What very few people saw
Sometimes we are appealing to the concepts that we can not visualize. Yap about what we do not know, in short. For example, rutabaga. Everyone says "rutabaga, turnips!", And asked how it looks - the silence. Or bottom of the barrel. "Bottom of the barrel, bottom of the barrel!", And the SPRO ... Well, you understand. So here's an article about the things that everyone's lips, but not for all to see. Black Box
The namesake of the black boxes of "Fields of miracles" and "What? Where? When? "Is not really a black box, and the orange ball. Scientifically it is called a flight recorder and a recording device is securely hidden in an armored, waterproof and shockproof bright orange housing.
The passenger aircraft are usually installed three flight recorders. Two parametric connected to the sensors of the main systems and reads the flight, and one voice, microphones, which are derived in the cockpit for the purpose of fixing all, even the most abusive of their oaths. Parametric placed between the motors on the center beam of the aircraft. Each flight recorder weighs about 17 kg. And the first was coined in the mid XX century by Australian inventor David Warren. Who and under what circumstances awarded recorder romantic nickname "black box", is still unknown. But it is likely that it was offended by ground maintenance personnel airports, which strictly forbidden to touch the recorder. Generally, all manipulations with the "black box" is carried out by specially trained people in an atmosphere of secrecy that nothing affected the investigation.
Our knowledge about this appendage is incredibly scarce. We only know that the appendix is somewhere inside, somewhere at the bottom, somewhere to the right in the case of inflammation should be "cut to hell, without waiting for peritonitis." And it sort of useless. While those doctors who have dedicated their academic lives to the study of the appendix, refuse to recognize that their work is meaningless, and argue that the appendix is a "farm" for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. In healthy appendix resembles a worm, which can reach a thickness 0, 5-1 cm and a length of 3-20 cm. Although the most common length, because of which it is not necessary from complexes - 7-9 cm. In the fevered state of the appendix swells to several centimeters from pastel pink turns into a blood-red.
Sensation: in front of you is the same mythical rutabaga! Perhaps the most mysterious vegetable. Swede regularly commemorated in conversation, joking about her, she even devoted a line in a song seller of vegetables from the plate Cheburashka "Pumpkin and turnips, imported cranberries!" But hardly anyone saw swede or much less eaten. But before Czar Peter brought back from trips potatoes, rutabaga enjoyed stunning popularity in the entire Russian state. In the dictionary Dahl even have a saying: "Tired of you tell me that the rutabaga." Swede - is the fruit of communication collard greens and turnips, which took place somewhere in the Mediterranean. The first detailed description of a vegetable-mestizo volunteered Swedish botanist abroad XVI-XVII centuries Kaspar Bauhin Several antirossiyane turnips called "Swedish turnip».
Fake Roubles
Today is easier to meet a policeman in a police uniform than the fake one thousand rubles, pretending this. Especially at the moment on the vast territory of the Russian Federation much more counterfeit dollars than rubles. But we still produced thousands of fake and compare it with the present, which has long been lying around in your purse our editor fitness. Like, what a beauty!
Pop Jennifer Lopez
Despite the fact that Jennifer Lopez ass even more popular than the most Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, she is not very eager to show off the ass Jennifer Lopez. There is only one photo shoot, where the actress posing in shorts dimensionless turned booty to the lens. Not that Jennifer drove away from their insured for one million dollars priests people with cameras - she just kept delaying her dresses and jeans. That's why we could not help but share with you a unique frame in which there is nothing superfluous. Just pop Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Lopez and myself something like a bathing suit.
The legend of the mythical strongest attachment, but no less (and maybe more), the great Russian writer Victor Pelevin in dark glasses, no not a legend - truth. During his lecture in Tokyo at the request of the organizer to remove glasses Viktor Pelevin in front of a large Japanese audience suggested that the offender take off his pants (ha ha!). And when the cult photographer Richard Avedon, who shot to Pelevin's cult least weekly The New Yorker, the writer asked for a photo shoot to get rid of extra glasses on his face, he just looked Avedon contemptuous look. However, the photographer did not understand how his eyes looked as Pelevin points and did not take off. Even with sunglasses Victor O. not often seen in the photographs. So seize the moment, look sharp.
A barrel of oil
The etymology of the word "barrel" goes back to the English barrel, which translated means "barrel". The barrel can be different, even beer. But the most popular - is, of course, the American oil barrel that holds 42 gallons of oil, or about 158 988 liters of oil, too. Barrels of oil is always painted in blue - probably to avoid confusion with the red barrels containing oil. There would be a joke about the color-blind, but a little too predictable. Something is wrong here. If someone had rigged a trap ...
If you thought that "Yandex" yellow, you were wrong. It also red and blue. It is the same as in the pictures. Before you is one of the data centers, "Yandex" for up to 7000 servers, each of which processes more than 100 MB of data per second. Servers require constant cooling, which is why under the raised floor data centers devoted to 50 cm for the circulation of air conditioners, cooling the room. When the Russian-language search engine Yandex.ru only came into being (and it happened 13 years ago, after a resounding debut in the IT-exhibition Softool), she had only one data center in Moscow. Now the room with thousands of servers located in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Odessa, Simferopol, Kiev, Kazan and even alien California. In the month of data centers, "Yandex" handle about 2 billion queries. Including wacky - like "can I have to fly to Egypt».
As long as you read this sentence, all the projects of manufacturing nanorobots (ie robots no more than 10 nanometers) are in the research stage and are likely to stay there the next few years. Nevertheless, we are today directly on this page, we can assume, will look like nanorobots. Before you nanobot prototype - ROV length of 25 micrometers. Twirl was invented by the Swiss State Institute of Technology in Zurich and is called "artificial bacterial flagellum." It is assumed that the flagellum be widely used in medicine, in moving fluids in the body, for example, by removing plaque in the arteries.
"Here they are, Penaty!" - Like to say keepers of the St. Petersburg museum-estate Penates (manor house once belonged to the artist Ilya Repin). All other residents of Russia use the word "hearth" in relation to his own home, without thinking about what it means. And well, that does not think, because if thought we had nothing to write, the magazine would be closed down, we would have lost a job, had died in poverty ... In general, hearth and home, according to Roman mythology, the gods, the guardians of the hearth. That is why it is necessary not to return "to the hearth and home," and "to the hearth." The average Roman family had usually two Penates, whose image adorned the fireplace. Probably, therefore, exhausted by idleness on vacation, we relocate to the "native lands", despite the fact that we live in prefabricated homes with central heating.
It's amazing how often some completely useless in the modern life of the words continue to live in spite of worthlessness! Take, for example, the word "bottom of the barrel." Thanks to a fairy tale about Bun, which is known to be childless grandparents scraped together in the bottom of the barrel, this concept continues to live among the people, even though hardly anyone saw the bottom of the barrel. Except for those who are now considering this page, which just shows the bottom of the barrel, or bins - space for unloading systems of grain in the granary in the back of the hut. As you can see, bottom of the barrel - a wooden box with several compartments in which to store grain and flour.
Some mythical place, the personification of "nowhere" and "nothing" really exists, and is the administrative center Uryupinsk district of the Volgograd region. The town with the melodious name Urjupinsk located on the left bank of the river with no less melodious name Hopper at the beginning of the XVII century, and since then there is. Despite the fact that every year thousands of Russians promise to "give up everything, to give up in Uryupinsk ', carried out his plan, probably few, as the city's population does not rise above the level of 40 thousand people. Even tours to Urjupinsk not popular. Although there is something to see! On the ... uh-uh ... Yes, even at the monument to the goat!
Source: m.maximonline.ru
The namesake of the black boxes of "Fields of miracles" and "What? Where? When? "Is not really a black box, and the orange ball. Scientifically it is called a flight recorder and a recording device is securely hidden in an armored, waterproof and shockproof bright orange housing.

The passenger aircraft are usually installed three flight recorders. Two parametric connected to the sensors of the main systems and reads the flight, and one voice, microphones, which are derived in the cockpit for the purpose of fixing all, even the most abusive of their oaths. Parametric placed between the motors on the center beam of the aircraft. Each flight recorder weighs about 17 kg. And the first was coined in the mid XX century by Australian inventor David Warren. Who and under what circumstances awarded recorder romantic nickname "black box", is still unknown. But it is likely that it was offended by ground maintenance personnel airports, which strictly forbidden to touch the recorder. Generally, all manipulations with the "black box" is carried out by specially trained people in an atmosphere of secrecy that nothing affected the investigation.

Our knowledge about this appendage is incredibly scarce. We only know that the appendix is somewhere inside, somewhere at the bottom, somewhere to the right in the case of inflammation should be "cut to hell, without waiting for peritonitis." And it sort of useless. While those doctors who have dedicated their academic lives to the study of the appendix, refuse to recognize that their work is meaningless, and argue that the appendix is a "farm" for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. In healthy appendix resembles a worm, which can reach a thickness 0, 5-1 cm and a length of 3-20 cm. Although the most common length, because of which it is not necessary from complexes - 7-9 cm. In the fevered state of the appendix swells to several centimeters from pastel pink turns into a blood-red.

Sensation: in front of you is the same mythical rutabaga! Perhaps the most mysterious vegetable. Swede regularly commemorated in conversation, joking about her, she even devoted a line in a song seller of vegetables from the plate Cheburashka "Pumpkin and turnips, imported cranberries!" But hardly anyone saw swede or much less eaten. But before Czar Peter brought back from trips potatoes, rutabaga enjoyed stunning popularity in the entire Russian state. In the dictionary Dahl even have a saying: "Tired of you tell me that the rutabaga." Swede - is the fruit of communication collard greens and turnips, which took place somewhere in the Mediterranean. The first detailed description of a vegetable-mestizo volunteered Swedish botanist abroad XVI-XVII centuries Kaspar Bauhin Several antirossiyane turnips called "Swedish turnip».

Fake Roubles
Today is easier to meet a policeman in a police uniform than the fake one thousand rubles, pretending this. Especially at the moment on the vast territory of the Russian Federation much more counterfeit dollars than rubles. But we still produced thousands of fake and compare it with the present, which has long been lying around in your purse our editor fitness. Like, what a beauty!

Pop Jennifer Lopez
Despite the fact that Jennifer Lopez ass even more popular than the most Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, she is not very eager to show off the ass Jennifer Lopez. There is only one photo shoot, where the actress posing in shorts dimensionless turned booty to the lens. Not that Jennifer drove away from their insured for one million dollars priests people with cameras - she just kept delaying her dresses and jeans. That's why we could not help but share with you a unique frame in which there is nothing superfluous. Just pop Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Lopez and myself something like a bathing suit.

The legend of the mythical strongest attachment, but no less (and maybe more), the great Russian writer Victor Pelevin in dark glasses, no not a legend - truth. During his lecture in Tokyo at the request of the organizer to remove glasses Viktor Pelevin in front of a large Japanese audience suggested that the offender take off his pants (ha ha!). And when the cult photographer Richard Avedon, who shot to Pelevin's cult least weekly The New Yorker, the writer asked for a photo shoot to get rid of extra glasses on his face, he just looked Avedon contemptuous look. However, the photographer did not understand how his eyes looked as Pelevin points and did not take off. Even with sunglasses Victor O. not often seen in the photographs. So seize the moment, look sharp.

A barrel of oil
The etymology of the word "barrel" goes back to the English barrel, which translated means "barrel". The barrel can be different, even beer. But the most popular - is, of course, the American oil barrel that holds 42 gallons of oil, or about 158 988 liters of oil, too. Barrels of oil is always painted in blue - probably to avoid confusion with the red barrels containing oil. There would be a joke about the color-blind, but a little too predictable. Something is wrong here. If someone had rigged a trap ...

If you thought that "Yandex" yellow, you were wrong. It also red and blue. It is the same as in the pictures. Before you is one of the data centers, "Yandex" for up to 7000 servers, each of which processes more than 100 MB of data per second. Servers require constant cooling, which is why under the raised floor data centers devoted to 50 cm for the circulation of air conditioners, cooling the room. When the Russian-language search engine Yandex.ru only came into being (and it happened 13 years ago, after a resounding debut in the IT-exhibition Softool), she had only one data center in Moscow. Now the room with thousands of servers located in Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Odessa, Simferopol, Kiev, Kazan and even alien California. In the month of data centers, "Yandex" handle about 2 billion queries. Including wacky - like "can I have to fly to Egypt».

As long as you read this sentence, all the projects of manufacturing nanorobots (ie robots no more than 10 nanometers) are in the research stage and are likely to stay there the next few years. Nevertheless, we are today directly on this page, we can assume, will look like nanorobots. Before you nanobot prototype - ROV length of 25 micrometers. Twirl was invented by the Swiss State Institute of Technology in Zurich and is called "artificial bacterial flagellum." It is assumed that the flagellum be widely used in medicine, in moving fluids in the body, for example, by removing plaque in the arteries.

"Here they are, Penaty!" - Like to say keepers of the St. Petersburg museum-estate Penates (manor house once belonged to the artist Ilya Repin). All other residents of Russia use the word "hearth" in relation to his own home, without thinking about what it means. And well, that does not think, because if thought we had nothing to write, the magazine would be closed down, we would have lost a job, had died in poverty ... In general, hearth and home, according to Roman mythology, the gods, the guardians of the hearth. That is why it is necessary not to return "to the hearth and home," and "to the hearth." The average Roman family had usually two Penates, whose image adorned the fireplace. Probably, therefore, exhausted by idleness on vacation, we relocate to the "native lands", despite the fact that we live in prefabricated homes with central heating.

It's amazing how often some completely useless in the modern life of the words continue to live in spite of worthlessness! Take, for example, the word "bottom of the barrel." Thanks to a fairy tale about Bun, which is known to be childless grandparents scraped together in the bottom of the barrel, this concept continues to live among the people, even though hardly anyone saw the bottom of the barrel. Except for those who are now considering this page, which just shows the bottom of the barrel, or bins - space for unloading systems of grain in the granary in the back of the hut. As you can see, bottom of the barrel - a wooden box with several compartments in which to store grain and flour.

Some mythical place, the personification of "nowhere" and "nothing" really exists, and is the administrative center Uryupinsk district of the Volgograd region. The town with the melodious name Urjupinsk located on the left bank of the river with no less melodious name Hopper at the beginning of the XVII century, and since then there is. Despite the fact that every year thousands of Russians promise to "give up everything, to give up in Uryupinsk ', carried out his plan, probably few, as the city's population does not rise above the level of 40 thousand people. Even tours to Urjupinsk not popular. Although there is something to see! On the ... uh-uh ... Yes, even at the monument to the goat!

Source: m.maximonline.ru