Wu Yahong

Female billionaire - a rare and unusual phenomenon for the world, especially if the list of well-known ranking Forbes, as a rule, most men. course, every wife of billionaire can consider themselves such, but this envy and pride cause women who were able to earn their own state of mind and hands. Tops the list of the richest women - Wu Yahong (U Yajun) from China.
Biography Wu Yahong
In Yajun was born in 1964 in Chongqing. Since childhood, the girl was fond of design and construction. That is why in 16 years she entered, and in 1984 graduated from one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in China - Northwest Industrial University. It should be noted that while the competition was 200 people in place, and the average age of applicants - 21 years old. 4-position, Wu Yatszyun worked on tool factory engineer, and after becoming a journalist in the department of real estate "City newspaper China." It was another step in the formation of a great real estate empire.
A few years later the richest woman in the world becomes a chief editor of this newspaper, but continues to interview prominent businessmen, investors and realtors. In addition, it is further arranged a hired manager in one of the real estate companies in order to examine more closely this industry in China. When later in Yajun have asked why she chose such a seemingly men's business, she replied simply. In the 1990s, have bought an apartment, renovated in which the establishment of the necessary elements took more than three years, she realized that the instability of the construction market in China and the opportunity to earn standing next.
The first successes in business.
The richest woman in the world enlists the help of investors and opens its first construction company in 1993 with a great name - Jiacheng Economic Development Company with the constitutional capital of over 10 million. Yuan. At that time, she was only 29 years old. A little later, the company was renamed in Chongqing Longfor Properties Co Ltd, which still exists today, and despite all the difficulties in the construction market in China continues to yield huge dividends have Yajun, which allows it to hold until the first position of the ranking. A successful company motto - "Do not save on them!" - Helped to actively penetrate the market, despite the slightly higher prices than its competitors.
In 1994, her company wins major tender for construction of a condominium in Chunkine. This was a real high point for the young woman.
Milestones business
• 1999. All accommodation in a condominium Chunkina sold before completion. This is a real pride for Yajun. At this place it still gives all its customers.
• 2000. The company is expanding its operations, begins to build villas, country houses and even the bulk of the peninsula, thus took the leading position in China's largest construction market.
• 2003. Company Longfor Properties included in the list of top developers.
• 2005. She also led the ranking of the most successful construction companies, thereby surpassing all the other developers. To date Longfor - chief developer Chunkina.
• 2009. Wu Yahong put the company on the stock exchange Gongonkskuyu where her condition was estimated at $ 4 billion. Dollars.
• 2010-2012 year. Tops the list of the richest women in the world by the magazine Forbes. March 2012 her condition is more than 5, 5 billion. Dollars, and its place in the ranking of the richest people in the world already 178.
Success Secrets Wu Yahong
I must say that the name of the billionaire translated as "thundering Asian Army" that defines her style of doing business: work 18 hours, save where it is necessary to take risks, to appreciate employees and be available 24 hours a day. Her whole team submits its principles. Although, I must say it is quite strict with himself and his subordinates. Thus, there is a firm rule: 2 times warned that you will not be available in the plane, you - fired! In general, for such a feature peculiar to the Chinese as workaholism, because the word "business" they mean "life" and "meaning". And the question "why make money?" They never arises: they go and earn. Wu Yahong totally unassuming and modest in their spending. She still works in a small office, secretary and contains no holds meetings in various institutions quite modest. But she will not spare funds to improve the life and increase the salaries of their best employees. In addition, before the start of large-scale projects or after the commissioning of Wu Yahong awards the best workers two-week vacation at the best resorts in the world at the expense of the company. It is an investment in people Yahong Wu believes the most productive. "The most disgusting - watch as a man grows rich on the list, is not benefiting humanity, society, its shareholders and employees. Why, then, do earn? »
Richest Chinese never for a moment doubted the correctness of his choice, even despite the fact that in 2011 the Chinese government has tightened taxes and measures to combat speculation in the industry, and the emergence of more and more real estate companies increases competition. Financiers predict the financial crisis in this area during the next 5 years, but Comrade Wu Yahong not concerned, because the worst thing that can happen - it will lose the leading position among female billionaire.