12 books to plunge into the Christmas atmosphere

The magic of the holiday season always starts with his expectations. And may the New year still the whole month, the anticipation of the most wonderful midnight already felt everywhere.
The website found 12 books with incredible Christmas atmosphere to the festival a little closer.

Kelly Taylorthomas for Christmas In my 24 years Beth Prince still believes in miracles. The girl's life is perfect, only no one ever tell her you love her. Will she be able to overcome all obstacles and get to Christmas the most desired gift? Holidays are coming, and Beth will do anything to cherished words sounded.

Kevin Alan Microdexterity bag Aaron and Molar longer believe in Santa, but every year, insist the whole family go to the Mall and give Santa a list of presents. However, this time Santa offers a gift not a toy, but what they do not even dare to dream, but in return asks to help make a Christmas miracle.

Leah Flemingite of winter, Nora and her son are on the verge of bankruptcy and therefore rent out rooms for the winter holidays. Widow Kay hopes to have found here a sanctuary, but there is something inexplicable. Her little daughter Evie, left unattended, are determined to go to the woods to look for real Christmas.

Thomas Mayne Reid, Anatole France, Gilbert Keith Chesterton and druggerelateerde stories of foreign writers Under one cover, the collected works of the brothers Grimm, George MacDonald, guy de Maupassant and others. Stories about Christmas, hope and belief in miracles.

Sheila Northriver. The cat who saved the day Shortly before Christmas, George and his cat Oliver left without a roof over their heads, and the village of Bramford — without a pub and a hall for the holidays. Oliver realizes that simply must save the holiday. Now everything is in his hands.

Laura Makingconnections cake Ironic and very modern tale. Poppy on the eve of Christmas feels especially lonely. But everything changes after the invitation to an old castle. There it begin to happen strange events one after another. A novel about the life of English Cinderella will make you a little happier on the eve of the most magical holiday of the year.

Jack Canfield, mark Victor Hansen, Amy Nomercury soup for the soul. 101 Christmas story Someone gets for Christmas toys, and some parents. The boy experienced the grief of loss, but continues to give love. Family secret unites several generations of women... This and other amazing stories, you won't able to tear yourself away.

Gayle Forman, Jenny Han, Holly black and другие12 stories about true love, Touching, funny, romantic and unexpected stories about what falling in love is never too late. They are all about love, and now you've got 12 amazing reasons to fall in love in new York or at the North pole in a t-shirt with the pokemon or in a brocade jacket, a childhood friend or a stranger.

Donna Wanderrouten shoes Is the story of two very different men whose lives intersected only once on Christmas eve. One of them is looking for a way to bring the family for a long time did not pay attention to, while another family is trying to come to terms with the loss of mother and wife.

John green, Loran miracle, Maurice Johnsonbut snow Unexpected snow storm caught everyone by surprise. Everybody is trying to wait out bad weather at home, and a brave girl is selected from stuck in the snow of the Express and stops at a small diner. She did not realize that her act became the first link in the chain of events that will change many lives.

Maeve Benitostaehle gift Christmas — not the most fabulous time for the heroes of this book. Couples and divorced spouses, the elderly and troubled Teens — all unexpected problems are getting worse, threatening to destroy the charm of the moment. But a good family holiday works wonders, and heroes find the strength to begin to live a new life.

Charles Dickinsonstate Carol Is a story-a parable about the rebirth of the miser and misanthrope Scrooge, in which the writer with the help of fantastic images of Christmas Spirits shows your hero the only way to salvation is to do good to people.
To by Illustrator Natalia Kulakova specifically for the Website
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