Yelena Baturina among the three richest business woman

Wife Luzhkov, the president of the company "Inteko" Yelena Baturina among the three richest business woman of the world by the magazine Forbes. The richest woman to break into the club of billionaires, has become a Chinese woman Wu Yahong for $ 3, 9 billion. Mainly on real estate transactions. In second place - Rosalia Mera, co-founder of the empire Zara, «standing" $ 3, 5 billion. Condition Baturina, took third place, the magazine estimated at $ 2, 9 billion. Russian entrepreneur was ahead of such well-known businesswoman, as a TV host Oprah Winfrey ( $ 2, $ 4 billion.), owner of Empire Gap Doris Fisher ($ 2, $ 4 billion.) and author JK Rowling earned on stories about a young wizard Harry Potter $ 1 billion. Total in the world Forbes counted 1,011 billionaires, among which only 14 women. And among women entrepreneurs is clearly dominated by Chinese women. The complete list can be found on the magazine's website.