevent the family to try. Unsuccessful attempts sooner or later had to grow into something more.
In 1960, Gerard Myule Sr. went to the American town of Dayton to the seminar organized by NCR, which sought among French retailers buyers for their cash machines. Seminar was conducted by a Truriyo Bernardo, an ardent follower of the concept of self-service store. Lecturer calls not only to reduce staff costs, but also reduce the price in accordance with the scale of the economy. In addition to self-service and discount, he promoted the idea of a supermarket with adjacent parking, through which customers will be able to come out shopping for vehicles.
Inspired by Gerard Sr. sent to the workshop of Gerard Bush. Last instantly it turns into an ardent supporter of the new forms of trade and immediately gets down to business - without thinking twice, opened the first supermarket in France.
Myule realized that for the supermarket of the future. He decided that it is worth trying to open its France. Thus, if it were not for a trip to the US, then maybe we would not have seen the famous store Auchan, which has become a symbol of business in France, and made seven Myule very rich.
Birth Auchan
So, July 6, 1961 opened the first Auchan store in France. Of course, the family tradition of each family member received an equal share in the store. However, there was one thing - Gerard Myule started the business with a partner. Why is that? The thing is that the family reacted with some distrust of the new idea. They considered it very risky and decided to try it separately from the overall business. If you fail, the loss will not be as noticeable. That is why Gerard had to look for a partner. Fortunately, he found it. Industrialist Michelle Segar Auchan invested in 600 thousand francs for a 50% stake in the company. So Michelle and Gerard opened the first supermarket in France. A family got a partner, although it is contrary to its principles.
Experience in retail young entrepreneurs, of course, not enough. At first, Gerard and Michelle made a lot of mistakes. This naturally led to some unpleasant consequences. Losses for the first year amounted to 200 thousand francs! This was a colossal sum for a small supermarket (if you're wondering, the area of the first Auchan store is only 600 square meters, with 30 employees of the store). And despite the fact that the founders tried to work as much as possible economically.
At that time, the family began to think about closing the shop. Fortunately, played by Gerard Sr. wisdom.
Tired of waiting, when his son get out of debt, Gerard Sr. called him to task: "You still do not make money! So either you can not cope, or this business is unprofitable! "Gerard Jr. did not know what to say. He himself did not believe in the possibility of success. But my father was a good teacher. After a pause, he announced: "I'll give you another three years. Take Action! ". However, Gerard Sr. put forward one condition: Segar should go out of business - the family does not tolerate Myule partnership. Segara not have to beg: he himself was about to leave the unprofitable business.
These three years have been very fruitful work. Firstly, the business left Michelle Segar. He wanted it. In addition, the family Myule not like that in the future it was part of their family business. Secondly, Gerard began to learn from experienced sellers. They told him about the proper display of goods, about how to set prices for their products. It was the most valuable tips for the young entrepreneur.
Once Gerard became the full owner, he has gotten a second wind. He held a number of meetings with French businessmen, more successful in the retail sector. Those willingly shared their secrets of success. Interview with Marcel Fournier, owner of a chain Carrefour, became for Gerard revelation. "Fournier has demonstrated to us that sell 100 boxes of cookies a premium of one centime a much better deal than 10 boxes at a premium of 10 centimes - says Myule. - He's on his fingers to explain what is the essence of Discount. "
Auchan begins to sell goods very cheap. He becomes European Wal-Mart. Naturally, this could not attract new visitors to the stores. Sales went up. And in 1967 in the city of Ronco opened a huge hypermarket Auchan. It occupied an area of 12 thousand square meters. From that moment it became clear that Auchan will become family Myule heart.
With the development of developing and merchandising. Auchan store always tried to adopt all the new developments in trade. In 1977, Auchan begins to reward its employees shares in the company. As a result, in the hands of employees turned out about 17% of all shares Auchan.
In 1981, it appears the first store outside France. It was hypermarket Alkampo, opened its doors in Spain. For Spain, followed by other European countries. Today, Auchan holds strong positions in France, Spain, Russia, Italy, Portugal, Luxembourg (only one is open a hypermarket, but more and is not necessary), Poland, Argentina, Hungary, Morocco, China, Taiwan, Romania, Malta and Ukraine. In the US and Canada Auchan absent for obvious reasons. To compete with Wal-Mart is not possible.
In Russia, the first Auchan hypermarket was opened in 2002, near Moscow, in Mytishchi. Now we have 15 hypermarkets and 4 supermarkets Auchan - from St. Petersburg to Siberia. A total network of 1136 stores in 12 countries, 186 thousand. Employees. And momentum appropriate - 37 billion euros. Gerard Sr. was right, giving Gerard Jr. three years on the development of the business. Business since then develops, and family values of the richest families in France are multiplied.
Family values
Today the retail chain Auchan family includes such well-known brands such as Decathlon, Leroy Merlin, Kiloutou, Obi, Norauto, Saint-Maclou, Kiabi, Phildar, Sonepar, Pimkie, not to mention the eponymous discounter Auchan. And this is not a complete list of brands. Auchan 83% of the shares are in the hands of Clan Myule. The remaining 17% are distributed among employees.
Moreover, all members of the family have an equal share in every company. This is one of the main rules of the family, held together by agreement.
In 2006, Gerard Myule moved away from direct management of the network Auchan. He was 75 years old. However, in the affairs of the company, he still participates. Myule holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors. Auchan, in turn, continues to be a private company.