Facts about our body
The human body keeps a lot of secrets.
1. 15% of the people are no long palmar muscle.
The absence of the tendon does not affect the gripping power. But when there is a need of transplantation, it is a good source - a sort of replacement part in the human body. In other mammals, this is the tendon responsible for deflation claws. Apparently, so do not have it and some people - the need to release the claws in our species is absent.
To check whether you have it, collect all five fingers to pinch and bend the wrist - the tendon clearly visible in the wrist area, provided that it is available.
2. Some people faint after urinated.
As a rule, this type of syncope occurs after the emptying of the bladder, as a consequence of a sharp decrease in blood pressure. This is a result of overstimulation of nerve fibers, providing a change of tone of the bladder and thus to urinate.
To date the origin of this type of loss of consciousness is not fully studied.
3. Your ovaries and testes were born in the same place, and kidneys.
That's why, if you kick someone in the balls, the opponent also feel pain in your lower back. Still not sure, check it out yourself.
4. Your right above the left kidney.
Right above the left kidney at 2, 5 cm, because the hanging above the right kidney liver .. This is the physiological structure of the kidneys in humans. And both men and women.
Men kidney larger in size than the female.
5. Without meal blood sugar levels can be maintained in the normal range up to 2 - 3 days.
Normal blood sugar is equivalent to a teaspoon dissolved in the entire volume of blood, so it is actually quite a small number.
When the blood sugar level drops to the minimum glucose becomes insufficient to supply the body's cells. This condition starts in the liver process of converting stored glycogen into glucose as glycogen storage will not be fully exhausted. You feel out of his mouth, "the smell of acetone."
6. In the adult human bone less than a child.
At birth, our body can count more than 300 bones, but as they grow older, some of the bones fuse together, and eventually, they became 206.
7. People - the only mammals unable to breathe and swallow at the same time.
For animals combination of breathing and swallowing is not a problem. Children under 9 months are also capable of it - babies during breastfeeding can breathe.
After this age, our vocal apparatus is below, so that we are able to publish a wide range of different sounds, forming it. However, after that we can no longer breathe and swallow at the same time.
8. The shape of the female nipple can learn about the presence of her children.
As a rule, in nulliparous women the nipple has a tapered shape, have given birth - cylindrical. It is surrounded by the so-called areola diameter of 3-5 centimeters. The pigmentation of the skin nipple and areola differs from the rest of the skin - it is much darker. In nulliparous women - pinkish or dark red, have given birth - brownish.
9. The human body is composed of an average of 7000000000000000000000000000 atoms.
After seven is 27 zeros, about the atoms in the human body, weighing 70 kilograms.
10. Regardless of our age, every atom in our body we have over billions of years.
Hydrogen atoms have arisen as a consequence of the "big bang", about 13, 7 billion. Years ago. The heavier carbon atoms (components 18, 5% of the body) and oxygen (65%) were born inside stars and scattered throughout the universe, after the light died.

1. 15% of the people are no long palmar muscle.
The absence of the tendon does not affect the gripping power. But when there is a need of transplantation, it is a good source - a sort of replacement part in the human body. In other mammals, this is the tendon responsible for deflation claws. Apparently, so do not have it and some people - the need to release the claws in our species is absent.
To check whether you have it, collect all five fingers to pinch and bend the wrist - the tendon clearly visible in the wrist area, provided that it is available.

2. Some people faint after urinated.
As a rule, this type of syncope occurs after the emptying of the bladder, as a consequence of a sharp decrease in blood pressure. This is a result of overstimulation of nerve fibers, providing a change of tone of the bladder and thus to urinate.
To date the origin of this type of loss of consciousness is not fully studied.

3. Your ovaries and testes were born in the same place, and kidneys.
That's why, if you kick someone in the balls, the opponent also feel pain in your lower back. Still not sure, check it out yourself.

4. Your right above the left kidney.
Right above the left kidney at 2, 5 cm, because the hanging above the right kidney liver .. This is the physiological structure of the kidneys in humans. And both men and women.
Men kidney larger in size than the female.

5. Without meal blood sugar levels can be maintained in the normal range up to 2 - 3 days.
Normal blood sugar is equivalent to a teaspoon dissolved in the entire volume of blood, so it is actually quite a small number.
When the blood sugar level drops to the minimum glucose becomes insufficient to supply the body's cells. This condition starts in the liver process of converting stored glycogen into glucose as glycogen storage will not be fully exhausted. You feel out of his mouth, "the smell of acetone."

6. In the adult human bone less than a child.
At birth, our body can count more than 300 bones, but as they grow older, some of the bones fuse together, and eventually, they became 206.

7. People - the only mammals unable to breathe and swallow at the same time.
For animals combination of breathing and swallowing is not a problem. Children under 9 months are also capable of it - babies during breastfeeding can breathe.
After this age, our vocal apparatus is below, so that we are able to publish a wide range of different sounds, forming it. However, after that we can no longer breathe and swallow at the same time.

8. The shape of the female nipple can learn about the presence of her children.
As a rule, in nulliparous women the nipple has a tapered shape, have given birth - cylindrical. It is surrounded by the so-called areola diameter of 3-5 centimeters. The pigmentation of the skin nipple and areola differs from the rest of the skin - it is much darker. In nulliparous women - pinkish or dark red, have given birth - brownish.

9. The human body is composed of an average of 7000000000000000000000000000 atoms.
After seven is 27 zeros, about the atoms in the human body, weighing 70 kilograms.

10. Regardless of our age, every atom in our body we have over billions of years.
Hydrogen atoms have arisen as a consequence of the "big bang", about 13, 7 billion. Years ago. The heavier carbon atoms (components 18, 5% of the body) and oxygen (65%) were born inside stars and scattered throughout the universe, after the light died.
